Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

With that hat, I'd call him (Looks like a guy to me) some sort of detective pony! I'd love to see some kind of mystery-themed episode! =D

We can dream, right, Zenith?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

We really don't know if that image was cleared up officially either.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Yeah, with the unclean image, the characters look more like Twilight with a green mane and a Meowth! =P

However, I'm wondering why the image is blurry in the first place…
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

The image definitely wasn't cleaned up officially - I've seen several interpretations.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

shiny umbreon said:
O...M....G!!!!! New characters?!?!?! This came inside the pony poster at Comic Con.
Lookes like Pinkie's geting a new Pet Aligator. And some mystery pony....
Disscuss! :D

those characters just look....weird REALLY weird. i doubt its real :p but if it is....then that alligator is gummy's brother :D

edit: well...inspired by DV i looked at some of the google themes...remember its for chrome only :p


RD 2


Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie 2


AJ v2?

AJ v1?

AJ 3

Rarity 1

Rarity 2

:D that is all i far
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I never really seen any, but there might be some Pony Personas for Firefox. If someone can find some, that'd be awesome, because I want to know.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Well, It looks offical... A Brony can Dream can't he? ;P
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I never really seen any, but there might be some Pony Personas for Firefox. If someone can find some, that'd be awesome, because I want to know.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I downloaded the Fluttershy theme for my computer. It looks so cool.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I've added a new poll. Essentially, what would you like to see in Season 2?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I want to see a Rainbow Dash song in Season 2.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


Hey guys, I'm Materious17 and I'm a brony! This group is amazing too. MLP FiM has one of the best fanbases I've seen in a long time.

So I was thinking, I want to make an ingame Pokemon B/W team but I have no idea where to start for having my team be the main 6 ponies. Besides the obvious Twilight on fire=rapidash or Zecora=Blitzle, what pokemon best fits the other ponies?

So far I got Fluttershy=Beautifly (based on her cutie mark) but if I did Pinkie Pie's cutie mark I get drifloon, which just seems wrong.

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Cool idea there Materious. For Pinkie Pie the only thing I can think of is Driftloon.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Thanks Sweet Dawn Berlitz.

I would like to see Season 2 be more story arc based personally. I liked the mixture they had in Season 1 though episodes 4-25 were all just the slice of life. (excluding episode 14, the art of the dress one). But I felt like the episodes could have tied to eachother a lot stronger, would have loved to see Pinkie Pie's predictions throughout the series personally for example.

I guess I should have voted for mixed then but I'm leaning on the more arc based side of mixed anyways.

Yeah, but I'm looking for an over excitable, partyloving (preferably pink) pokemon that captures Pinkie Pie's omnicient happiness. Drifloon steals children so I really don't want to use him.

Derpy Hooves=Stunfisk/Dunsparce?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

You're welcome. The story I don't care, I'd love to see a song sung only by Rainbow in Season 2 as stated earlier.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Materious17 said:
Thanks Sweet Dawn Berlitz.

I would like to see Season 2 be more story arc based personally. I liked the mixture they had in Season 1 though episodes 4-25 were all just the slice of life. (excluding episode 14, the art of the dress one). But I felt like the episodes could have tied to eachother a lot stronger, would have loved to see Pinkie Pie's predictions throughout the series personally for example.

I guess I should have voted for mixed then but I'm leaning on the more arc based side of mixed anyways.

Yeah, but I'm looking for an over excitable, partyloving (preferably pink) pokemon that captures Pinkie Pie's omnicient happiness. Drifloon steals children so I really don't want to use him.

Derpy Hooves=Stunfisk/Dunsparce?

ludicolo likes parties :p

i would imagine it like this

Rapidash = TS
Ludicolo = Pinkie
Spoink = Rarity (spoink needs its jewel...rarity likes jewels :D)
? = RD
? = AJ
Shaymin Land = FS
Alakazam = Trixie (magic? you bet)
Arceus = Celestia
Darkrai = Luna

those are just the first ones that come to mind
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Well Ludiculo isn't pink.

For Rainbow Dash I'd say Ho-Oh.
And Applejack Tropius.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Rainbow Dash, would maybe a Pokemon like Pidgeot. Not sure exactly.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

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