BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Since only my Sealeo is the one that doesn't take damage. Plus Rain Dance is way more useful to my team so I may seriously consider using Thunder on Lanturn. And the fact that I don't want to have to use two weather moves.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Blizzard has 70 accuracy outside of Hail. This is the same as Thunder. I don't know if you've used either before but 70 might as well be 40 accuracy. You'll miss at the worst times like crazy.
RE: In-game Team Rates

The only time I might use Hail is with Drake, since if I don't, I'm most likely screwed. However, I have had good accuracy luck with it before.
I'm more annoyed none of my Pokemon can learn a good Dragon type move so I can only hit Kingdra for Neutral damage.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'm not saying that you should use Hail; I'm saying that you should use Ice Beam over Blizzard. It still hits hard, has much better accuracy, and more PP.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Shadow Arceus said:
I'm not saying that you should use Hail; I'm saying that you should use Ice Beam over Blizzard. It still hits hard, has much better accuracy, and more PP.

The problem is that Ice Beam is far harder to obtain than Blizzard. While Blizzard tms can be bought repreatedly for not that much money, I don't think you can get a second Ice beam tm in Emerald and if you can it is very hard to obtain.
RE: In-game Team Rates

You can obtain unlimited IB TMs, at the Game Corner. I will probably buy one after game, and clone it then replace Blizzard with Ice Beam.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I just noticed that they removed the Game Corner from 5th gen (probably due to gambling references). Back on topic, I'd say the only time which Blizzard and Thunder are usable are in weather teams, usually seen in competitive battling. Keep them away from in-game teams, because for some reason the computer seems to have a lot of hax on their side.
RE: In-game Team Rates

my team consists of

espeon choice scarf/the glasses that boost sp attack

calm mind
shadow ball
reasoning: well a good sp sweeper with the ability to kill ghosts

heracross rocky helmet/focus sash

faint attack

reasoning: a good physical attacker with the ability to repel all stronger and faster physical attackers

elektross i havent put an item on this bad boy yet suggestions would be nice

dragon claw

reasoning: well levitate equals no weakness plus it can beat other electric types

gliscor: itemless

ice fang/fire fang
thunder fang
x scissor

reasoning: negates electric and ground moves and can counter its weaknesses with an ridiculous amount of attack strength

drapion air balloon

toxic spikes
brick break
faint attack

reasoning: a good defensive dark type that can set the field and scope out the opponenets pokemon and poison the majority of the opposition

politoad rocky helmet/ focus sash depends on heracross

ice beam

reasoning: well a good water counterer with good defense/ and slightly over average attack and sp attack
RE: In-game Team Rates

akolad said:
my team consists of

espeon choice scarf/the glasses that boost sp attack

calm mind
shadow ball
reasoning: well a good sp sweeper with the ability to kill ghosts
I'd take Psychic out and replace it with Morning Sun; Espeon will appreciate the recovery more than another attacking move.

heracross rocky helmet/focus sash

faint attack

reasoning: a good physical attacker with the ability to repel all stronger and faster physical attackers
Take Faint Attack and Counter off; Faint Attack is too weak. If you want a Dark type move, go with Night Slash. Shadow Claw could work and gives the same coverage. Never use Counter ever. It is too situational and Heracross will not enjoy taking a hit to use Counter, plus the opponent could use a Special move. I'd recommend using Close Combat instead, as Heracross would much prefer having the sheer power of CC. If the defense lower turns you off, then Brick Break is a much weaker alternative which could be used.
I'd use Life Orb/Choice Band instead of Focus Sash/Rocky Helmet; Heracross has enough defense to live a hit or two which makes Focus Sash redundant, but it isn't a totally defensive Pokemon making Rocky Helmet -slightly- redundant.

elektross i havent put an item on this bad boy yet suggestions would be nice

dragon claw

reasoning: well levitate equals no weakness plus it can beat other electric types
For an item Life Orb could be used; the set looks like it wants to deal as much damage as possible. Wild Charge could be used depending if your Eelektross has a higher Atk. Stat. Grass Knot could be used if you find you have problems with Ground type Pokemon; I'd take Dragon Claw out and replace it with Grass Knot, due to the fact that Dragon Claw only hits one type for SE damage and lots of your other Pokemon seem able to deal with that type relatively easily.

gliscor: itemless Leftovers due to the fact it will appreciate the added healing.

ice fang/fire fang
thunder fang
x scissor
I'd take X-Scissor out and have all the Elemental Fangs; Gliscor will appreciate the different coverage available with these moves.

reasoning: negates electric and ground moves and can counter its weaknesses with an ridiculous amount of attack strength

drapion air balloon

toxic spikes
brick break
faint attack

reasoning: a good defensive dark type that can set the field and scope out the opponenets pokemon and poison the majority of the opposition
I'd take Faint Attack out and put Crunch in. Cross Poison is an option if your Drapion has Sniper. Thunder Fang could be an option if you want to be able to hit Skarmory effectively.

politoad rocky helmet/ focus sash depends on heracross

ice beam

reasoning: well a good water counterer with good defense/ and slightly over average attack and sp attack
If I were you, I'd just go for one attacking option. I'd recommend using Special based moves, since Poli has higher SpA than attack. Hypnosis and Toxic could be used if you want to annoy the opponent with Status moves. EQ and Bounce could be replaced for Psychic and Focus Blast.
I'd use Leftovers. Poli will appreciate the healing more than a Rocky Helmet.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here is my White team (I would post all my teams but in each game I have has seven members or eight which I switch in and out with my PC)
(not putting in natures)
Mienshao Item:Leftovers
U turn
Rock Slide
Hi Jump Kick

Musharna Item:Scope Lens
Dream Eater

Dragonite Item:Lustrous Orb
Dragon Claw
Aqua Tail
Hydregion (I think thats how you spell it) Item: None (Not every pokemon needs item)
Hyper Voice
Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse

Spiritomb Item:Black Glasses
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball
Silver Wind

Number 6 varies on what I doing but I need help with making this pokemon more um... defensive....
Shedninja Item: Focus Band (it suppose to work sometimes but so far it worked 2/45 and I not kidding those are real numbers!)
Shadow Ball
Aerial Ace
Spite (Get rid of them overheats stone egdes and FIRE BLASTS :D)

Thats right no starter pokemon (my little Oshawott ) -Oshawott completely stunned-
RE: In-game Team Rates

Lustrous Orb is wasted on Dragonite, as it only works on Palkia.
On Hydreigon, I'd replace Hyper Voice with Fire Blast; it means it can damage Steel-types, and provides good coverage. It would benefit from a Life Orb as it will appreciate the added power.
RE: In-game Team Rates

akolad said:
my team consists of

espeon choice scarf/the glasses that boost sp attack

calm mind
shadow ball
reasoning: well a good sp sweeper with the ability to kill ghosts

heracross rocky helmet/focus sash

faint attack

reasoning: a good physical attacker with the ability to repel all stronger and faster physical attackers

elektross i havent put an item on this bad boy yet suggestions would be nice

dragon claw

reasoning: well levitate equals no weakness plus it can beat other electric types

gliscor: itemless

ice fang/fire fang
thunder fang
x scissor

reasoning: negates electric and ground moves and can counter its weaknesses with an ridiculous amount of attack strength

drapion air balloon

toxic spikes
brick break
faint attack

reasoning: a good defensive dark type that can set the field and scope out the opponenets pokemon and poison the majority of the opposition

politoad rocky helmet/ focus sash depends on heracross

ice beam

reasoning: well a good water counterer with good defense/ and slightly over average attack and sp attack

Why on earth, first of all, are you using a specs + calm mind Espeon? Like what? When you have a choice item, you use it for sweeping. BOOSTS ARE USELESS WITH CHOICE ITEMS. It obviously looks like you want a special sweeper with your Espy, and I had one of my own in SoulSilver. I would recommend:

Signal Beam (only available in gen 4, but REALLY WORTH IT!!)
Hidden Power [fighting or fire]
Shadow Ball

or something similar. If Signal Beam is unavailable because you transferred to 5th gen, do Grass Knot or something. Additionally, there is no point at all in having Psychic and Psyshock. I realize there are physical and special walls, but there's no need for both. Pick one.

Do NOT sash Heracross or give it a Rocky Helmet. Choice Band is the only item that makes sense. What are you doing? Life Orb is the only other option, but (and I also used a Heracross for my SoulSilver) its HP and defenses are too frail to take the Life Orb Recoil. As far as moves go:

Night Slash (Faint Attack is like the worst move Hera carries, ESPECIALLY if it's not running Choice Band)
Close Combat

I had that exact set for SS with Choice Band and never once in casual metagame nor storyline did it fail me. Like the poster above, counter is flaky and nobody uses it.

It seems like you really want a physical Eelektross, which is fine, but I think it serves a much better role as a special or mixed (which you sort of have) attacker:

Thunderbolt (Great choice)
Flamethrower (Better coverage than D-Claw)
Grass Knot
Brick Break

Yeah. Not much to say. It works better mixed the other way (more special).

You should probably put Leftovers on your Gliscor OR if it's from the dream world, it is highly effective to use a Toxic Orb because Poison Heal gets all the benefits of Leftovers, but it is immune to other crippling statuses. I would highly recommend:

Ice Fang
Move of your choice

You get decent coverage with EQ and Ice Fang. Protect ensures another 1/8 of your max HP given back to you.

I'm pretty sure that this is an in-game team, because you have no support or walls on it. Since the above Pokémon do a more than adequate job with physical/special sweeping (and Gliscor is somewhat of a tank), you should really use Drapion to your advantage as support and defense. Give it Leftovers as well.

Toxic Spikes
Taunt/Other move of your choice

Toxic Spikes and Whirlwind is a basic measure of pHazing your opponents into residual damage. Then, you have Crunch or EQ for coverage.

Again, you have no support options and you need some. Politoed fills that role perfectly. Give it Leftovers.

Scald/Ice Beam/Surf
Perish Song/Protect/Move of your choice

Perish Song forces switches on wifi battles and this is a general support set.

Hope this helps![/b]
RE: In-game Team Rates


Why not use focus sash on shedinja? It would always work once, and then you're guranteed to spite them down and then kill at least 1 Pokémon. Not to mention if you Revive it, it will work again.
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Heart Gold team: I did NOT SR for these Pokemon, nor EV train. As well as I do not know the IVs. My team is also still being leveled up, so do NOT criticize me for that.

Lvl 81 Togekiss (M) @Nothing
Hasty Nature
Ability: Serene Grace
Sweet Kiss
Air Slash
Aura Sphere (considering putting on Flamethrower instead)

The premier of the team, Togekiss! The only reason he is significantly higher in level than the others is because Togekiss levels easier than the others. Roost provides recovery, and Sweet Kiss is a filler until I can find Thunder Wave. Air Slash gets STAB, as well as it has a 60% chance to flinch the opponent. Aura Sphere hits Steel Pokemon, and any other Pokemon that resists Air Slash.

lvl 75 Hitmonlee (M) @Luck Incense
Naughty Nature
Ability: Reckless
Blaze Kick
Close Combat
Fake Out
Hi Jump Kick

Hitmonlee is probably my favorite team member, he's very powerful. Close Combat gets a nice STAB boost, and does all around good damage. Blaze Kick takes care of Grass Pokemon as well as Steel-types for when I don't want to risk CC or HJK. Fake Out breaks Sashes(lool), and is nice to deal some damage to faster enemies before they can to you. High Jump Kick is also powerful, and gets boosted in power thanks to Reckless.

lvl 73 Gengar (M) @Amulet Coin
Mild Nature
Ability: Levitate
Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Gengar, the other special attacker, has Hypnosis to cripple the trainer's Pokemon. Confuse Ray also helps. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast get near-perfect coverage in-game.

lvl 70 Scizor (M) @Exp. Share
Adamant Nature
Ability: Technician
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch

My other physical fighter, I'm still training him. If someone could tell me were the Roost TM is, I'll probably use it over Pursuit, but Pursuit takes care of Slowking and the likes. This is a standard moveset (bar Pursuit) in competitive play too. EXP Share because I'm still trying to catch him up with the rest of the team.

The other two are HM Slaves
RE: In-game Team Rates

Equinox said:
My Heart Gold team: I did NOT SR for these Pokemon, nor EV train. As well as I do not know the IVs. My team is also still being leveled up, so do NOT criticize me for that.

Lvl 81 Togekiss (M) @Nothing
Hasty Nature
Ability: Serene Grace
Sweet Kiss
Air Slash
Aura Sphere (considering putting on Flamethrower instead)

The premier of the team, Togekiss! The only reason he is significantly higher in level than the others is because Togekiss levels easier than the others. Roost provides recovery, and Sweet Kiss is a filler until I can find Thunder Wave. Air Slash gets STAB, as well as it has a 60% chance to flinch the opponent. Aura Sphere hits Steel Pokemon, and any other Pokemon that resists Air Slash.

lvl 75 Hitmonlee (M) @Luck Incense
Naughty Nature
Ability: Reckless
Blaze Kick
Close Combat
Fake Out
Hi Jump Kick

Hitmonlee is probably my favorite team member, he's very powerful. Close Combat gets a nice STAB boost, and does all around good damage. Blaze Kick takes care of Grass Pokemon as well as Steel-types for when I don't want to risk CC or HJK. Fake Out breaks Sashes(lool), and is nice to deal some damage to faster enemies before they can to you. High Jump Kick is also powerful, and gets boosted in power thanks to Reckless.

lvl 73 Gengar (M) @Amulet Coin
Mild Nature
Ability: Levitate
Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Gengar, the other special attacker, has Hypnosis to cripple the trainer's Pokemon. Confuse Ray also helps. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast get near-perfect coverage in-game.

lvl 70 Scizor (M) @Exp. Share
Adamant Nature
Ability: Technician
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch

My other physical fighter, I'm still training him. If someone could tell me were the Roost TM is, I'll probably use it over Pursuit, but Pursuit takes care of Slowking and the likes. This is a standard moveset (bar Pursuit) in competitive play too. EXP Share because I'm still trying to catch him up with the rest of the team.

The other two are HM Slaves

Unfortunately, TM51 Roost is only available once in HGSS: when you beat Falkner. In DPPt, it is also only available once on Route 210. Unfortunately (as I'm sure you know), it was replaced by another move in BW :(
RE: In-game Team Rates

Togekiss Loves You! said:
Unfortunately, TM51 Roost is only available once in HGSS: when you beat Falkner. In DPPt, it is also only available once on Route 210. Unfortunately (as I'm sure you know), it was replaced by another move in BW :(

Aww, oh well
RE: In-game Team Rates

Well, since B/W2 is coming out, I need a team. However, I've already used Samurott and Serperior and I don't really like Emboar, so I decided not to use a starter. But then I thought, hey! Why not send a team of 6 Pokemon over? So, over the past few days, I have bred what one might call a Level 1 beatdown squad. Here they are.

Joltik (ideas for a nickname please?)
Naughty Nature (as long as it doesn't hurt sp.atk, I'm fine with it)
Hatched: Village Bridge
Energy Ball
Thunder Wave

Galvantula is awesome, plus Compoundeyes means Thunder Spam. Need I say more? Also, I want to add that I spent a lot of time getting my Galvantula Bug Buzz, and this thing learned every single move that Galvantula had except Bug Buzz when it hatched. Even Cut.

Mata Nui the Golett
Iron Fist
Quirky Nature
Hatched: Twist Mountain
Rock Slide
Astonish (for lack of anything better)
Brick Break

Who doesn't love flying ghost robots? This guy has a sweet movepool and also will eventually learn Fly. Yessssss...

Xualtiacus the Lileep
Suction Cups
Impish Nature
Hatched: Icirrus City
Astonish (for lack of anything better
Rock Slide
Energy Ball
Sludge Bomb

Let me put it this way: I needed a grass-type and it couldn't be weak to fire. Really, the only other option was Ludicolo, and I already had a water-type.

R-K-10 the Growlithe
Naughty Nature
Hatched: Undella Bay
Close Combat

During my continuous reading of Nuzlockes, I have never seen an Arcanine fall in battle, and I have only seen one Growlithe go down. This proves they are strong and built to last. Intimidate will also help it tank hits.

Cremesicle the Snorunt
Inner Focus
Naughty Nature
Hatched: Giant Chasm
Frost Breath (for lack of anything better)
Hidden Power (I have no idea what its type is, let's hope it's good)
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball

I built the team around this guy. Glalie is one of my favorite pokemon - it's a pity Snorunt is so hard to find and comes so late. But now, Glalie will finally get the usage it deserves.

CANNONS the Remoraid
Modest Nature
Hatched: Nimbasa City
Ice Beam

Yes, I know Hustle is a terrible ability, but I just couldn't pass up a Modest Nature. FlameBeam for coverage, Surf for STAB, and Scald for no reason. But in any case, CANNONS.

So yeah, that's the team. I hope to see constructive criticism, comments, and a name for little Joltik here.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Dialkia198 said:
Well, since B/W2 is coming out, I need a team. However, I've already used Samurott and Serperior and I don't really like Emboar, so I decided not to use a starter. But then I thought, hey! Why not send a team of 6 Pokemon over? So, over the past few days, I have bred what one might call a Level 1 beatdown squad. Here they are.

Joltik (ideas for a nickname please?)
Naughty Nature (as long as it doesn't hurt sp.atk, I'm fine with it)
Hatched: Village Bridge
Energy Ball
Thunder Wave

Galvantula is awesome, plus Compoundeyes means Thunder Spam. Need I say more? Also, I want to add that I spent a lot of time getting my Galvantula Bug Buzz, and this thing learned every single move that Galvantula had except Bug Buzz when it hatched. Even Cut.
Once this thing gets Bug Buzz and Thunder, it will pretty much need no changing. Thunder+Bug Buzz+Filler+Filler is my usual Galvantula set and it's never failed me once (ingame). Keep Energy Ball so Ground types and Rock types don't murder you. If it happens to have HPFire, use that as it will appreciate the coverage with that (HP types can be checked in Mistralton's PokeCentre).
Also, call it cutiepie. Its so adorable, and I love it to pieces (and I love Galvantula even more <3)

Mata Nui the Golett
Iron Fist
Quirky Nature
Hatched: Twist Mountain
Rock Slide
Astonish (for lack of anything better)
Brick Break

Who doesn't love flying ghost robots? This guy has a sweet movepool and also will eventually learn Fly. Yessssss...
The one problem with this is Astonish instead of Shadow Punch. With STAB and Iron Fist (plus Golurk's good Atk stat), it will be very useful. After that the one problem you will have is choosing four moves to use.

Xualtiacus the Lileep
Suction Cups
Impish Nature
Hatched: Icirrus City
Astonish (for lack of anything better
Rock Slide
Energy Ball
Sludge Bomb

Let me put it this way: I needed a grass-type and it couldn't be weak to fire. Really, the only other option was Ludicolo, and I already had a water-type.
Hmm.... Never really used Cradily so it's hard for me to rate this one. If you want to annoy opponents by giving them a hard time battling Lileep, you could use Stockpile to boost your already good defenses even higher. Aside from that I can't think of something to use.

R-K-10 the Growlithe
Naughty Nature
Hatched: Undella Bay
Close Combat

During my continuous reading of Nuzlockes, I have never seen an Arcanine fall in battle, and I have only seen one Growlithe go down. This proves they are strong and built to last. Intimidate will also help it tank hits.
Once this is an Arcanine, just give it Flare Blitz, Wild Charge and Extremespeed (or Morning Sun as an alternative if you want healing after recoil damage) and you are set. Seriously, this thing is beast.

Cremesicle the Snorunt
Inner Focus
Naughty Nature
Hatched: Giant Chasm
Frost Breath (for lack of anything better)
Hidden Power (I have no idea what its type is, let's hope it's good)
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball

I built the team around this guy. Glalie is one of my favorite pokemon - it's a pity Snorunt is so hard to find and comes so late. But now, Glalie will finally get the usage it deserves.
Crunch and Earthquake are options, aside from that I can't really think of anything useful with the exception of Gyro Ball.

CANNONS the Remoraid
Modest Nature
Hatched: Nimbasa City
Ice Beam

Yes, I know Hustle is a terrible ability, but I just couldn't pass up a Modest Nature. FlameBeam for coverage, Surf for STAB, and Scald for no reason. But in any case, CANNONS.
Bullet Seed/Rock Blast over Scald (I think it gets Rock Blast, not 100% on that)? That's the only thing I can think of, it's a good set for it

So yeah, that's the team. I hope to see constructive criticism, comments, and a name for little Joltik here.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Ok. This is my in-game team after exploring the whole Unova world (Pokemon White Version)
I dunno if it's cool. But,I leave it to you to rate...Please PM to have an answer on your rate.

Tyranitar @Macho Brace
Brick Break
Dragon Tail
Dark Pulse

Driftblim @Smoke Ball
Omnious Wind (I don't think I spelled it right...)
Batton Pass

Wailmer @Mystic Water
Heavy Slam
Body Slam

Dragonair @Dragon Fang
Dragon Tail
Slash (I don't remember if it's true...)
(I don't remember that,too.

Gliscor @Razor Fang

And I'm looking for new Zigzagoose.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is my team that I use In-game, and used in the Autumn Friendly ( I had a 2 win - 20 losses streak, so I really would like help for the next Wi-Fi competition ).

Samurott Lv. 84
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Timid
Item: Mystic Water
Moveset: Surf, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Strength


Leavanny Lv. 62
Ability: Swarm
Nature: Serious
Item: None (I need an idea for one to attach)
Moveset: Flash, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor


Volcarona Lv. 76
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Relaxed
Item: Silver Powder
Moveset: Heat Wave, Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance


Unfezant Lv. 66
Ability: Big Pecks
Nature: Modest
Item: Sharp Beak
Moveset: Fly, Facade, Razor Wind, Sky Attack


Dragonite Lv. 56
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Calm
Item: Exp. Share (need an item to attach too)
Moveset: Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard


Thurdurus Lv. 47
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Hasty
Item: None (need one here as well!)
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Fly, Thunder, Discharge