Wi-Fi Trades Kevin Garrett's Trading Station

RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

It doesn't matter. I'm breeding it to get Hydro Pump. I have a Gyarados with Hydro Pump. I need the one with good IV's. Besides, I didn't have anything you wanted anyway. -.-;
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I will do a level 40 Togetic male for your porygon.
Togetic can hold a skull fossil if you like.

Name: Skite
Friend code: 498316548261
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Okay, how late are you able to trade tonight? And in what time zone?

Thanks, does it have to be a Modest nature because I'm out of them? I'd have to breed you another one.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I'm EST and I prefer a quirky nature if you have one I will be up till 11:30 but I will be gone from 5-8 so if you are able at 4:00 0r 8:30-11:00 it would be good.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

8:30-11:00 is perfect. I'll PM you when I'm ready. OT is Kevin and FC is in my signature.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Level 1's. Everything up there is straight out of their eggs. I have other stuff, just unlisted as of now.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I updated my battle record. :p

Also, I did a major overhaul on my wants/haves.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I updated some stuff. If you want something, and can't give me something on my wants list, try me. I have a lot of things I don't need. Additionally, I'm looking for legit shinies, preferably legendary.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I have a Shiny Hariyama and a Shiny Vileplume. What can you offer me for those 2?
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

First, are they legit?

Second of all, check out the first page and see if you want anything. They are all at level, but I nature breed them for you; perfect for the competitive arena.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

1)Yup, found an Oddish in grass on Route 200 and something on Emerald and Makuhita at Victory Road on Sapphire.

2)Riolu, Adamant
Ralts male, Adamant also please.

Do you have any shinies yet? If so, I could ask for one of them I hope.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I have these legit shinies:

Shiny Roserade

Shiny Mewtwo (You have one, but still.....I'm positive mine's legit.  (caught on my sister's game))

Shiny Muk (caught on my sister's game)

Shiny Kecleon

If your interested in any of them, all that I want is a Dusk Stone.

Also, I can try to get a Mudkip with high IV's in it's good stats, if you want me to.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

I like Shiny Roserade. What would you want for it. I can give you anything from Phione to Nature Breed Pokemon.

Really, just a Dusk Stone? I could give you more.

I have Mudkip, so I think I'll work on the IV's. Maybe my luck will turn around.
RE: Kevin Garrett's Player Thread

Yes, All that I want is a Dusk Stone (That's all I need right now.).

For the Shiny Roserade, I'll just take anything holding a Dusk Stone.