Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Hmm... Maybe I'm missing something, but the show seems to be getting worse with each season.

The 3 episodes of Season 4 (I think that's the current season) have been alright, well, the first two were, but the 3rd one was entirely disappointing. I wanted the Pony who was playing the Organ to be Princess Luna, as she needs to do something during the day and Twilight read that Luna was really excited about the Organ to the Outside.

Anyone else think the box has another element of harmony in it? IMO, next season they'll search for the Pony it belongs to, only to belong to Discord (Element of Chaos?) and the season after that will have them all use the elements to beat the final big bad, ending the series.

You know what I just noticed? A plot hole!
IF Discord could only be freed by arguments and general, well, discord, then why wasn't he freed when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon? I mean, Luna and Celestia turned him into stone by the elements of harmony together, then wouldn't that mean when Luna turned evil, that would also free Discord? Why did it take the arguing of three little kids to free him? Also, are we really supposed to believe that no-one in hundreds of years has ever argued in front of him before?
Blob55 said:
Anyone else think the box has another element of harmony in it? IMO, next season they'll search for the Pony it belongs to, only to belong to Discord (Element of Chaos?) and the season after that will have them all use the elements to beat the final big bad, ending the series.

It doesn't really make sense for Discord to be a 7th element, because as the spirit of chaos he's fundamentally opposed to harmony.

Blob55 said:
You know what I just noticed? A plot hole!
IF Discord could only be freed by arguments and general, well, discord, then why wasn't he freed when Luna turned into Nightmare Moon? I mean, Luna and Celestia turned him into stone by the elements of harmony together, then wouldn't that mean when Luna turned evil, that would also free Discord? Why did it take the arguing of three little kids to free him? Also, are we really supposed to believe that no-one in hundreds of years has ever argued in front of him before?

Discord wasn't freed because of the CMC arguing, he was freed because Celestia and Luna were no longer connected to the Elements.
Blob55 said:
Hmm... Maybe I'm missing something, but the show seems to be getting worse with each season.

The 3 episodes of Season 4 (I think that's the current season) have been alright, well, the first two were, but the 3rd one was entirely disappointing. I wanted the Pony who was playing the Organ to be Princess Luna, as she needs to do something during the day and Twilight read that Luna was really excited about the Organ to the Outside.

That's the thing, darling, they set it all up so you think luna is the shadow, since it makes perfect sense, but it turns out to be pinkie, completely out of nowhere, after giving a plausible reason for her absence, her presence, and, because she is pinkie, giving no reason at all as to why she plays the organ ("did you know that I can totally play the organ? because I DIDN'T).
And then, when you are sure of things, they subvert them again showing that pinkie wasn't the only shadow pony.
Absolutely brilliant.

Bolt the Cat said:
Discord wasn't freed because of the CMC arguing, he was freed because Celestia and Luna were no longer connected to the Elements.

And don't forget that it took time for the magic to wear enough for him to be able to get out; about the same as the time the magic of the tree of harmony lasted.
The discussion of the CMC was just another narrative tool, it didn't do anything to discord.
I had a feeling it was either Pinkie or Luna, but I was hoping it would be Luna, because, you know, she needs a personality!
Blob55 said:
I had a feeling it was either Pinkie or Luna, but I was hoping it would be Luna, because, you know, she needs a personality!

Luna has a personality, it's in the little details and gestures, granted, but it's there.

What she needs, is episodes to herself; and celestia too, and even cadence; maybe something with some of them and some of the main six, not counting twilight.
How many episodes has Luna appeared in? 4? Well, 4 notable ones at least.
She only appeared once in Season 1, once in Season 2, a few cameos in Season 3 and Season 4 will probably be the same. At least Princess Cadence has more of a back story that isn't just "I'm good, no wait, evil. No, I'm good again". Just because a character has been around since the beginning of season 1 doesn't mean she's better developed and has had better screen time than a character that appeared in Season 2.
Where did I get lost now? I've never seen My little Pony, can I please get details? Is there nashville hot chicken fights?
PokeChimpo said:
Where did I get lost now? I've never seen My little Pony, can I please get details? Is there fowl fights?

start here:

and look for offical eps on youtube or watch on The Hubs site or on the tv channel.

if you want more fan made content and news go here :

Enjoy :)
The-Kaiser said:
PokeChimpo said:
Where did I get lost now? I've never seen My little Pony, can I please get details? Is there fowl fights?

start here:

and look for offical eps on youtube or watch on The Hubs site or on the tv channel.

if you want more fan made content and news go here :

Enjoy :)

Awesome, thanks for the info. If it's anything like DBZ I'll be hooked.
Blob55 said:
How many episodes has Luna appeared in? 4? Well, 4 notable ones at least.
She only appeared once in Season 1, once in Season 2, a few cameos in Season 3 and Season 4 will probably be the same. At least Princess Cadence has more of a back story that isn't just "I'm good, no wait, evil. No, I'm good again". Just because a character has been around since the beginning of season 1 doesn't mean she's better developed and has had better screen time than a character that appeared in Season 2.

I agreed she should appear in more episodes, and she should speak more when she does appear, but I didn't mean that because she appeared in season 1. If you are counting episode amount, I'd say that both luna and cadance have pretty much the same amount of development, "luna eclipsed" and a "canterlot wedding P2" and "games ponies play" being their most extensive appearances (also, holy shit, I can remember the episode names!... I really have watched too much MLP...).

But you are forgetting that sometimes, character development can be subtle, and it doesn't require a whole episode.

For example, her being doubtful of twilights ability, but later making the book appear.

Or she knowing scootaloo's true fear, showing her as wiser then we ever saw her before.

Or here, proud of twilight

And there's one last frame from the S4 premiere, but the picture is not in the database; in that single, split-second frame I understood more of luna than I ever did of cadance.

Crap... I'm really deep in this... aren't I?

Oh, who cares?
If you're looking for violence and action, MLP:FiM is not the show for you.
Anyone else want the last part of the last ep of Season 2 to be canon? Maybe a Special that takes place between the last ep of Season 2 and the first of Season 3.
Artemis said:
If you're looking for violence and action, MLP:FiM is not the show for you.

Eh, I've noticed.. lol, not a bad show though to each their own but this definitely isn't something I could stand to watch more than a few episodes of.
Artemis said:
If you're looking for violence and action, MLP:FiM is not the show for you.

Violence, no, but there is a fair bit of action in the show. It's predominantly slice of life, though.

Speaking of action, did anyone see today's episode?

EDIT: Here's my thoughts on the episode:

I have to say, I really didn't see this coming, but that's more because I was chatting on Equestria Forever while watching this one and she ended up revealing her true identity before I could get a good look at her (I really have to stop watching TV and talking on forums at the same time). It was a neat episode, but I didn't really like Rainbow's characterization, she was being too insecure at all the wrong times and then went right back to being an egomaniac at the end there. It didn't seem like she really learned her lesson in all of this. Meanwhile, I think Daring Do's characterization was much more appropriate.
Hmm... Why did Daring Do say she couldn't trust anyone with her secrets, if she's just going to write about them anyway?

Interesting seeing Rainbow Dash having a fangasm.
BTW, the reason why I think Rainbow Dash was so insecure throughout the episode, is because she sees herself as sorta like Daring Do, but when DD rejected her and even got DD kidnapped, Dash took it hard. At the end of the ep when DD praised Dash, it probably went to her head, which is why it seems like she didn't learn a lesson (other than waltzing onto private property).

the official card list for the Card game :)
more new info :)

