Future Metagame Speculation Thread

RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Even so the deck runs into every problem that Darkrai Hydreigon ever had, plus the fact that it only has 4 movable energy with actually makes Porygon-Z useless. And if you're talking about after Enhanced Hammer rotates, Max Potion will have rotated too, so there's little point to energy moving, and certainly not moving so little energy, and certainly not with a stage 2.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Gold Max Potion is probably gonna be released here, as it is part of Thunder Knuckle, and Ultra ball as well, is in its gold form in Spiral Force
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Okay, so now you get to move 4 Energy max in your entire deck with a stage 2. And its all colorless. And the only attacker that actually makes use of that energy very well promptly discards it. Why is this even a discussion again?
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Until we see a format where Stage 2 techs work (which isn't happening anytime soon), Porygon-Z is terrible. The only reason why he might ever work is because Plasma Energy can be accelerated onto the field extremely quickly, and you could use that energy for other attackers, but Stage 2's are slow anyway and it isn't really worth it when there are much better energy acceleration engines out there. That's not even mentioning the Fighting weakness and the fact that the format is only getting faster as time goes on.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Now that we've got Cradily swag going on, it'll be interesting to see what kind of Stage-2 toolbox decks are going on. Haxorus is a really nifty card, and I think this deck could actually get its feet off the ground. Virizion-EX might even be a fun partner with Cradily, even though the most popular option at the moment is with Genesect-EX. I'd like to see the Grass-types make a comeback and put the Keldeo in its place haha. I really like the direction this game is going. It's gonna to be intense at Nationals this year. There hasn't been such a variety of possibilities, (well, in my opinion), since the ex-series, and those were some good times.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Nationals this year will not include this set. Plasma Freeze will be our last set before Nationals unless something goes awry.

I'll say flat out my opionion-I think Cradily is terrible, at least for now. I look forward to seeing something out of it in the future, but right now, it's way too slow. Assuming you get the perfect set up, you won't even have Stage 2's out until the end of your second turn. Then you need to power them up. What makes it even worse is that the deck wouldn't have any backup plan; you either get your set up, or the 0-0-3 lines of Stage 2's you run will be totally useless. That doesn't even factor in the fact that there aren't a whole lot of good Stage 2 attackers right now. Haxorus is cool, but if you start attaching to it on your third turn, it isn't going to get very far with opposing basics hitting for big damage Turn 1 or 2. The 3 turn set up is what really kills the card, but until we get some really good Stage 2 attackers, I can't even think of a reason to use it.

Granted, we don't even know the format this set is going to be in, so its possible it could work. I highly doubt it though unless we get a really weird rotation.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Before we judge Cradily, I'd wait till we know it's exact wording. Cause if it says treat the pokemon as basics......Prism.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Prism might be rotated at that point unless it's ND-on. We should wait for the rotation to happen to discuss any of this lol. Even with Prism (which I doubt works because it's still a Stage 2, not a Basic), most basic attackers outclass Stage 2 ones.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

I could see it working with Stage 2 Pokemon that only need one or two energy. Empoleon is still fairly good, same for Garchomp, Chandelure and Kingdra have some potential too. Techy Stage 2's like Dusknoir and Leavanny are easier to play this way also. Heck, Beautifly looks pretty nice too, depends on how toolbox-like your build is.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Blah said:
Nationals this year will not include this set. Plasma Freeze will be our last set before Nationals unless something goes awry.

WHAT!? Aw man. I'm bummed.

Regardless, I have the same question as RogueChomp. If only we had Rainbow Energy...
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

The supporters is my question... I know that thi si basically manditory...
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
2 Colress
That is basically my supporters in most decks... Will Caitlyn change this? Will it be worth running? Can it rplace N and Skyla? Just want to here you opinions.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Caitlin won't replace N because N is a very good disruptive card, and I(and certainly many others) have made late-game comebacks by N-ing the opponent into one or two cards. She'll see play definetely IF Cradily sees play, as it can dump the Lileeps to the bottom of the deck to be restored
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

What about in Keldeo decks where N already is banned from? Would caitlin work there? And what decks will Ghestis gety into to? (non-disruption)
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

N is not gonna be Banned, it's gonna rotate, it's different. Well, you'll still have Juniper, Bianca and Colress and they all seem pretty better than Caitlin
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

I did not mean literally banned but people running Keldeo/Blastoise do not like running N, I run Cheren instead of N in my version of Keldeo.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Cradilly has it's problems: It's still a pain to set up, lileep doesn't even count as a basic (so you still need some strong basics to hold the field while you set up), and there's always catcher, BUT it lets you get multiple stage 2s out at once. You can tech in any stage 1 or stage 2 without weak basics taking up deck space. Remember those lock decks that used multiple stage 2s,(gothitelle reuniclis), that's going to be much easier to set up. You essentially only needs one line to combo any kind of ability.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

Tyrant said:
I did not mean literally banned but people running Keldeo/Blastoise do not like running N, I run Cheren instead of N in my version of Keldeo.

You certaintly don't know the right people
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

How will the card "Caitlin" work on PlayTCG? That would be interesting to know how it would work.
RE: Future Metagame Speculation

It probably won't. Pokedex doesn't really work that well on ptcg either and neither did Slowking (the one that looks at the top cards of a deck, rotated now).