Inactivity and the source of it.

RE: Inactivity.

bacon said:
Making members read the rules/noobnerds guide is a good idea in theory, but the problem is we can't make sure the newer members go ahead and read it. It's not as if we're breathing over their shoulder and physically forcing them after all.
Some forums have the "wait one day until you post" policy, which will deter quite a number of spammy members just looking for... a laugh, ahem. But it would also frighten off potentially good members as well, perhaps.

I already said , this idea does not reduce the no. of spam members, but gives some serious members a chance to know right from wrong. So, instead of "spamming" and being owned by others, these members can have a good start. The idea is merely to seive out nooby members from serious members.
BB's online during US night time, Abhorsen, guess you're not alone anymore :p

I guess we could use a giant Wi-Fi noob guide (not just rules), because a lot of noobs join because of the Wi-Fi forum, and if we could de-noob them there, it would help a lot for the rest of the forum. Just a suggestion though.
I already made the league starting guide because there were way too many n00bs making leagues like "teH wEdle leAGue," where all you do is fight with Weedles and many other impossible ideas.

True, there are less moderators on during the United States night time, but there are only a few people online at that night. Light Venusaur said that half the time it's like a ghost town. Most of the spammer and n00bs are from the U.S.
Kevin is right. Most spammer/n00b people are from the U.S. Also, I usually get on at about 7-8 in the morning, and THAT is a ghost town/forum. Usually, there are only 7-10 people on....
Also, this will probably just be for the summer. Think about it, many of the young n00bish members with be back in school come August and September. Only the devoted veteran members will make the time to come on this site after the summer.
Most spammers come from the U.S. because most forum members come from the U.S. too. E.g. WPM.
hmmm.. it seems that "n00bs" are the reason for the inactivity right?

Well, I do not think there is a solution for this, other than re-enforcing the rule more. But, I do not know. Just my opinion.
El Squirrello is right. There really is no way to solve this problem. We can either wait and hope that, as Pokebeach grows, so will the n00bs, or we can just maybe enforce the rules a bit more.
The only way to prevent n00bishness is to set an example. If you see something you know isn't right, just hit the report button. The moderators will handle it. Now the Wi-Fi League is clean; without threads like "I WATN ARcEUSZ!!" or "shIny tRadr." It seems much easier to comb through the pages now.
I know! Report wrong messages, and let the Mods warn them by PM and if they fight back, They'll kiss PokéBeach Forums goodbye.
Togeshroob said:
Kevin is right.  Most spammer/n00b people are from the U.S.  Also, I usually get on at about 7-8 in the morning, and THAT is a ghost town/forum.  Usually, there are only 7-10 people on....

I am from U.S. and I feel that the only reason most spammer are from well here is because commerical keep running the pokemon diamond/pearl ad and because most spammer are little kids they see it then want the games then they can't play it so what do they do,look for cheat then while looking for cheat they find this place so yes most spammer are from the U.S.
I'm sorry your not being sarcatic right, anyway I mean that because I know so many little kid that got the game because they thought it look cool on tv and because the commerical keep running after amost every show that small chidren watch it get them to buy it if you check most of the people that have been banned and that used the edit profile section you would see that they were from the U.S. and they put 12 and under as age so it is mostly young american kids that fill this place up with spam
I wasn't being sarcastic. That's probably the exact scenerio that happens with kids going on to find out more abou the games (possibley cheating) and ending up here.
Sorry it that I read it like that sorry.Yes little kid mainly american find the game to hard and want to beat it as easy as possible I know because many of them in real lifenot just internet life bug me to halp them with there game because they don't understand I ask if they don't know how to play by themselve why did they get the game they say because on tv it made it look cool
Okay. Lets just do this:

-Show an example to the "newbs" by posting good relies and not spammage.
-Use the report button.

This might solve the "newb" problem. But I do not see how "newbs" and spammge is the down fall of PokéBeach Forums.
I think n00bs turn away alot of veteran members. There are other forums that offer up alot more intelligent discussions. Personally, I like this just as it is (kind of). That's reflected in my activity.
No offense, but many of you who are talking about n00bs are n00bs, especially when you don't use your grammar and spelling. :p

One of the largest indicators of someone being a n00b and n00bing up the place is when they don't use commas, grammar, or spelling.