Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Hello again. It has been quite some time since I last visited due to how rarely I go online. Additionally, my computer crashed right around the holidays, therefore erasing all my bookmarks. It may have taken a bit of time to find it, but I'm back in the swing of things! So far, I believe season 4 has been quite amazing, just as I had thought, what with the return of Discord and Twilight still getting used to being a princess in the beginning. I found Castle Mania (episode 3) to be possibly my new favorite episode (I don't think I ever had one though). It was great to see the plot continuing through the season like the gala did in season 1 with the mane 6 heading into Celestia's old castle to search for clues. They were able to perfectly execute many different set ups for hilarity to pursue. Having all the friends together at the same supposedly haunted castle, thinking each other to be ghosts, perfectly timed randomness from Pinkie Pie (all genius), a memorable quote or two (this is the most daring dare anypony has ever dared dare another pony to dare!), and an astonishing ending all made this episode incredible. My friend found it cool that he now had a connection from an actual episode to his fanfic. I'm so glad to be back, and I can't wait to get back to the brony community!

PS. Could someone send me a link to Season 4 Episode 4 and Season 4 Episode 6 full and with no commentary? I can't find anything but clips and commentaries for episode 4 on youtube and I couldn't find episode 6 at all! Feel free to PM it to me. Doing so would be greatly appreciated.
If Flutter Shy turned into a Vampire Pony, then does that mean the Vampire Fruit Bats got turned into Shy Fruit Bats? I mean, they didn't seem that shy after they lost interest in they Fruits, so which foods WERE they eating when they weren't eating Fruits?
I thought it would be an episode about the VF Bats causing havoc in Town, as they try to search for something to eat.
Blob55 said:
If Flutter Shy turned into a Vampire Pony, then does that mean the Vampire Fruit Bats got turned into Shy Fruit Bats? I mean, they didn't seem that shy after they lost interest in they Fruits, so which foods WERE they eating when they weren't eating Fruits?
I thought it would be an episode about the VF Bats causing havoc in Town, as they try to search for something to eat.

That's why it was so good. We were expecting a a regular episode, and suddenly it turns into a pony remake of "dracula", which is brilliant. You DO NOT expect a horribly mutated vampire pony into a show called "my little pony friendship is magic".
professorlight said:
Blob55 said:
If Flutter Shy turned into a Vampire Pony, then does that mean the Vampire Fruit Bats got turned into Shy Fruit Bats? I mean, they didn't seem that shy after they lost interest in they Fruits, so which foods WERE they eating when they weren't eating Fruits?
I thought it would be an episode about the VF Bats causing havoc in Town, as they try to search for something to eat.

That's why it was so good. We were expecting a a regular episode, and suddenly it turns into a pony remake of "dracula", which is brilliant. You DO NOT expect a horribly mutated vampire pony into a show called "my little pony friendship is magic".

But didn't she stay mutated? I know she's not a vampire anymore, but she still has the fangs.
The thing I didn't get with Bats was how Fluttershy turning into a bat made everyone change their minds about how the bats should be treated. "Ohmygod, the spell backfired and turned Fluttershy into a bat! Even though that has absolutely nothing to do with Applejack and Fluttershy's arguments, we should all suddenly decide that Fluttershy was right all along!" It was a fun episode, and I did enjoy me some Flutterbat, but that ending did take a 180 for no reason.


PMJ said:
inb4 everyone becomes an alicorn

That would actually be a really amusing dream/gag episode like the super hero one. Applejack adding flying on her rivalry with Rainbow Dash... Pinkie Pie with magic?!
They felt guilty. Fluttershy turning into a bat was an unintended side effect of Twilight's spell, which ended up causing them more trouble than if they had just listened to Fluttershy in the first place, especially since Fluttershy's solution would provide real, long-term results. (accualy it wouldn't unless every vampire fruit bat was a stand-up citizen of Equestria and only ate from those trees which Applejack deemed for their use)

Of course, by the time Applejack agreed to build the enclosure, her crop was in ruins anyway, so one could argue that the only reason she agreed is because she would have nothing left if she didn't build it (since the bats were now back to normal).

Also Pinkie was great in this episode.
Goddammit, I hate this show. TV is not supposed to make us better people! I'm a f****** selfish cynic, for goodness sakes!

And no, I totally wasn't about to cry. No no no.
I loved this episode, but I can't tell if it's because Rarity is best pony or because it was just that good.

Also, I was just a little sad that the assistant didn't work for Rarity, or maybe cover for her while she was away. The way Rarity was going on, I seriously thought she was staying in Manehattan for a few episodes, and the new girl could join the friends in Ponyville and get her summa dat friendship.
I wouldn't object to coco becoming a recurring character; she's just lovely.

Also, was prim whatever supposed to be like heidi klum? or like anna wintour? because they already took wintour's design for photo finish.
I can't tell if this episode's purpose was just to teach the lesson or if Pinkie Pie really is distantly related to Applejack.

There exists an apple variety called Pink Lady which is, in all likelihood, the name Pinkie Pie saw. It would best explain why she could read the first part of the name but not the second.

BUT HERE'S A WAY COOLER THEORY that has probably been posited by people who saw this episode as it aired.

This episode confirms that Applejack and Pinkie Pie are definitely related. So here's what I'm thinking:

As shown in this episode, Apples are stubborn. They fight, they bicker, and they argue over the stupidest things. My theory is that sometime in the past, there was a feud in the Apple family and some members left to start a new clan and a new farm. However, since the Apples basically have a monopoly on all things farming, this rebel clan was left with nothing to call their own. Still, they had farming in their blood, so they chose--out of stubbornness--to farm the one "crop" that the Apples wouldn't touch - rocks.

"But how did they survive if all they farmed was rocks?"

They probably ate them, just to spite the Apple family. And so for who knows how long, the rebel Apples farmed rocks. At some point during that time and the present, they disowned the Apple name. Without knowing how marriage works in Equestria (Carrot Cake and Cup Cake? That was either an arranged marriage or someone's got a maiden name) there's no way to know which of Pinkie Pie's parents has Pie as a surname, or why they would choose Pie as a surname at all.

Fast forward to present day and you've got Pinkie Pie, the result of generations of rebels. This could also explain her give-no-bucks attitude. She also has the stubbornness that her ancestors did, as shown in Party of One when Rainbow Dash tried to force her to go to Sweet Apple Acres.

Oh yeah, and there's also this little gem:


She had Applejack's cutie mark. She has no idea how to farm anything other than rocks and spent most of her adult life eating sweets so her body isn't built for legit farm work, which explains why she failed when she tried to run the farm. (Side note - what was the rest of the Apple family doing while Pinkie Pie was running them out of business?)

I win. They're related. Headcanon accepted.
So, um, this happened in yesterday's episode.

(Look to the right of the bush)
Slenderman is now a thing in Equestria
This episode is the only one that liked the song for this season. The rest have been kinda eh... Though, the song where Rarity sings about Manehattin was good.
We got to hear Mac sing. He's been one I been wanting to hear for a while. Now we just need him to sing a big ol' ballad by himself and I'll be good.
I loved Rarity Takes Manehattan, and had a blast watching Pinkie Apple Pie, but mostly this last episode left me really, really, really wanting an MLP skin/remake of the old Oregon Trail game.


now all we need is Gilda and Derpy back oh and Steve :)