Lv.X's contest.Congrats Dr4gon!

RE: Lv.X's contest.

infmach said:
3/5, remember the rule of not mentioning the first attack name.And you have to make 3 cards. Now we are raising the number!

I never saw that rule anywhere. All it says on your post is, "if you used (first attack) you win."

EDIT: I just read what you put on the first post and that was not very clear.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

LOL, PokeChamp, I thought you said you weren't going to change your score! LOL! Anyways...

I realize now that it's too overpowered. I'll try not to make my next one not as bad. It'll probably be done by the end of today.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Ok, first off, when I read the first post it made absoulutley NO SENCE! "but can't be named" Look at the front page and ask yourself, "Does that make sence?" To me, it was not clear one bit.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Bob Franklin, don't argue any more with me, or I will have to kick you out of here.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

infmach said:
Bob Franklin, don't argue any more with me, or I will have to kick you out of here.

Why? :| Can't you just explain to him instead of being stubborn? Geez.

Edit: Alright, just read the rule for Round 2... I honestly don't understand how not naming the attack is a stipulation... Is this just a loophole to bring contestants down with? Honestly, the synergy thing might be challenging, but I just have to comment on how the "not naming the attack" brings absolutely nothing to the table. It is a rule, though, so I guess you can't really argue it since your rules say that a contestant can't try to compete for a better score. If that's how your system works, then good luck in life; sometimes you need to defend yourself or argue for the better grade.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Pachirisu Lv. X 100HP {L}

{C}{C} Pick Up
You may search your discard pile for as many special energy cards as you like and attach them to your pokemon in any way you like. This attack does 10 damage to each pokemon you attach the energy to for each energy you attach (don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon).

{L}{C} Throw Away 30+
You may discard as many special energy cards attached to both your and you opponent's pokemon in play as you like. Then, for each special energy card discarded flip a coin. This attack does 30 damage plus an additional 40 damage for each heads.

Weakness: {F} x2
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat Cost:
RE: Lv.X's contest.

to me it is awesome, they have sinergy, it is not broken. sorry Lyte, but I will give you 5/5.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

One of the best cards that I've seen in this contest!
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Lyte said:
Pachirisu Lv. X 100HP {L}

{C}{C} Pick Up
You may search your discard pile for as many special energy cards as you like and attach them to your pokemon in any way you like. This attack does 10 damage to each pokemon you attach the energy to for each energy you attach (don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon).

{L}{C} Throw Away 30+
You may discard as many special energy cards attached to both your and you opponent's pokemon in play as you like. Then, for each special energy card discarded flip a coin. This attack does 30 damage plus an additional 40 damage for each heads.

Weakness: {F} x2
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat Cost:

Way too overpowered. Get ALL the sp Energy you want? And attach them to your Pokemon? And then possibly uber-smash the defending for 110+ damage? I don't think so.

RE: Lv.X's contest.

Here's number 2.

Salamence Lv. X 160HP {C}

{W}{C} Dragon Block 20
Prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Salamence during your opponent's next turn.

{R}{R}{W}{C} Dragon Rush 130
You may discard all energy attached to Salamence. If you do, you may do this attack's damage to one of your opponent's benched pokemon instead. If Salamence was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack fails.

Weakness: {C} x2
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Lyte said:
Here's number 2.

Salamence Lv. X 160HP {C}

{W}{C} Dragon Block 20
Prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Salamence during your opponent's next turn.

{R}{R}{W}{C} Dragon Rush 130
You may discard all energy attached to Salamence. If you do, you may do this attack's damage to one of your opponent's benched pokemon instead. If Salamence was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack fails.

Weakness: {C} x2
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}

3/5. Again, overpowered. He will never take damage with his first attack.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

The first attack is just too powerful. Maybe if it was flip a coin, but just too powerful.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Maybe I should've done it to just prevent damage and let effects go through. I just figured that there were so may game mechanics to cancel something like that out that it wouldn't be a problem, especially on a stage 2 Lvl X. But I can definetely understand where you guys are coming from.
RE: Lv.X's contest.


Kingdra Lv. X 140 HP {C}
Level Up

{C} Gusher 20
This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon that already have damage counters on them.

{W}{C} Twister 20
Count the amount of damage counters on the Defending Pokemon. Put that many damage counters on that Pokemon.

Standard Lv. X Text
Weakness = x2 {L}
Resistance = -20 {F}
Retreat Cost = {C}{C}

LOL, I just HAD to make a Lv. X of one of the already most monstrous cards in the format. Don't dock me marks for that!! ;)
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Here's number 3...

Rampardos Lv. X 160HP {F}

{F} Thrash
This attack does 10 damage to each pokemon, both yours and your opponent's (don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon)

{C}{C} Rally together 60+
This attack does an extra 10 damage for each of your benched pokemon with any damage counters on it. You may switch Rampardos with one of your benched pokemon.

Weakness: {G} x2
Retreat Cost: {C}
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Dragon (or however it is!)
Way over Powered. What if the defending Pokemon had 5 damage counters on it, and it only had 100 HP! The first attack should be at least 2 Energy.

Retreat Cost is off and the second attack is overpowered for just two Energy.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Dr4g0n:4/5, it is agood card, but I agree with Muddy in the fact that the first attack should have two energies cost.
Lyte:5/5, Perfect synergy to me, the second attack is not overpowered.