Pokemon Most annoying...

that's more of an error in your cartridge, or a glitch. My point being, it's not really game-related :p
My thing (Well two things) is that when you have a timer ball ready, the pokemon is at low health it is frozen and the match has been going on for yeears, you throw it and it breaks out on your last pokeball and the nearest mart is like 50,0000 towns and routes away.

My second is when you have a great strategy and it is all lined up perfectly a flawless win for you and they opponent brings out a pokemon and uses protect on EVERYTHING!
Goldash said:
Ho-Oh_Master said:
I hate the repeating Game "formulas". I mean come on! Even Mystery dungeon is following the third game rule now! (Explorers of the Sky).

Wanna bet they make a 3rd Ranger? And you can get ANOTHER manaphy in it?

Well, that's not what third games are. It's like Platinum to DP, Emerald to Ruby and Sapphire.
Btw, 3rd Manaphy FTW! =/
As long as Nintendo is making money, they won't stop making games, even if they end up to be repetetive and annoying :p it's all about the money for those guys xD

So yeah, there's definetly another Ranger coming (along with another 500 new generations >_< )
The thing that I hate the most is when your battleing a trainer you know you can beat but the only moves they use are sand attack confuse ray, harden and dumb things like that. They know they're going to lose and they're just making me mad!
Potions, moves like Confuse Ray, sometimes you can't flee. Those are the things that just plain bug me when playing the game...
Going through Mt coronet was the most annoying thing ever for me, I encountered a wil pokemon every two steps, and I was Like, ARGH. Then AFTER I had done Mt coronet I realised what repels were for xD
Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax woke up!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

why would you wake up just to go to sleep again?

There's a reason why your master ball is usually wasted on a Pokemon in the legendary trio of each game.

Also, for those who hate wild Pokemon in tall grass, you can cut away the grass with cut. No one seems to remember that anymore. ^_^
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
One word; POTION. When your about to knock out a Gym Leader's Pokemon, what do they do? Use a Potion. It's so frustrating!
Oh, yeah. "Stop doing that! Cradily's HP will just go right back there after Crobat Sludge Bombs it again!" Ugh. At least in my most recent file, all my Pokemon's levels were 100 so I didn't have to see that horrid "CHAMPION STEVEN used one FULL RESTORE!" message again.
42 chocolate said:
Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax woke up!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

why would you wake up just to go to sleep again?

There's a reason why your master ball is usually wasted on a Pokemon in the legendary trio of each game.

Also, for those who hate wild Pokemon in tall grass, you can cut away the grass with cut. No one seems to remember that anymore. ^_^

I do. It's just quicker to run away, and you could somehow randomly find a shiny. :p

Lol, I don't waste my Master Ball like that. I use Thunder wave, and get the legendary thing down to 1 HP, and use Ultra Balls. ^__^
The Power of Three said:
42 chocolate said:
Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

Machamp used Rock Smash!
It's super effective!
Foe Snorlax woke up!
Foe Snorlax used Rest!
Foe Snorlax went to sleep!

why would you wake up just to go to sleep again?

There's a reason why your master ball is usually wasted on a Pokemon in the legendary trio of each game.

Also, for those who hate wild Pokemon in tall grass, you can cut away the grass with cut. No one seems to remember that anymore. ^_^

I do. It's just quicker to run away, and you could somehow randomly find a shiny. :p

Lol, I don't waste my Master Ball like that. I use Thunder wave, and get the legendary thing down to 1 HP, and use Ultra Balls. ^__^

oh yeah. I caught Rayquaza w/ 1 HP on 'im and 50 Timer Balls.
xD LOL, I mean in Plat it took me hours to get that fat guy to say ditto and it took me an other hour or two because my ds SHUT OFF and when I caught him I was breeding when all of a sudden my ds FROZE -w- But I just caught him now :D I save-ed :D

I find it annoying that you can never opt to be a villain. Sometimes I would like to join a team and rule the world. I also find EV training without the use of an AR to be annoying. Attacks that take a million years are annoying, although a few are really cool.
When you face off with Bronzor against a Chansey. It is like when your are almost about to defeat it it uses Soft Boiled.

Bidoof breaking chains. Really makes me mad. x_x

dmaster out.
I hate it how the legendary pokemon in Platinum are so hard to catch. The Giratina took me like 15 tries.


100th post!