Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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RE: Future EXs ideas
Attack names don't really mean anything, you know. I mean, they could, but it's not required. You wouldn't have something like
C - Explosive Evolution
Draw a card.
FPLGW - Call for Family - 200
Discard all Energy attached to all Pokémon in play.
So what? Having it colored makes it fairer. Not saying it's not broken already. You're doing 140 damage for five if you have a full Bench and they have only their Active. Assuming each player will have 3-5 Benched Pokémon at all times, you're looking at anywhere from 160 to 240 damage with no drawbacks, every single turn. For five Energy. Hello Blastoise ex. Thank god it isn't Boostable.Andyman said:That Ludicolo ex should not need any water energy for Dance Party cause dances has nothing to do with water.
Attack names don't really mean anything, you know. I mean, they could, but it's not required. You wouldn't have something like
C - Explosive Evolution
Draw a card.
FPLGW - Call for Family - 200
Discard all Energy attached to all Pokémon in play.