Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

HEY CRYSTAL you can still join if you want. CA said we are accepting :D i have a way of sneaking you in it might involve bunnies also...


i think its a big image but lol if you actually read cupcakes....and just as i got finished reading the comic the cupcake song came on my playlist O_O
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Haha good one catutie. Also Zenith's post a while back made me laugh. Also on the pony generator topic, I found out about it a little while ago, and messed with it some, it is actually pretty entertaining. I like trying to create the main cast using it, because most of the parts are there, such as specific eyes and Applejack's hat and things like that. I appreciated a bunch of the different hair options, such as Twilight Sparkle's hair after Rainbow's rainbow blow dry in episode 1. It is really well made.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Every hair style of the mane six is there, but making the colors for Rainbow's and Twilight's hairstyles is a challenge, but the Pony Generator is a fun flash activity.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Okay. Guess what. I got the Pony Creator to work so heres Loveshy:

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

That's pretty cool, Snivy. But you do know that you can make the backround white, right?

Anyways, as we may already know, combining ponies with anything makes it awesome. Examples below:



RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Robot3300 said:
That's pretty cool, Snivy. But you do know that you can make the backround white, right?

I know. I just didn't feel like it. Oh and thanks.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Can anybody link me to the pony creator? I tried finding it on Google, but I couldn't make it work. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Shadow Arceus, I believe somepony else linked it earlier, but here it is again.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Yeah. I posted like two pages ago. xD Anyways, how do you think Love looks?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

All the OC's are awesome :D

Loveshy doesn't look like Cheerilee's twin anymore. I would've filled paint for her cutie mark though. And maybe use the curve tool for a more even heart. Also, she looks pretty small compared to the other ponies. In between the CMC's height and the Mane 6's height.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Hehe. I was in a rush. I only had 5 minutes. I'm going to fix it tomorrow though. So that one was just a quick picture of Love. Tomorrow you'll se her for real.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Snivylover555 said:
Anyways, how do you think Love looks?
I think love lookes great! Except that it wasn't what I thought Love would look like...
She would have abit of a Fluttershy style mane and have to have the color of fresh Pokebeach sand for her coat and have a shiny blue mane, Almost like the color of a shiny umbreon's rings in pure moonlight. :p
Atlest that's what I thought of Love until now...
And how do you upload your pic to a post?! I would love for you guys to see Shade... (My OC.) But I don't know how to capture the image... :/
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

You need to take a screenshot and paste it to Paint, then save and upload it to an image hosting site. Prnt Screen takes a screenshot by the way.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Okay, I found this gem while browsing art (and found a video??), and it definitely couldn't go unposted. This is certainly Derpy's theme song.

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Ok guys, after about an hour of generation, and alot of thinking, my OC Pony is finally done!

His mane is a little off, and I'm no good at drawing Cutie Marks, but that is Shade From the Pony RPG.
What do ya guys think? ;P
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

OC's huh? I posted my OC a while back in the original thread, I'll see if I can dig it up.

There we go.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

The pony creator just shows up as a white box.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

You may need to update your Flash file. The pony creator runs on Flash.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Ha, I just looked at the image I posted and realized what a bad drawing it is. Sorry guys.
Sepia Dash's Cutie Mark is a lightbulb.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Ha, I just looked at the image I posted and realized what a bad drawing it is. Sorry guys.
Sepia Dash's Cutie Mark is a lightbulb.

do you have a CM story for that :D...i would like to know :D