Heart Gold/Soul Silver set blues?


*Deep sigh* I just saw the scans for HG/SS the other day and...well...i was very displeased. The Pokemon company is changing the game again!? Legend cards that have epic art, but have the worst mechanics to them (hope i spelled that right :p ). New Great pokemon, which, arn't really that great at all, (4 NRG for 70 damage?) the only good one is great Fraligatr, who has the only good poke-power. This to me is very depressing :( we are going back to the old Rock-Paper-Scissors game again, which some people like, but i was in this for the strategy from the start (which there wasn't that much of anyway). And now all of the strategy is out in the open, a 5 year old could figure it out themselves. So in conclusion; i might be be risighning from Pokemon TCG when HG/SS comes out, due to the poor gameplay. And i want to know what you guys think on this so...uh...post what you think!

The set hasn't even come out yet! We know nothing about the metagame, nothing. How can you expect to leave when you don't even know what things will be like? We don't even know the new rotation yet.
Well i know that we won't completely rotate into this set, but if they change the game, eventually the change will be rotated untill it is the only gameplay in the TCG. It happend to the EX's, the base set, and everything else up to this, so if i'm going to stop playing, it will be before this game comes to be an almost strategy-less game.
But before all the speed decks came around it was all based around strategy and set-up decks. Besides The Pokemon Company are always changing the game to keep it fresh and interesting so that players don't leave thus losing money.

Any way, HG/SS is the first of many sets and the first set hasn't even been fully revealed yet so i don't see what the problem is, to having to resort to quitting the game when we have no idea how things will change.
You can see clearly that the best cards (the great cards and legend cards) arn't good at all, and the little strategy they have is in plain sight. And i don't think even with good setup trainers (or now called GOODS *scoffs*) will make this set more interesting! And to make things worse, it looks like they will be making this the new concept of the game. I don't like the looks of this at all :(.
I like this next set very much, the Legend Cards look disgusting, but they are so unplayable that I don't have to worry. I really like the Great Pokemon however since it makes for some interesting game play. Gatr beats Donphan, Donphan beat Amphy, Amphy beats Gatr. How can you not like that?
Its too beginner-based, and its pretty much random who wins the game due to type advantage. Someone could be the only Donphan at a tourny of mostly amphy decks, and win becouse no-one else played that deck. Its too simplistic, and thats only good for people looking for an easy game. I like things to be more complex, the way we have it with the platinum sets, is so that experienced players can make good strategies, and biginners can make decks that work without that much to understand. If you ask me, the way we have the game now is the best its ever been.
The set isn't beginner based at all. They are slowing down the metagame so that more strategy is involved in gameplay and to make games longer. You must admit the longer a game draws out, the more fun it gets. Do you honestly think it is satisfying nabbing a prize with Machamp or Blaziken on T1 or T2? On another note, they renamed trainer cards Goods to prevent discrepancy issues in playing the game (a pokeball was a trainer but a supporter was technically a subdivision of a trainer as well). I like the changes but you have to wait for more solid information or at least experience it until you bash on it.
D: Isn't the player the one who sets up the strategies? The deck is only as smart as the player is. Like computers~
X_empoleon_X said:
But before all the speed decks came around it was all based around strategy and set-up decks. Besides The Pokemon Company are always changing the game to keep it fresh and interesting so that players don't leave thus losing money.

Any way, HG/SS is the first of many sets and the first set hasn't even been fully revealed yet so I don't see what the problem is, to having to resort to quitting the game when we have no idea how things will change.

Actually there has always pretty much been speed decks, setup decks and strategy decks ever since the beginning of the game.

Anyways the HGSS set looks cool so far and I am glad that they are toning down the game. So far there are tons of combos already with just the few scans that WPM has, its just that they aren't that clear to you apparently. And how can you really say that the set is beginner based when there is only like 10 or so translations out? In your example, Donkphan might not win because of how one person built their amphytech deck (do you really think amphy is any more than a tech?).

If the next set rotation is PL-on, then HGSS will be incredibly broken beyond belief with the platinum block cards. So just wait for more scans before quitting.
I love that they're slowing down the game. I hated seeing cards that did 80 for 2 or 3 nrg's. And the longer the game the more times you will have to change your stratigy due to your opponant messing you up. these things just make the game more stratigic and less about the cards.
ragingphantom said:
Actually there has always pretty much been speed decks, setup decks and strategy decks ever since the beginning of the game.

Anyways the HGSS set looks cool so far and I am glad that they are toning down the game. So far there are tons of combos already with just the few scans that WPM has, its just that they aren't that clear to you apparently. And how can you really say that the set is beginner based when there is only like 10 or so translations out? In your example, Donkphan might not win because of how one person built their amphytech deck (do you really think amphy is any more than a tech?).

If the next set rotation is PL-on, then HGSS will be incredibly broken beyond belief with the platinum block cards. So just wait for more scans before quitting.

Well, a lot of people think toning down the game would be good, and i partially agree, but looking into the future, if the best cards of this set are like this, then i don't like the idea at all. And of course this set will be great with the cards already out, the only thing is, all that can happen is the new cards will eventually rule out the platinum sets and make the game more biginner-centered, there is no avoiding that. I just don't know if i want to be around when it does, although that doesn't mean i wont stick around untill i see the full set, but from what it looks like, the game is taking a sharp turn away from a more complicated style.

(P.S i just have a problem with calling them GOODS becouse i have known this game with trainer cards from the biginning).

89 panther said:
I love that they're slowing down the game. I hated seeing cards that did 80 for 2 or 3 nrg's. And the longer the game the more times you will have to change your stratigy due to your opponant messing you up. these things just make the game more stratigic and less about the cards.

Are you saying that you don't like the strategy based game? And at the same time that its less about the cards? That doesn't make any sense, The strategy is ALL about the cards.
if you think the game is slowing down your in for a worlds of pain. donphan great w/ expert belt and nidoqueen RR in play in a 160 HP tank that does 80 for 1 or 110 for 3 while resisting 20. slowing down? i think not.
elekid957 said:
if you think the game is slowing down your in for a worlds of pain. donphan great w/ expert belt and nidoqueen RR in play in a 160 HP tank that does 80 for 1 or 110 for 3 while resisting 20. slowing down? I think not.

I'm guessing he meant after PL goes away, but I see what you mean.

Like said, you really should just wait a little longer for some more spoilers and such. No sense backing out now my friend.
I don't think down-grading the damge output is a bad idea, when you look at how much the game has changed, in base set, an average stage 2 have 100HP, now, 100 is mediocre at almost any level, and slowing the game down will slow the whole format down, so you won't notice becuase everyong has the same disadvantage

but, like said above, there is no way of knowing yet

But i don't think the "paper-scissor-rock" game format is good, but if it does go that way, I for see many tool-box decks

Screw rotations. I think pokemon should bring back the EX series.

I miss my Salamence EX (Deoxys) deck. And boost energy! And the holon cards. ECT.

Pokemon can only make so many cards. Sooner or later, new sets wont happen due to no further ideas.

UNLESS, they make a Generation 5.
shadoworganoid said:
Pokemon can only make so many cards. Sooner or later, new sets wont happen due to no further ideas.

well, sadly, that time may already have come... Most of the cards have the same attacks and powers as original cards
shadoworganoid said:
Pokemon can only make so many cards. Sooner or later, new sets wont happen due to no further ideas.
Uh, last time I checked, the Pokemon TCG existed as a way to make money. So as long as they can make people buy rehashed cards with new little gimmicks, they're going to keep making sets.

That being said, it really is too early to pass judgment on the HG/SS set. Just because some of the Legends and Greats are crud doesn't mean the TCG is eternally screwed. If people think like this, they should probably quit the TCG anyway.
reclaimer94 said:
well, sadly, that time may already have come... Most of the cards have the same attacks and powers as original cards

True that. By this point, Im no loger waiting for new cards to come out.
Im waiting for them to re allow the EX series. It had some really good decks. And that partly why Im looking to collect my EX cards again. Ahead of the game.
You can see clearly that the best cards (the great cards and legend cards) arn't good at all, and the little strategy they have is in plain sight. And I don't think even with good setup trainers (or now called GOODS *scoffs*) will make this set more interesting! And to make things worse, it looks like they will be making this the new concept of the game. I don't like the looks of this at al
We'll have to see what they do with all the cards and the sets afterwards.

Plus, the "Great" Typhlosion could be used with "Flames of Rage" Arcanine for some quick and deadly damage that builds up. Use something to heal Arcanine every few turns but build up the damage again slowly using "Poke-Power: Afterburner" of the "Great" Typhlosion.

There, already a combo.

How about "Great" Meganium? You have a damaged Vespiquen 4...you want to heal it or have Alakazam 4 X move damage over it to heal something else. You can place the energy on Vespiquen 4 to remove the damage, and then move it something else with "Great" Meganium. The damage goes away faster with Dawn Stadium, but that card will be cycled out, in the most likely situation.

I really don't think Lugia Legend is that weak anyway. I'm sure there are more than a few ways to keep it going. Like Flint-Zong and the rest. It's basically a better Rayquaza C X, that doesn't suck. Energy Link or whatever it to a Rayquaza from LA and recover the energy that way. Same with Electrivire FB X if you have to use that. Power Spray's may limit the deck quite a bit, but it wouldn't stop one that is well thought out completely.

Combine "Great" Ampharmos with anything that benefits from having damage on the pokemon (like the Ampharmos that stops people from using their Poke-powers or Gallade 4.

Croconaw's Big Bite can easily keep your opponent from moving pokemon around too easily, possibly giving you an extra turn to get out something else, or use another much need supporter.

Donphan's Earthquake + Crobat G's with poke turn, or any SP for that matter.

Who knows what the other pokemon do. Especially the promo's that have their second attack hidden(even though most promo pokemon do suck...There was Porygon Z...)

Noctowl's ability isn't bad either. Might help you decide when to use a certain attack or whatever. Get that out first turn and you'll know what kind of deck your opponent is using most of the time.

That, and copycat is cute D: <

Also, I'm all for slowing down the game... Too bad "Great" Feraligatr doesn't help slowing down anything....

Pokemon can only make so many cards. Sooner or later, new sets wont happen due to no further ideas.

Rotations and better attacks(read as: more damage) mixed with higher HP makes the game to continue on. Plus, they'll always come out with new types of cards that change per each set....thingy XD