Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

The argument against Mare Do Well IIRC was that the rest of the Mane 6's plan to invent a superhero figure to outshine Rainbow was too passive aggressive. I'm not sure I agree with that, though, last time I watched that episode it seemed like it would take nothing short of something like that to put her in her place.
Really? people hate that episode? I thought rainbow dash's behavior was simply a logical progression of her character, and that's having seen at the moment just 6 episodes. I only caught the later half of the episode (damn school, making me late for ponies), but two minutes after starting I knew what was going on, why and how it would end. Didn't expect the shoutouts to BTAS, though; in the era of ben 10 and bakugan, you forget when cartoons used to be good.

I thought it was logical, actually, everyone of the maaa... maaannn... mannn... sorry, I can't. main six has at least one profound character flaw: extreme shyness, greed, pride, lack of focus, arrogance, and in RD's case, she's too full of herself. It was to be expected that some day she would have to be brought down a notch.
I do find rarity's flaw to be inconsistent with her virtue, though, didn't seem to make much sense. Do you know what's up with that?
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Has anyone seen this parody commercial by Collegehumor?

I'm at work right now, and thus lacking of audio, so I can't tell if it's funny or not... -.-
Hey, is anyone actually playing the MLP Gameloft mobile game? If anyone has a Gameloft Live account please friend me! I need hearts to get Scootaloo!

Username: KeldeoPokefan03
Guys. Check out the English names for the Team Flare scientists. Two of them outright stunned me.

Celosia (totallysoundslike) Celestia
Bryony (totallysoundslike) Brony

SkyeVictini said:
Guys. Check out the English names for the Team Flare scientists. Two of them outright stunned me.

Celosia (totallysoundslike) Celestia
Bryony (totallysoundslike) Brony


That's nothing new. One of the sages in Team Plasma is named Bronius.
SkyeVictini said:
Guys. Check out the English names for the Team Flare scientists. Two of them outright stunned me.

Celosia (totallysoundslike) Celestia
Bryony (totallysoundslike) Brony


Please, celestia has style, unlike those... whatever they are from team flare.

Also, I've been thinking... how awesome would it be if this gen the legendary trio (for xerneas) were a ground/fairy earth pony, a fairy/psychic unicorn and a fairy/flying pegasus? how likely would that be? GF has taken stuff from pop culture before.
professorlight said:
Please, celestia has style, unlike those... whatever they are from team flare.

Indeed. Team Flare's outfits are so tacky they'd make Rarity puke.

professorlight said:
Also, I've been thinking... how awesome would it be if this gen the legendary trio (for xerneas) were a ground/fairy earth pony, a fairy/psychic unicorn and a fairy/flying pegasus? how likely would that be? GF has taken stuff from pop culture before.

Sadly, I don't think MLP has the relevance or the popularity in Japan for a Pokemon reference. I think we could see pegasi or alicorns as Pokemon someday, but probably not MLP style.

But if we do get, say, an alicorn evolution or Mega evolution of Rapidash, I'm totally naming mine Celestia.
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
Please, celestia has style, unlike those... whatever they are from team flare.

Indeed. Team Flare's outfits are so tacky they'd make Rarity puke.

professorlight said:
Also, I've been thinking... how awesome would it be if this gen the legendary trio (for xerneas) were a ground/fairy earth pony, a fairy/psychic unicorn and a fairy/flying pegasus? how likely would that be? GF has taken stuff from pop culture before.

Sadly, I don't think MLP has the relevance or the popularity in Japan for a Pokemon reference. I think we could see pegasi or alicorns as Pokemon someday, but probably not MLP style.

But if we do get, say, an alicorn evolution or Mega evolution of Rapidash, I'm totally naming mine Celestia.

Wasn't it released in japan some time ago? but yes, sadly I know that they wouldn't base three pokemon into a pop culture phenomenon so recent.
professorlight said:
Wasn't it released in japan some time ago? but yes, sadly I know that they wouldn't base three pokemon into a pop culture phenomenon so recent.

Yeah, it's on the first season in Japan, but I don't think it has the same popularity there as it does here.
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
Wasn't it released in japan some time ago? but yes, sadly I know that they wouldn't base three pokemon into a pop culture phenomenon so recent.

Yeah, it's on the first season in Japan, but I don't think it has the same popularity there as it does here.

Dammit. dumb japanese. too spoiled by anime. But, I guess it's for the better. they do have a tendency to horribly butcher western animation, after all. It won't be long before the main six have to combine into a giant pony mecha to fight ultimate discord during 10 episodes, 9 of which will be spent talking and doing onigiri, umbrellas and origami while bad pop music sounds in the background.

But we won't get our ponypokemon...
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
Please, celestia has style, unlike those... whatever they are from team flare.

Indeed. Team Flare's outfits are so tacky they'd make Rarity puke.

I wasn't actually comparing the appearances or the characters in general to the ponies. Just saw similarities in their names is all.

But yeah, I agree. I said in a different thread they look like corrupted Sailor Scout clones dipped in hot sauce. And don't even get me started on Xerosic. O_O
professorlight said:
Bolt the Cat said:
Yeah, it's on the first season in Japan, but I don't think it has the same popularity there as it does here.

Dammit. dumb japanese. too spoiled by anime. But, I guess it's for the better. they do have a tendency to horribly butcher western animation, after all. It won't be long before the main six have to combine into a giant pony mecha to fight ultimate discord during 10 episodes, 9 of which will be spent talking and doing onigiri, umbrellas and origami while bad pop music sounds in the background.

But we won't get our ponypokemon...

I liked that idea until you got to the bolded part.
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
Dammit. dumb japanese. too spoiled by anime. But, I guess it's for the better. they do have a tendency to horribly butcher western animation, after all. It won't be long before the main six have to combine into a giant pony mecha to fight ultimate discord during 10 episodes, 9 of which will be spent talking and doing onigiri, umbrellas and origami while bad pop music sounds in the background.

But we won't get our ponypokemon...

I liked that idea until you got to the bolded part.

But you can't have japanese anime without at least some of that japanese stuff... and I forgot: nosebleeds and other bodily fluids leaking. blegh
professorlight said:
But you can't have japanese anime without at least some of that japanese stuff... and I forgot: nosebleeds and other bodily fluids leaking. blegh

And oversexualized characters.
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
But you can't have japanese anime without at least some of that japanese stuff... and I forgot: nosebleeds and other bodily fluids leaking. blegh

And oversexualized characters.

I think the internet has that already covered... with a couple of the other stuff on the list to boot...

Yeah, better if they don't get their claws in it.
professorlight said:
I think the internet has that already covered... with a couple of the other stuff on the list to boot...

Yeah, I know. But the last thing I'd want to see is canon sexualized ponies.

That's just... wrong.
Bolt the Cat said:
professorlight said:
I think the internet has that already covered... with a couple of the other stuff on the list to boot...

Yeah, I know. But the last thing I'd want to see is canon sexualized ponies.

That's just... wrong.

Yeah, too bad a large part of the fans don't see it that way... honestly, most adults just corrupt any children's stuff they like... and the worst part is they don't even realize it.

Well, I finally caught up to the end of season 3. The ending was no surprise, since I had heard about it already, but I did expect to see a little more conflict.

Is it me or is the first season vastly superior to the other two? I don't know... pinkie was funnier (you can't top "swarm of the century"), the stories focused on the characters, on the lessons and less in "we have to do stuff"... and it wasn't so "let's meet important ponies, mingle with royalty and save the world". The show seems to be leaving behind many of the things that made it unique and becoming more generic... I mean, the end was the main character magically becoming a princess, you don't get more little girl cliche than that... princesses are already all over the place, and those are unworthy of the title.
Actually it's gaining ground in Japan. They didn't dub it immediately over there because the animation market is already absolutely flooded (just think about how much anime they have over there), but it gained enough of a cult following to actually get dubbed. I've heard a rumor that they're going to be getting their own pony con soon...

professorlight said:
Is it me or is the first season vastly superior to the other two? I don't know... pinkie was funnier (you can't top "swarm of the century"), the stories focused on the characters, on the lessons and less in "we have to do stuff"... and it wasn't so "let's meet important ponies, mingle with royalty and save the world". The show seems to be leaving behind many of the things that made it unique and becoming more generic... I mean, the end was the main character magically becoming a princess, you don't get more little girl cliche than that... princesses are already all over the place, and those are unworthy of the title.

Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 were different than the second half of Season 2 and Season 3. Why? Lauren Faust was directly working with the show up until they had constructed about half of the Season 2 episodes. Then Megan McCarthy took over as head writer.

I don't think it's necessarily what's "better", it's just that it's different. Season 1 had more even pacing and felt "homelier" in general (in my humble opinion). Towards the end of Season 2 into Season 3 we had a huge shift, where the episodes felt a little more crowded. Basically while there are plenty of funny moments, the episodes feel like they're crammed with material, forcing a climax in the last 5 minutes instead of giving time for the rising action, climax, and falling action.

TL;DR: The later seasons have a different style than Season 1, but that doesn't mean that they're any worse, since that's subject to opinion.