future ex's

RE: Future EXs ideas

Andyman said:
That Ludicolo ex should not need any water energy for Dance Party cause dances has nothing to do with water.
So what? Having it colored makes it fairer. Not saying it's not broken already. You're doing 140 damage for five if you have a full Bench and they have only their Active. Assuming each player will have 3-5 Benched Pokémon at all times, you're looking at anywhere from 160 to 240 damage with no drawbacks, every single turn. For five Energy. Hello Blastoise ex. Thank god it isn't Boostable.

Attack names don't really mean anything, you know. I mean, they could, but it's not required. You wouldn't have something like

C - Explosive Evolution
Draw a card.


FPLGW - Call for Family - 200
Discard all Energy attached to all Pokémon in play.

RE: Future EXs ideas

escata said:
2 new exs

Primeape ex

Poké-body: Coin Flip Anger
Whenever you flip a coin (due to an effect of a trainer card, special energy card, special condition, poké-body, poké-power or effect of an attack) and flip tails, any Mankey, Primeape and Primeape ex you have in play cause 20 more damage to the active pokémon if they attack in the same turn. You can't use more than one coin flip anger poke-body each turn

[F][C]Full Charged Reckless Punch 100
During your next turn, all damage done to Primeape ex by opponent's attacks is increased by 50 (after applying weakness and resistance). If you have only one prize left, this attack does nothing.

[F][C][C][C] Uncivilized Rage. 80
Discard all your opponent’s trainer cards in play (before they affect damage). Instead of causing 80 damage, you may do 50 damage to each of your opponent’s active pokémon. Primeape ex is now confused.

Weakness: [P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: -
Wow, you hate flipping tails, don't you?

Your wording's a bit off, but I get what you're trying to say.

I also don't think "Full Charged Reckless Punch" would fit on one line. Maybe, but I'm not sure. Attack names are always the same size, so keep that in mind. This probably would not fit on an actual card because of the ex rule and lengthy effects for your Poké-Body and two attacks. All that aside, FCRP seems kinda... pointless. Increased damage to self by 50? You live through like one turn.

escata said:
Fearow ex

Poké-body: Aerial Sentinel
If Fearow ex is in your bench, all your opponent’s pokémon with resistance to [F] can’t use poké-powers or poké-bodies and whenever one of those pokémon attacks, put 2 damage counters on it.

[C]Recovery dive 20
Search your discard pile for 1 energy card and put it into your hand. You may switch Fearow ex with 1 of your benched pokémon, if any.

[C][C][C] Boosted strike 60
If you have a boost energy attached to Fearow ex, your opponent switch the defending pokémon with one of his or her benched pokémon, if any. Then, you switch Fearow ex with one of your benched pokémon, if any.

Weakness: [L]
Resistance: [F]
Retreat cost: -

(note: fearow ex's power is cumulative)

Not fair if it's cumulative. Anything that's resistant to Fighting takes 80 whenever they attack? No way. And I note that Fearow ex is immune to Desert Ruins and has magical Retreat Cost... :p Boosted Strike is decent. You can Rare Candy into this turn one, drop a Boost, BS to the face, and run away because the Bench is where Fearow ex needs to stay.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Here's another from me, this time the young man to come with her ;)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Wailord ex
200 hp
poke-body: Water Accumilate
Every basic energy card attached to Wailord ex counts as water energy.
WW Rest Attack 30
This attack can be used even if Wailord ex is asleep. Wailord ex is now asleep and remove 5 damage counterts from Wailord ex.
WWWWW Tsunami
Discard 3 water energy cards attached to Wailord ex. Choose one of your opponent's pokemon. This attack does 200 damage to that pokemon. (Don't apply resistance for this damage)
retreat cost:5 (YOWZERS!!!)
If you like Glalie ex, go down to where we made our own ex's in fan creations of whatever and look at mine, i don't remember what it did, but it was pretty sweet.

Arcanine out.
RE:  Future EXs ideas

Pokefan4000 said:
Wailord ex
200 hp
poke-body: Water Accumilate
Every basic energy card attached to Wailord ex counts as water energy.
WW Rest Attack 30
This attack can be used even if Wailord ex is asleep. Wailord ex is now asleep and remove 5 damage counterts from Wailord ex.
WWWWW Tsunami
Discard 3 water energy cards attached to Wailord ex. Choose one of your opponent's pokemon. This attack does 200 damage to that pokemon. (Don't apply resistance for this damage)
retreat cost:5 (YOWZERS!!!)

Good card, but Tsunami should be discard 5 Water Energies attached to Wailord EX. Rest Attack shouldn't do damage because constantly removing 5 damage counters and doing damage 30 damage from a 200 HP Pokemon is broken.
RE: Future EXs ideas

I invented a Manaphy ex

Manaphy ex                              90HP [W]

poké-POWER Voyage Guide
Once during you turn, before you attack, you may search your deck for a supporter card, shuffle your deck, then put the card on top of your deck.

[W] Low Tide
You may move all basic[W] energy cards attached to all of your [W] pokémon to Manaphy. If you do, shuffle you hand into your deck, count the number [W] pokémon you have in play and draw that many cards

[W][W][C]Sea Support           20x
Does 20 damage times the number of [W] pokémon in play.

weakness: é
retreat cost: [C]
V click to see it (no high quality, you'll see :))


  • manaphy ex.GIF
    manaphy ex.GIF
    26.8 KB · Views: 91
RE:  Future EXs ideas

cute-mew said:
I invented a Manaphy ex

Manaphy ex                              90HP [W]

poké-POWER Voyage Guide
Once during you turn, before you attack, you may search your deck for a supporter card, shuffle your deck, then put the card on top of your deck.

[W] Low Tide
You may move all basic[W] energy cards attached to all of your [W] pokémon to Manaphy. If you do, shuffle you hand into your deck and draw cards equal to the number of [W] pokémon you have in play

[W][W][C]Sea Support           20x
Does 20 damage times the number of [W] pokémon in play.

weakness: é
retreat cotst: [C]

Cool EX, but we don't know what Manaphy is capable of.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Considering how little we know about the thing, nice job.

I'm pretty sure Low Tide should be along the lines of 'count the number of (W) Pokemon you have in play, then draw that many cards', but I'm not at all sure about that.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Sudowoodo EX is too powerful for a basic and having high hp doesn't make any sense for a basic EX, ariados EX is has too high of a hp for a stage 2 pokemon and its poke power is broken.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Gengar EX
150 HP(P)

Poke Body: Ghostly Glare.
Your opponent's evolved Pokemon EX cannot use any Poke Powers or Poke Bodies and cannot attach special energy cards(except Dark and Metal Energy cards) from their hand to them.

(P)(C) Curse
If Gengar EX would be attacked during your opponents next turn, put 5 damage counters on the attacking Pokemon.

(P)(P)(C) Ghostly Curse 60
If you have more prize cards left than your opponent put 6 damage counters on your opponents Pokemon any way you like.

Weakness: (D)(P)
Resistance: (F)(C)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

Wobbuffet EX
130 HP(P)
Poke Body: Shadow Tag
Your opponent's active Pokemon cannot retreat.

(P)(P) Counter
If Wobbuffet EX would be damaged by your opponents active Pokemon during your opponents next turn put the amount of damage on the Defending Pokemon.

(P)(P) Destiny Bond
If Wobbuffet EX would be knocked out during your next turn by a Pokemon, that Pokemon is now knocked out.

Weakness: (P)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)
RE:  Future EXs ideas

Gengar EX
150 HP(P)

Poke Body: Ghostly Glare.
Your opponent's evolved Pokemon EX cannot use any Poke Powers or Poke Bodies and cannot attach special energy cards(except Dark and Metal Energy cards) from their hand to them.

(P)(C) Curse
If Gengar EX would be attacked during your opponents next turn, put 5 damage counters on the attacking Pokemon.

(P)(P)(C) Ghostly Curse 60
If you have more prize cards left than your opponent put 6 damage counters on your opponents Pokemon any way you like.

Weakness: (D)(P)
Resistance: (F)(C)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

Wobbuffet EX
130 HP(P)
Poke Body: Shadow Tag
Your opponent's active Pokemon cannot retreat.

(P)(P) Counter
If Wobbuffet EX would be damaged by your opponents active Pokemon during your opponents next turn put the amount of damage on the Defending Pokemon.

(P)(P) Destiny Bond
If Wobbuffet EX would be knocked out during your next turn by a Pokemon, that Pokemon is now knocked out.

Weakness: (P)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)

the cards are based on the game to much, and wobbufet is to strong, You must do 130 to knock it out in 1 turn, and if you didn't, you'll get your own damage back. I'm sure Nintendo would never make a card like that
destiny bound: you have to discard an energy card attach to wobbufet, look at the original gastly from fossil

your spelling is bad, sorry. Gengar's attack should be
(P)(P)(C) Ghostly Curse 60
If you have more prize cards left than your opponent, this attack does no damage. put 6 damage counters on your opponents Pokemon any way you like.
(when you put damage counters it's not damage)
RE: Future EXs ideas

I edit my Alakazam attacks

This my new ex

Starmie ex (delta species) 100HP [L]

Poke-Body Extra Metal Navigation
Shuffle 1 card from your hand into your deck. You may either search for 2 [M] energy from your deck or discard pile.

[L] [C] Thunder 60
Starmie ex does 20 damage to it self

Weakness: [P]
Retreat Cost: [C]
RE: Future EXs ideas

here's my manaphy ex again, in a simple-style card, I made this kind of cards long ago, because no long work needed to make these cards (this one was made in 5 minutes), I know it doesnt look much like a real card but it's easy to look at, I didn't want to spend hours on a card and searching for the right fond, the right pictures and the right place to put everything, so I made it like this :)

Torkoal EX(R)
retreat cost: (C)(C)(C)

poke-body: Fiery wall

All dmg done to Torkoal EX by a (G) pokemon is reduced by 10 and if Torkoal EX is affected by a special condition, dmg done to it is reduced by 20 from every pokemon in play(including yours)

(R)(R) - Fire Shooting- 30
does 10 dmg to all of opponent's bench pokemon

(R)(R)(R) - Hyper Flame - 60

(R)(R)(R)(R)(C) - Overheat - 100
discard 2 (R) energy attach to torkoal EX and torkoal EX does 10 dmg to itself.you also cant use this attack during yr next turn
RE: Future EXs ideas

About Primeape ex and fearow ex

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Your wording's a bit off, but I get what you're trying to say.

I also don't think "Full Charged Reckless Punch" would fit on one line. Maybe, but I'm not sure. Attack names are always the same size, so keep that in mind. This probably would not fit on an actual card because of the ex rule and lengthy effects for your Poké-Body and two attacks. All that aside, FCRP seems kinda... pointless. Increased damage to self by 50? You live through like one turn.


Not fair if it's cumulative. Anything that's resistant to Fighting takes 80 whenever they attack? No way. And I note that Fearow ex is immune to Desert Ruins and has magical Retreat Cost... :p Boosted Strike is decent. You can Rare Candy into this turn one, drop a Boost, BS to the face, and run away because the Bench is where Fearow ex needs to stay.

Yes, I hate flip coins a lot! Have you seen Hypno ex? It is my best creation, and can combo with practically anything (even my opponent could benefit from it :D)

Primeape ex
I wasn't thinking about size of names of attacks before, thanks for having pointed that (I would never notice it, maybe only when photoshoping a card... then I would make the changes).

FCRP is really broken for a 2 energy attack to cause 100. If the pokebody works, it is a 120 damage. Can be played easily in turn 2, when most decks aren't ready to counter with an attack that causes decent damage, and primeape doesn't require to discard cards. My idea is that I can continuously use it, making KOs every turn. But if so, primeape wouldn't survive 3 turns (10 damage attacks would cause 60 at primeape). So 2 KO for me and 1 ex KO for my opponent. Fair. I added the last prize limitation to not make it ridiculously easy to win a sudden death match.

Fearow ex
Maybe 2 damage counters is broken as you said, ... 8, if i have 4 fearow ex. I'll edit that and make only 1 damage counter (so, maximum 4 placed, still good) But I don't think a deck would use 4 fearows in the first place. (maybe only because of the power :))
There is always battle frontier and seal crystal (from MC) to counter that and my opponent could also have another fearow ex. Not every deck uses [f] resistant pokémon. And if so, they could recover. Pidgeot never attacks, anyway...

Anyway, what I liked is this card is the idea ("the little story") about the name of aerial sentinel: Nobody can fly while fearow ex is in your bench! :p.

I imagine a pidgeot flying happily to make its quick search when suddenly, an expectted fearow ex appears from the sky and starts pecking Pidgeot frenetically, until Pidgeot lands, stopping its quick search. The more fearow ex, the better. :D
RE: Future EXs ideas

my machamp ex:

machamp ex[f] 150 hp
pokebody:strong strengh
If the defending pokemon is a basic pokemon,the attack does 30 more damage.

knock punch[ff] 40
discard all trainer cards attach to the defending pokemon.

super mega punch[fff]70+
if the pokemon is a normal type pokemon,this attack does 30 more damage.

retreat cost:[ccc]
RE: Future EXs ideas

I've got a few ideas myself...
Torkoal ex 100HP {R}
Poke-Body: Superb Radiation
If the Defending Pokemon damages Torkoal ex, it is now Burned.
{RRC} Flamethrower 80
Discard a {R} Energy attached to Torkoal ex
{RRRR} Flaming Fury 100
Flip a coin. If tails, Torkoal ex is now Confused.

Hitmonlee ex 100 HP {F}
Poke-Body: Stages of Evelution
As long as Hitmonlee ex is an Evolved Pokemon, it does 20 more damage.
{FF} Doublekick 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.
{FFF} High Jump Kick 70

Hitmontop ex 110 HP {F}
Poke-Body: Stages of Evolution
As long as Hitmontop ex is an Evoled Pokemon, every Energy card attached to it is now {F} type.
{F} Whirlwind 20
Switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon
{FCC} Spinning Top 30
This attack does 30 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.