Playthrough Keeper's PokeBeach Platinum Run -- Chapter 17 -- Unfinished

RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

I suppose since I put it on your profile...
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

Keeper of Night said:
PokeChimpo said:
DNA, you killed me x.x, another name for Jolteon could be SparksMckenzie.

I actually think that both names you chose are too big for the name limit. :p

Geez! Then name it Sock... lol :p
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

Why do people always make me think of nicknames; I'm horrible at that! :( Feel free to use different names for my suggestions if you use them. I will only recommend generation 4 Pokémon, because I like using the Pokémon introduced in the generation to play through it.

Zui quan the Infernape - I think one should never abandon their starter! Infernape is my favourite starter from generation 4. I love Fire-types and he has a good design and a wide variety of moves. The name is a Chinese fighting style, which is literally translated as "drunken fist". As a move recommendation, don't evolve it until it learns Slack Off! That's level 41 as a Chimchar or 49 as a Monferno. I recommend keeping it as a Monferno until level 49, since you'll have the dual typing and a stronger Pokémon to work with.

Note: To stick with the traditional fighting style, make sure it's Male!

Wetberry the Bronzong - Bronzong has very few weaknesses and a good defence. It takes hits for you and does some decent damage. The nickname is based on its Pokédex entry.
It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests.

Unstoppable the Rampardos - You didn't have any Rock types on your list and the region's fossil Pokémon seems like a good option to me. It has an incredibly high attack stat - that is actually all it's good at. The Pokémon that only attacks, and doesn't stop attacking. That's what the name is based on.
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

Didn't even know Monferno learned Slack Off. 0_0
Chimchar is arguably the easiest starter, but maybe it will be tougher not evolving him right away.
Bronzong is definately an option. I've used one before and you're right, thy can take a few hits.
Rampardos is awesome. ...Nope, no need to say anything else. :p
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team


Now you have no choice but to use Slack Off Infernape.
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

Just posting to acknowledge that I highlly approve of drunken fighting monkeys.
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

I'm very anxious to start this run.
Unless I get more suggestions, I'll probably start late tomorrow, with the first chapter up... Before the weekend I would hope.
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

The Team:
Roserade named Utena
Gastrodon named Slugger
Frosslass named Skadi
Infernape named Zui Quan
Drapion named Stalker
Garchomp named Megalodon

I do love my dual types. :p

I already have the first chapter written completely from memory, so that will definitely be posted before the weekend.
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run

Wooo, some good choices! o/ And I'm not just saying that because two of mine made the cut.
RE: KoN's Bandwagon Jump/Choose My Team

If you're unable to get a Skull Fossil for Rampardos, might I recommend a different fossil 'mon to add to your team?

You could revive a Shield Fossil for a Bastiodon and name it either Pridwen, after King Arthur's shield, or Tarmac, just because it sounds likes it would be a good name for a thing with a bulldozer for a face.

Edit: I can't exactly say you ninja'd me, since I had the page idling for two hours before I posted, but good choices, nonetheless!
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run

Oh, terrific. I made some good choices. :p

@TT, sorry for my psuedo-ninja post.
That is a very good suggestion, but I'm not sure if I would have chosen it over what I already picked.
Thanks though!

Edit: I also want to say that I had a really hard time picking a team.
Though I'm happy with what I was eventually able to decide on.
Chapter 1

[align=center]Keeper's PokéBeach Platinum Run
You can't tell me that doesn't sound cool.[/align]

Game start.
Not usually fun, but always necessary.

<camoclone> Hello! Welcome to my WW game! I'm your host, camoclone!​

Oh no.

<Me> Why are you here?
<camoclone> I told you, I'm hosting!
<Me> ...This isn't a WW game camo.
<camoclone> This world is widel-
*Me mashes A button.
<camoclone> Are you a boy or a girl?
<Me> ...Are you ignoring me?
<camoclone> So, you're a girl?
<Me> B.
<camoclone> Are you a boy or a girl?
<Me> Boy.
<camoclone> Ok then, what is your name?
<Me> Are you just following a script or something?
<camoclone> Yes.
<camoclone> This will be the best WW game ever if you would just play along.
*Me is now known as Keeper.
<camoclone> Now! Be ready to enter the world of pokémon! You will meet countless people and pokemon on your jour-
<Keeper> Bye.​

It seems that, like the rest of this bandwagon, the PokéBeach members have decided to take over my game. I just hope the rest of the characters don't think we're in a WW game too.
The TV was on, though I had no idea how I ended up watching it. Professor Camo was on, apparently.
The rival character dashed in and out of the room, but I never did get a good look at his face. Oh well, I'm sure I'll see him again later.
I ignored the generic "mom" character and went outside.

*Keeper has entered #TwinleafTown

I know I'm supposed to find my rival at his house, so I went there next. Of course, he came out of the house and almost ran me over first.

<Keeper> Watch it!
<Keeper> ...
<Keeper> Why are you my rival?
<Gistica> ...
<Gistica> I don't know.
<Gistica> I think its because I was your rival in the Blue run you never finished.
<Keeper> Oh yeah. I remember that.
<Gistica> It's also because you ran out of ideas.
<Keeper> Shut up.
<Gistica> <3​

Yup. My pal Gistica was my rival again.
After we headed back inside to grab what he had forgotten, he threatened to fine me ten-million dollars for holding him up. Lovely.
I had to try to hurry, but running is physically impossible in the game without the Running Shoes. Makes me wonder how my rival can run already.

*Keeper has entered #Route201

<Gistica> Finally! Now we can run to Sandgem Town!
<Gistica> Running will let us avoid all the wild pokémon by hopping from one patch of grass to the other!
<Keeper> ?
<Keeper> Didn't you read the manual?
<Keeper> Running ATTRACTS wild pokémon.
<Gistica> Pfft. We'll be fine.
<Keeper> And I cant even run.
<Gistica> 3...2...1...​

Thank goodness Rowan camoclone showed up and stopped us.

<camoclone> Did you receive your role PMs yet? You never confirmed.
<Gistica> What?
<Keeper> ...Still not a WW game.
<camoclone> Keeper, if you don't stop trolling, I'll have to mod-kill you.
<Keeper> Don't you have an assistant or something?
<camoclone> Oh, that's right. Now, where did he go?
<%PMJ> Right here!
<%PMJ> And camo, you don't still think this is a WW game, do you?
<%PMJ> I explained this like, twenty times already.
<camoclone> Please give them their roles.
*PMJ stares at camoclone.
<%PMJ> Anyway, here in this briefcase are three pokémon. Go ahead and pick one.
*Keeper picks Chimchar!
*Gistica picks Piplup!
<Keeper> Going for the same strategy as last time?
<Gistica> It worked, didn't it?
<Keeper> No.
<Gistica> ...
<camoclone> Please come by my lab later to confirm your roles.
*camoclone has left #Route201
<%PMJ> Sorry guys. I think he's set on his WW game.
<%PMJ> Later.
*PMJ has left #Route201​

I figured Gistica would challenge me now, but nothing seemed to happen...
Until the battle music played.


Not enough to say about this battle, just lots of Scratching and Pounding.
Of course I won, gg.

<Gistica> I'm going to beat you one of these times.
<Keeper> Cool story bro.
*Gistica has left #Route201​

I was then sent back "home" where I was instructed by the motherbot to go see camoclone again, which I knew I had to do anyway. I also got the Running Shoes!


Then I go outside and towards Route201, but Gistica stops me. Apparently, he wants to go catch a legendary pokémon.

<Gistica> We can do it! Now that we have our own pokémon!
<Keeper> But... Our pokémon are only level 5.
<Keeper> Isn't Mesprit level 45 or something?
<Gistica> You worry too much! Let's go!

*Gistica has entered #LakeVerity
*Keeper has entered #LakeVerity

But someone was there already. Someone I'd gone against before. Someone very evil.

<Keeper> Hiya Twisted.
<TwistedTurtwig> Do I know you?
<Keeper> I'm the protagonist in this game.
<Keeper> But you, as you usually do, have drawn the ultimate scum role. Cyrus.
<TwistedTurtwig> I saw camo earlier, I think he had something to do with it.
<Keeper> Probably.
<TwistedTurtwig> ...I just want to make a better world.
<TwistedTurtwig> ...I'll leave for now.
*TwistedTurtwig has left #LakeVerity​


<Gistica> ...We forgot pokeballs...
<Keeper> Don't you get all depressed too.​

So yeah, things weren't thought through well and we didn't have any pokeballs with which to catch the supposed legendary. Ah well, like we could have done anything to it anyway.
So we left the Lake!
On the way to Sandgem, I picked up the free potion from the employee. Chimchar also beat up some random Bidoofs and we made our way into town.

*Keeper has entered #SandgemTown

<%PMJ> Are you going to do that everytime you enter a new town/route?
<%PMJ> What about buildings?
<Keeper> Maybe...​

PMJ was waiting for me (scary) and led me inside the lab. Though not before Gistica hurried out and down the next route.

<camoclone> o/
<Keeper> \o
<camoclone> You got Chimchar? You could always give it a nickname if you wanted.
<Keeper> I've thought long and hard about this.
<Keeper> His name will be... superawesomedrunkenfightingmonkeyofdoomandperil.
<camoclone> ...Character limit.
<Keeper> Oh right. Let's go with Drohn's suggestion of Zui Quan then.
<camoclone> Done. Thanks for confirming.
<%PMJ> I'm so glad you're nice to pokémon. If you weren't I'd have to... Oh I just can't say it.
<Keeper> Why not?
<%PMJ> This game is rated E.​

Pretty sure that was a threat. Oh well.
I was given TM Return for my troubles.

Now I get to be shown around by PMJ. He threatened to walk slower if I mashed the A button and ignored him. I did it anyway.
I guess, instead of walking slower, the punishment was having to return to Twinleaf.
So I did, I made the long trek back to Twinleaf. Along the way, Zui Quan learned Ember.
Once at home, I found out that Gistica had left a package behind. Of course, this now meant that I had to take it to him.
Finally, I was allowed on Route202.

*Keeper has entered #Route202

%PMJ> Now I'll show you how to catch a pokémon.
<Keeper> But I already know how.
<%PMJ> It's in the script. It's going to happen.
<Keeper> Ok.
<Keeper> Why would you want to catch a Bidoof?
<%PMJ> It's the first thing I ran into. I need to go explain a few things to camo so I wanted my part over with.
<Keeper> K, bye then.
*PMJ has left #Route202​

...Then why send me all the way back to Twinleaf Town?

/End Chapter

Hope that's acceptable. If you don't like it, too bad.
I'm having surgery Friday and wanted the first chapter up before then.
Chapter 2 is in the works.
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 1

I see everyone is stealing the style I stole from bacon, as usual.
PMJ is best character, obviously.

Not enough to say about this battle, just lots of Scratching and Pounding.
Of course I won, gg.
That is kinky.
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 1

DNA said:
I see everyone is stealing the style I stole from bacon, as usual.

It's a full-blown bandwagon jump.

I might actually come back to edit this chapter a bit after the weekend, since I know it's a bit rushed. Also, since I won't get a chapter posted next week due to holidays, it gives me something small to do. :p

Now, brb, gotta be the first to read DNA's new chapter.
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 1

So I'm Cyrus? I'm liking the sound of this, thanks for the awesome part!

I'm really considering hopping on the bandwagon and doing one of these myself, once my WW game is over. It seems like it could be fun.
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 1

TwistedTurtwig said:
I'm really considering hopping on the bandwagon and doing one of these myself, once my WW game is over. It seems like it could be fun.

I think this should be a famous part of Pokebeach history. It will be known as the CMT Bandwagon Era. :p
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 1

We're making this a thing now.

Also, twist, I better be your rival in your cmt. Or else your soul will be on my desk at 8am.
Chapter 2

Keeper's PokéBeach Platinum Run

I was told there seems to be a lot of chat-script. The way I write these is:
<Keeper> Main story stuff here.​
My thoughts/other random stuff here.
So! Read and enjoy!
Or, read and don't enjoy.
Or you could even not read and not enjoy. Your choice.
*Keeper has entered #JubilifeCity

PMJ is everywhere apparently. He scolded me for not catching anything on the last route. I ignored him (though he followed) and headed for the Pokémon Center, but my quest was rudely interrupted.

<???> How did you know?
<Keeper> Er... what?
<???> You realized right away I was someone extraordinary, didn't you? So you had to speak to me.
<Keeper> You talked me though...
<???> You know that I know the play for Regionals, don't you? You just had to know.
<???> My name it is... Ah, I shall inform you of my forum name only.
*??? is now known as blargh.
<blargh> It is I!
<Keeper> You get to be Looker?
<blargh> Looker? Who is this Looker you speak of?
<blargh> I am a world-traveling member of the International Police!
<blargh> And TCG player!
<Keeper> ...ok...
<blargh> If you see me you must speak to me! Not because I'm lonely and have no friends, no. You must inform me of bad guys!
<blargh> And what deck builds you will be using for Regionals!
*blargh has left #JubilifeCity.

<%PMJ> ...That was akward.
<%PMJ> NOW I need to go find camo. Bai.

PMJ finally left me, dropping the hint that Gistica was last online in #TrainerSchool.
First though, I ran up to Route 204. I didn't do much, and will be coming back, so I'll leave the big intro for another time. I did however beat all the available trainers and found a... Peculiar Budew.

<Budew> <(^.^)< <(^.^)> >(^.^)>
<Keeper> Oh good. A dancing Budew.
<Budew> HIII.
<Keeper> Oh good. a Talking Budew.
<Keeper> ...Talking?
<Budew> All the pokémon chosen for you can talk, crazy-head.
<Budew> Even your silly Chimchar who keeps poking me.
<Keeper> Then why...​

Turns out my drunken fighter monkey has a QUIET nature.

*Zui Quan shrugs.
<Keeper> Alright Budew. Come with? We can have fun together.
<Keeper> And I'm supposed to have a Budew with me anyway.
*Budew is now known as Utena.
<Utena> Coming!​

I'm sure Zui Quan will open up more later after he gets his hands on a drink.
For the record, Utena has an Impish nature. Fits nicely for a forest-sprite thing... Right? Of course, I couldn't leave the route via the cave exit due to breakable rocks the size of my foot in the way. Can't step over those things!
I tried leaving Jubilife via Route 203 too, but blargh was there.

<blargh> Ah! Its you again Keeper!
<blargh> Aren't you supposed to be looking for our friend inside the Trainer School?
<Keeper> Just let me pass please. I want to grind.
<blargh> Ok! But first! You must let me help you with your Regionals deck list!
<Keeper> ...
<Keeper> Can't decide if worth it...
*Keeper runs.

*Keeper has entered #TrainerSchool.
(No I will not be using images for buildings, pseudo-Dawn is crazy.)​

I noticed Gistica was busy reading, so I decided to battle the two kids in the corner.
I let Utena watch and learn as Zui Quan destroyed their Bidoof and Starly.
Then I noticed my friend/rival was getting ready to leave.

<Keeper> o/
<Gistica> \o
<Keeper> You forgot a map.
<Gistica> So?
<Gistica> Nobody ever uses those things.
<Keeper> It's just story-line, dude. Open the package.
*Gistica opens the parcel.
<Gistica> Here, I don't want it.
<Keeper> No way! I don't want it either.
<Gistica> Too bad.
*Keeper has obtained a Town Map.
<Gistica> Later!
*Gistica has left #TrainerSchool.
<Keeper> ...​

He rushed off before I could give it back to him, but I knew where I could kick his butt for it. It also seemed as though blargh gave up waiting for me, as I didn't see him around anymore.

*Keeper has entered #Route203

Gistica was down the route a little ways, hiding just out of sight.

<Gistica> o/
<Keeper> \o
<Gistica> Did you see blargh up there? He wanted my deck list and everything.
<Keeper> Can't blame him for helping.
<Keeper> What about you? Do you have a deck for Regs?
<Gistica> Uh... Well...
<Gistica> Lets fight! Cue the music!


DNA said:


While Gistica thought it smart to spam Growl, I had Zui Quan burn the thing into oblivion with Ember. I think he used Quick Attack... Once.

I let Zui Quan switch out for Utena since Piplup probably knew Bubble by now.

<Utena> HIII Piplup!

Again, Gistica is leading off with Growl. I decide to use Growth just to make my life easier.
After two turns of Growl and Growth, Piplup hits with Bubble and Utena hits back with Absorb.

Piplup couldn't handle a second Absorb, and fainted. gg

<Utena> <(^.^)< >(^.^)>
<Gistica> Where did you catch a Kirby?
<Keeper> It's a Budew.
<Gistica> Acts like a Kirby.
<Utena> >_<
<Gistica> Anyway, I'm off to get my first badge!
*Gistica has left #Route203​

/End Chapter

Merry Day-After-Christmas everybody!
RE: KoN's PokeBeach Platinum Run--Chapter 2

<Gistica> Lets fight! Que the music!
It's cue. Nice eyelaser, by the way.

Merry Day-After-Christmas everybody!
Boxing Day.

I approve of Blargh being Looker.