Let's Do the 7th Generation

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RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Keeper of Night said:
I love arc pulse. We have some iron man in there now. Maybe now I can include the Goshdarn BATKNIGHT.

Ability: Best Gadgets
All items held by this pokémon have their effect doubled.

Noibat, Zubat, and Woobat lines.
Klink, Solosis, Magnemite, Zorua, and Scraggy lines.

(This isn't serious, incase you can't tell.)

The effect isn't bad, though.

Also you forgot fletchling.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

professorlight said:
Keeper of Night said:
Ability: Best Gadgets
All items held by this pokémon have their effect doubled.

Noibat, Zubat, and Woobat lines.
Klink, Solosis, Magnemite, Zorua, and Scraggy lines.

(This isn't serious, incase you can't tell.)

The effect isn't bad, though.

Also you forgot fletchling.

If you're seriously considering it, at least don't let it count for Choice items.

Oh right, Fletchling line...
And Spheal. Gotta give it to Spheal.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Keeper of Night said:
professorlight said:
The effect isn't bad, though.

Also you forgot fletchling.

If you're seriously considering it, at least don't let it count for Choice items.

Oh right, Fletchling line...
And Spheal. Gotta give it to Spheal.

Oh, right, items. I was thinking of berries...

Double choice items? we might as well burn down our Xs and Ys now. Don't give them the pleasure.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Fire/Ice pokemon? As in cold fire? Ice that is so cold till it burn? Or fire trapped inside an ice?

Or like porigon? Absolutely new pokemon that unique and have power fussion?
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

professorlight said:
Keeper of Night said:
If you're seriously considering it, at least don't let it count for Choice items.

Oh right, Fletchling line...
And Spheal. Gotta give it to Spheal.

Oh, right, items. I was thinking of berries...

Double choice items? we might as well burn down our Xs and Ys now. Don't give them the pleasure.

Gadgets =/= Berries
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

lovandra said:
Fire/Ice pokemon? As in cold fire? Ice that is so cold till it burn? Or fire trapped inside an ice?

Or like porigon? Absolutely new pokemon that unique and have power fussion?

New pokemon that produces cold fusion inside.

Keeper of Night said:
professorlight said:
Oh, right, items. I was thinking of berries...

Double choice items? we might as well burn down our Xs and Ys now. Don't give them the pleasure.

Gadgets =/= Berries

I read berries; I'm tired, okay? I have been "studying" since four days ago.

Also, while I wait for some inspiration for the bugs, I think I'll start an electric type dilophosaurus if it's okay with you guys (obviously it will have Arc god damn pulse).

What do you think? suggestions? stages? preevolutions? ideas?
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Fairy butterfly bug?

DILOPHOSAURUS? thr one that look like frilled lizard?
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

lovandra said:
Fairy butterfly bug?

DILOPHOSAURUS? thr one that look like frilled lizard?

It didn't, that was all spielberg's BS.

Didn't spit poison either.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Ohhh. seems fine, I ask cause we already have frilled lizard pokemon. Btw, you don't sleep Raitou-san? *Light is read Raitou in Japanese. Mind if I call you that since now?*
/me read too much death note's comics.

You still study?

Btw, real Komodo don't split poison either !
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

lovandra said:
Ohhh. seems fine, I ask cause we already have frilled lizard pokemon. Btw, you don't sleep Raitou-san? *Light is read Raitou in Japanese. Mind if I call you that since now?*
* lovandra read too much death note's comic.

You still study?

Btw, real Komodo don't split poison either !

Nope, komodo dragons don't have any kind of poison, their mouths are just so full of bacteria that they send you into shock.

I do sleep, but my awake hours happen to overlap a little with the northern hemisphere's sleeping hours (besides, I'm already used to going to bed at outrageous hours).

I already did the test, so I'm free for about a month now, I want to leave this up and running before then.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

I just have an idea..
Vehicle pokemon... like bike, but pokemon. We never have one like that.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

And here it is, my first draft of the dilophosaurus.



What's so cool, you might ask? well this baby is not all it seems, for between its head (and back)plates lies a railgun

The ones who know what a railgun is are already removing their dirty pants, but for the ones who don't:


A railgun is an experimental weapon that uses two electrified rails to push a projectile between them at incredible velocity. The idea behind this bastard is that since it can't do beam attacks through its mouth, like modern pokemon, it evolved that railgun setup to launch electrically powered accelerated rocks and beams, it's like a step in the evolution of pokemon powers. It generates so much energy that needs to be grounded with its tail, and it attracts lightning after launch.

I have no idea what to make for a prevolution, though, so suggestions are welcome.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Professorlight that's a pretty neat concept. Since we're talking about artillery weapons, the prevo could make use of artillery more primitive than the railgun. (Ballista? Catapult? Cannon? Bazooka?)
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Those would not be useful for such a frail dinosaur.
I considered making the preevolution based on tasers and relying more on physical moves, to look at the two main options of electric weapons, I guess it'll have to be another, smaller dilophosaurus, using its plates as the two poles of a taser and headbutting its opponents.

Hmmm. That's... not bad...
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

professorlight said:
Where does malgram come from? (the name, of course)

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I've been busy. ._.

Anyways, MalGram came from Malicious + Program.
Simple and straight to the point. It also plays into the fact it's a Program meant to be opposite of Porygon.
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

MuhFugginMoose said:
professorlight said:
Where does malgram come from? (the name, of course)

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I've been busy. ._.

Anyways, MalGram came from Malicious + Program.
Simple and straight to the point. It also plays into the fact it's a Program meant to be opposite of Porygon.

Then why not making the name an opposite of porygon? Porybug? PoryRus? nah, I'm kidding, those names suck. Porygänger? PoryEvilTwin?

Porygon, porygon2, porygon-Z... Porygon-0? PoryBak?

Take a look at this:
Metamorphic code
To avoid being detected by emulation, some viruses rewrite themselves completely each time they are to infect new executables. Viruses that utilize this technique are said to be metamorphic. To enable metamorphism, a metamorphic engine is needed. A metamorphic virus is usually very large and complex. For example, W32/Simile consisted of over 14,000 lines of assembly language code, 90% of which is part of the metamorphic engine
Sounds familiar?

Poly-gon? Metagon?(too power rangers?) Porygon-meta? Poryvl?

I get where you come from for malgram (now). It does make sense, but... it doesn't sound too "pokemon", at least to me (also, it reminds me of malamar). What do you all think?
RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! - SIGN-UPS OPEN

Chaos Porygon?

Porygon come from polygon, right? Have structure and everything.

Or Amorphous Porygon

Amorphygon? Sounds good!
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