Is anyone else worried about the next few sets?

No they are not running out of ideas. The reason they are only reprinting cards that are HGSS on is that they don't want the Jappenese to throw a big fit like with Power Keepers. It also, explains why there are no exulusive cards.
Weavile UD could be an interesting counter. Discard the stadium when it sits in their hand :O
can hardly wait for black and white.. Vulgina will kill off Gengars all over the place, making lostgar players weep.

Vulgina – Darkness – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Vulchi

{D} Sneak Attack: Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon that already has damage counters on it, and do 50 damage to that Pokemon.

{D}{C}{C} Punishment: 40 damage. If your opponent’s Active Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon, this attack does an additional 60 damage
Vulgina? Don't you mean Mandibuzz? You guys must REALLY HATE 99.9% of all the English Names of the Unova Region Pokemon. Such a shame, haters gonna hate.

Weavile UD could be an interesting counter. Discard the stadium when it sits in their hand :O

Only problem is that Claw Snag triggers once when you evolve Sneasel into Weavile and unless you play Seeker or Super Scoop Up with BTS out it won't work. Then there's a 50% chance they won't have Lost World in their hand so there's another good chance that you've just wasted a Claw Snag while they're racking up Pokemon in the Lost Zone to win the game.

The best counter I thought up with is Pidgeot (HS Triumphant) with Lost Remover. They have Gengar Prime out and you use Headwind on it by increasing the attack cost of Hurl into Darkness by 2 Colorless and unless they have Vileplume UD benched use Lost Remover to get rid of their DCE making it harder for Gengar to send Pokemon in your hand to the Lost Zone which If you run Regice LA as a tech for Regi Move you can easily discard Pokemon from your hand to lessen the amount sent. Or just use Amnesia with Relicanth SV to have them not be able to use Hurl into Darkness.

There is a risk that they can get around the Headwind by having 3 Psychic energies attached to Gengar Prime, If worse comes to worse Mandibuzz and Honchkrow SV are suitable techs against Gengar Prime. Mandibuzz definitely and the synergy it has with Tyranitar Prime and Absol G is very nice or you can just run Mandibuzz in whatever Non-Dark deck you're playing I guess.
Or you could just use Umreon with 2 SP. Darks [same as DCE and dark] and an E-belt to counter a lot more things.
Absol G Lv. X with 2 energies attached one being Special Dark for Darkness Slugger should be enough. You probably won't even need an Expert Belt then either and Warp Energy is amazing with the Pokemon Lv. X cards.
@ neo candy, with the slower Meta coming up and B/W coming into play, I expect to see ALOT more stage 2 decks, since they'll now have plenty of time to run it with all the rare candies in the world. so doing 100 to their active will be quite a bit once Expert belt is rotated out. and Gengar prime is going to be in the format alot longer than expert belt, so why not plan that far ahead and get used to running the B/W pokemon now? I plan on getting a B/W booster box with my tax return =D skipping the CoL series. maybe buy a few packs and hope for reverse energy. or maybe just buy some holo energy for $2.50 a pop =/
We don't know what is in the next four sets after B\W. There could easily be some thing to boost the play of basics, or some disruption for stage twos. Besides, lets foucos on whats on in the meta for states as far as Gengar Prime goes. Don't forget that E-belt is still in for the next season, and that with the Candy ertata, no more BTS, and no more Uxie; means stage two's are very very slow. Slower than even the EX meta. So any donk deck could very well take over the format.
^That's true, but as you said, we don't know what's in the next 4 sets. There could very well be support for Stage 2s as well as Basic decks. We just don't know. Uxie will affect all decks, so that point isn't great. The loss of Uxie will make huge changes in the speed of the meta, but not so much one deck over another except in some specific cases. One of these is for donk decks. They will do poorly after Uxie is rotated out. That was their major form of drawpower, and it'll be gone now (and of course, Uxie Donk and Shuppet Donk can't work as well without Uxie and Shuppet, and evolution-based donk decks will no longer get Rare Candy first turn, and of course no BTS, so that takes away the other donk decks out there). Unless something comes along to help donk decks, I don't think we'll be seeing a lot in the future.
^Wich if fine, I hate donk decks. They just take the fun put of the game. Now I don't care if I get donked wile playing a non-donk deck. For example, last year at Nats, I was playing retro plox [Dusknoir DP, along with Nioqueen, over all very few changes from the classic plox. Proud to say I got in top cut with it.] with shiney duskskull [30 for no energy] and donked some one who had a lone karp start. The point of the deck was for the power lock, not the donk. Thats fine, what I hate is some takeing up 10 min for 1 turn to donk me.

What I ment about the Uxie is that the deck that it effects THE MOST are Stage 2's. Decks that have built in or little need for draw power are unaffceted by the loss of Uxie.
I don't have ANY uxies, and my decks do fine..

I only recently got BTS's.. rare candies are what i use mostly, so vileplume stinks for me
I've got an ampharos prime with lanturn prime deck that I've tech'd in a Luxray LA line to combat Lv X and draw energy from discard pile. I have a Charizard typhlosion deck with bench shields (pokemon contest hall to get the cyndaquill out with bench shield) cuz i also use thunder fall at least twice in a match.. kills all the pixies and hurts pretty much everything else, also in charizard I have Technical machine TS-1 to force evolve like spirit bomb, but still be able to use my trainers. and then I have a hand disruption deck with Giratina X and Glaceon X with cyrus's initiative, Ambipom TM, and rocket's trickery to further remove their hands and OHKO Garchomp C with Ambipom.

all decks use Pokemon collector and pokemon comunication as a combo to search out pokemon with bebe's search to bring out other poke's. level max in the Tina X glaceon X so I can level up from the bench. and interviewer's questions and engineer's adjustments for draw power. it's always nice to face a smeargle and them copy engineer's adjustments cuz its my only supporter in hand, and they only have 4-5 energy in the entire deck =)

I can link you to my ice tentacles deck (glaceon and giratina) and Amberlamps deck (ampharos Lanturn) if you'd like?

I really hope for more stage 2 support from the upcoming series. maybe something like breeder fields but for multiple pokemon.
Charizard works fine w/out Uxie, but the others probably need it.

Anyway, I'm a little excited to see what B/W has to present to us. We'll have to wait for now, but I hope Uxie doesn't leave us. :(
OHHHH and I also have a blastoise Gatr and legendary deck. that sucker has indigo plateau, rare candies, and same draw support as before, but also Bronzong TM just in case I need him. legendary pokemon in there are Raikou & Suicune, Suicune & Entei, and Ho-Oh legend. gatr drops energy like mad so there are 3 interviewer's questions in there. blastoise moves energy onto Ho-Oh legend to make it highly usable. there is only water and DCE in the deck, so no thunderbolt spear or bursting inferno.. but that's ok since adding other basic energy would jack things up when it comes to gatr and blastoise. that deck is hgss-on, which I'm kind of proud of that fact.
When we say a deck needs Uxie we mean that it would help it run alot smoother.

^The closest thing to HGSS on format will be UL on if PUSA stays with the rotate 4 each season plan.[If it works in MD on, good job thats tough.]

^^Unless PUSA gets rid of 1 or less pokemon, Uxie is a goner. Not to metion that they said they want to rotate 4 sets at a time, putting it at RR on.
RR- on is really super likely. which will kill my giratina X and Glaceon X deck =(

but the rest of my decks will only need slight adjustments since I've been buying mostly HGSS packs and on..

off topic: I always thought legendary cards were fairly simple to get.. until I watched a booster box opening video and they only got 2 pieces. I've bought less than 70 boosters since getting back in the game.. and have over 14 legend pieces total. have also pulled about 10 primes out of packs as well (lost track due to various trades). something tells me I have higher than average booster pack luck.

on topic: I can hardly wait for vileplume to go the way of the doh-doh so then pokemon catcher will be all over the place. it'll be like the OLD days where gust of wind ran rampant along with energy removal and super energy removal. too bad there isn't a good reprint of energy removal yet.
You have Crush Hammer [B\W] wich lets you discard any 1 energy attached to one of your oppnets pokemon. Then there is Lost Remover\Removal that lets you do the same thing exspet only on specail energy getting out into the lost zone.
AKA: Garchomp SV is amazing with B\W. Garchomp
man.. pair that Garchomp with Nidoking RR, that's a super downside to attacking that Garchomp. =) I forgot about crush hammer. I want 4 of those. and 4 lost remover. too bad there isn't one like super energy removal. I was gladly throwing away 1 energy to remove 2 of theirs. especially against my brother's old stall deck. he had Chansey Base set, Moltres Fossil, and magmar fossil. he would smoke screen like mad, then once it got KO'd he'd put chansey out and potion, super potion, pokemon center, and super scoop up it to health. use Erika on an unsuspecting opponent to have them draw. then just go to town with a 5 or so energy moltress and discard the tops of their decks. and since Bill was still a trainer then, he would deck you like mad. oh, and he also ran energy removals to keep u from really hurting chansey. we only played league back then.

I miss the old days. and these newer cards HGSS-on are kind of a way of going back to that, so I'm SUPER excited to see what's coming up =)

sorry if I went off topic there, but I'm really that excited about the possibilities of the new series.