• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

PMJ said:
k. To everyone: T/S/S wants are now organized.

emoto - Don't want Roserade anymore, but I do kinda want Garchomp LV.X. Think we can work something out?

SourMilk - I don't need either of the LV.Xs you offered me anymore. Would you trade a holo Absol G and Absol G LV.X for a holo Mewtwo MD and Alakazam 4 LV.X?

spartan - I don't have Energy Gain listed anywhere in my haves. What makes you think I have it?

C-O-N - I have new wants although I am pretty sure you still have all of them. :x I'll... get back to you once I have the others sorted out.

YourP1MP - Sorry, but Electivire FB is gone.

Garchomp C Lv. X or Garchomp Lv. X??
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

instead of the energy gains can u add a rare candy i dont care if its RH
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

YourP1MP - No, sorry.

PKB - Didn't see anything.

emoto - Garchomp LV.X. From Majestic Dawn. If I wanted Garchomp C LV.X, I would have said Garchomp C LV.X.

spartan - No thank you.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

OK how about
PT 37/127 Palkia
Mr. Mime SV
Energy Link (x3)
Pokemon Contest Hall (x2)
Kabuto MD (I think I have 4)


Yanmega SV
Staraptor FB

LMK or counter
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Perhaps you should check my wants. I only need the Palkia, and Mr. Mime is just a throw-in, so I don't value it very highly at all.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

X2 Aarons collection

Rare Candy
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

PMJ said:
Perhaps you should check my wants. I only need the Palkia, and Mr. Mime is just a throw-in, so I don't value it very highly at all.

I know. I was hoping the Palkia with all those throw ins would be worth a Good Rare from you.

If not then how about for the Azelf MT?
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

To both of you: No thank you.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Palkia MD
X2 Volkners

Rare Candy
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Hey, how about....


1 DP42 Carnivine G

1 RR Golem 4
1 SF Vespiquen

1 LA Snowpoint Tmple

1 SF Bronzgong

1 Lvl. Max

2 Energy pickup

1 Buneary (Holo) Black Star Promo

For Your:

1 RR Luxray GL
1 MD Mewtwo
1 SW Gardevoir


-Note: If you want, I'll throw in a Glaceon RR
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Do you have any of that stuff in multiples? If possible, I'd like to get as many as wanted for one specific card. I don't really have a use for just one of a card if I need three, you see.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Is there anything I can do for your Azelf MT.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

PMJ said:
Do you have any of that stuff in multiples? If possible, I'd like to get as many as wanted for one specific card. I don't really have a use for just one of a card if I need three, you see.

Let's see....

Here are the ones I have in the quantity you want...

2x Level Max

2x Carnivine G

Here are the ones I have just a little less than the quantity you want...

3x Energy Pickup, 1 is Reverse Holo (You have down you want 5 on your list).

And all of the following, you wanted 3 of, but I only have 1:

1x Golem 4
1x Bronzgong SF
1x Snowpoint Temple LA
1x Vespiquen SF

The Buneary was just a throw - in, same with the Glaceon :D

So, really, the only ones I could send in the quantities you want are the 2 Lvl. Max and the 2 Carnivine G. Although the Energy Pickups do come close to what you want, and 1 is RH. So.... let me know if you're still interested in those singles or not and how it would effect the trade if you're not interested. Thank you for your response!

EDIT - No longer need the Gardevoir SW just to let you know, and the Glaceon RR I have is Reverse Holo, just checked... I also have 2 glaceon RR not reverse Holo... So I just want the Mewtwo MD and the Luxray GL RR
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

hi pmj, can you cml for your SV reprint zapdos?
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

Hey again! KOA and I have been working out a trade and he wanted me to post here for you to see, so here it is.

The King of Aipom said:
zephilim said:
The King of Aipom said:
Ok, we jus talked over your trade thread, and I like groudon (as a pokemon) so my offer to you is: MY: Luxray GL, for YOUR: 2 Palkia PT, and 1 Groudon LA. Dunno if this is fair or not, PMJ suggested groudon because its not that popular, and I like it as a pokemon. So how about it? Fair deal? I think the luxray GL is holo if it helps.

I can do that!

Ok, I guess copy this PM and paste it in PMJ's trade thread so he knows what I said to you. And he'll do the rest.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), SV Zapdos

YourP1MP - I misread your offer, thought you meant LA, not MT. Don't need the Palkia though, got anything else?

Nobodies? - I traded the Luxray, but I still have Mewtwo MD if you're still interested. Would you trade the 2 Carnivine G, Vespiquen SF, and Snowpoint Temple for it?

rappermi - If your SV Articuno reprint is mint, I'll swap for that?

zephilim - Yeah, he talked to me about it. I'll PM you the details.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), Zapdos reprint

PMJ - I'd do that. I also can spare a Raichu GL, which I see you have on your want list.

If I threw in Raichu GL, would you throw a Flygon RR?

If not, that's fine we can just do the original trade.

LMK thanks! PM me when you want to finalize and conform.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), Zapdos reprint

CML for 2 Blaziken FB. I have chomp X, as well as many other trainers and rares on your list.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - DP-SV. New: Staraptor FB X, Charizard G X (tin), Zapdos reprint

Is there someone editing my trade topic when I'm not looking or something???

Nowhere on my thread does it say I have (or even want) Blaziken FB, so what makes you think I have any?
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