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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Bump #1 of the week. Getting an SV box today.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

CML for
Electivire FB
Staraptor FB
Infernape 4
Dialga G
Palkia G
Absol G
all lv. x
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

How many of those foil energies do you have?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

darksoulSP said:
How many of those foil energies do you have?

one of each, so a total of three
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

hey , are you sending to germany ?


ABSOL G lv.x or normal one ?
Pikachu normal x2 and surfing x1
Gardevoir SW x2


Staraptor fb x
staraptor fb
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

I can do my 2 Dialga G fpr the 3 holo energies and 1 call energy.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

whats with me ?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Ah I'm sorry Puncher I can't send to Germany. :(
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

How much for Staraptor FB Lv.X?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

I have for Ralts:RS:66,67,68,EM:61,DS:2 81(1 with series name stamped),DF:60,61,PK:2 59(1 with series name stamped),
Kirlia:Sandstorm:40,EM:33,DF:32,33,PK:31 with series name stamped,Gardevoir:RS:7,DS:6 RH,PK:9.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

I can trade for 1 of each.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Shiny Yanma
Charmander SF
Charmeleon SF
Shiny Duskull
Shiny Drifloon
Hitmonchan PT
E3 Pikachu Yellow Cheeks
Shiny Duskull
Shiny Drifloon
Hitmonchan PT
Prerelease Milotic
Garchomp SV
Kirlia:Sandstorm:40,EM:33,DF:32,33,PK:31 with series name stamped
Gardevoir:RS:7,DS:6 RH,PK:9.
Do you want the series stamped or not for the ones that have it?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Um, that's quite a bit of trading for several rare and a bunch of commons/uncommons. :/
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

darksoulSP said:
I can do my 2 Dialga G fpr the 3 holo energies and 1 call energy.

oh sorry, everything i put on the list was lv. x
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Errrr I can't do those for a lv X. o_O
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Shiny Yanma
Charmander SF
Charmeleon SF
Shiny Duskull
Shiny Drifloon
Hitmonchan PT
E3 Pikachu Yellow Cheeks
Surfing Pikachu RR
Thunderjolt Pikachu RR
Scyther Neo Discovery
Scyther FRLG
Prerelease Milotic
Garchomp SV
Kirlia:Sandstorm:40,EM:33,DF:32,33,PK:31 with series name stamped
Gardevoir:RS:7,DS:6 RH,PK:9.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

My: Shiny Duskull, Surfing Pikachu

Your: Scyther FRLG,
Ralts:RS: 66,67,68, EM:61,DS 81,DF: 60,61,PK:59
Kirlia:Sandstorm:40, EM:33, DF:32,33 PK:31 with series name stamped
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

No thanks.