Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

I don't know if it's ever been officially stated, but leaning towards no. I know I saw a theory posted somewhere guessing the ages based on who is older than who and a few other things, but that's all.
So who's the oldest and who's the youngest?
I think it's (From oldest to youngest): AJ, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash.
Did a bit of research to see if I could find the theory I'd read before (mostly because I thought it was good); I seemed to recall Rarity or Fluttershy being the oldest, but it's hard to remember specifics.

Anyway, I couldn't find it, but I did come across this question answered by Lauren Faust:

Q: How old are the ponies?

The ponies' ages were left intentionally undefined. I like to think of them as having maturity levels anywhere between 12 and 18, (but remember that maturity is different than age. You can be a 10-year-old with the maturity of a 15-year-old, and you can be a 35-year-old with the maturity of a 15-year-old.) For story telling purposes, they needed to be able to live independent of parents, but innocent enough for the type of lessons they learn at the end of the episodes. Since horses are full grown around 5-ish, I guess I sort of justified it in my head that they could be childlike young adults. I know this answer is frustrating for some people, but it happens often in cartoons. How old is Bugs Bunny? Mickey Mouse? Sponge Bob? I don't know either.
I read that they are between 24 and 21 years, being fluttershy-pinkie pie-rarity/twilight-rainbow dash the order.

Look in the wiki, or if you are foolish enough, TVtropes.

Older to younger, and applejack goes between twilight and rainbow.
The only one who you're going to get any consensus about is Fluttershy. She is physically older than all the rest of the cast. She is a year older than Pinkie Pie but that doesn't tell you anything about the ages of the other four ponies (some or even all of them could have been born during that year).

The Cutie Mark Chronicles shows them all about the same size, save Fluttershy, so the five of them are all about the same age. Trying to hash out the details will never work

(And since Cheerilee was present in Rarity's flashback, we know that she's around the same age as them, too :>)
Profoflight forgot to add AJ. I know they don't have numbered ages, but I just want to know who's the oldest to youngest. So far AJ is nowhere on the list.

I hate edit replies.
Ok, it looks like I'm the first one to comment on Rainbow Falls, so here's my first impressions:

Well, I must admit, I was starting to get a little disappointed around the time when Rainbow faked being hurt, but everything turned around so quickly I swear I got whiplash.
Ok, let me address the elephant in the room:

- DERPY!!! OMG DERPYDERPYDERPY!!!!! Meghan was right about us losing our minds!

Soarin' explaining that Spitfire and Fleetfoot wanted to replace him. What a twist! I honestly did not see that coming! Now I have no idea what to think of Spitfire after this. I do feel a little less respect for her, but she praised Rainbow at the end. Maybe it was some kind of test to determine if she is Wonderbolt material...? Heck, I think Spitfire even realized that RD has better ideals than her.

Oh, and more rainbow shimmers. I think we got the second key people!
Blob55 said:
I just want to know who's the oldest to youngest

Fluttershy is eldest.

The reason we know Fluttershy is the eldest pony is because of her physical size in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. She is larger than all the other fillies seen in that episode. All the other fillies are about the same height and build, so we know they are all roughly the same age. That's not to say that there isn't a large gap in years of the ages of the main six. The point I am trying to make is that it is impossible to determine an exact order.

You can throw Applejack anywhere you like in the order and it will be correct, as long as you don't put her first. Just use your headcanon. I like to think Applejack is one of the youngest due to her comment that she was even younger than the CMC when she got her cutie mark; she matured quickly due to the death of her parents and so has wisdom beyond her years.
PMJ said:
You can throw Applejack anywhere you like in the order and it will be correct, as long as you don't put her first. Just use your headcanon. I like to think Applejack is one of the youngest due to her comment that she was even younger than the CMC when she got her cutie mark; she matured quickly due to the death of her parents and so has wisdom beyond her years.

Wait... what? Didn't AJ say she was the last in her class to get her cutie mark? In fact, isn't it a family tradition to be the ones to get their cuties marks last?
That doesn't say anything about her age.

And boy, did she.

I hated this episode. Rainbow Dash bails on her friends; the Wonderbolts--of all ponies--show that it's okay to lie to and bus your teammates if it means getting ahead; Derpy's back but not referred to by name and doesn't talk (this wouldn't have been nearly as bad if Twilight hadn't spoken to her directly)...the way the Internet was carrying on about her return, I figured there would have been a woohoo or something audible but I guess the past damage has been done.

I never would have expected the Wonderbolts to be the ones to act like jerks. Though I suppose that it's only natural - even in real life, just because a person is held in high esteem publicly doesn't mean they can't be tools in private.

Bulk Biceps is an amusing name, and I don't really mind that he got some lines. I also don't mind that he rocked a dress.
Because having Derpy appear in the beginning of the episode would have ruined her grand return.
PMJ said:
Because having Derpy appear in the beginning of the episode would have ruined her grand return.
But wouldn't having her from the start as a member of Dash's team have been a grander return?

Admittedly, it probably wouldn't have worked as well, at least going by fan-canon... most of what I've seen depict Derpy as having poor control, but otherwise a competent and very fast flier, whereas BB and Fluttershy seem to struggle with just about everything. Even with her clumsiness, Derpy would probably worked out better in the end.

...also, wasn't Dash's team like... the leftovers, so to speak? As in, the ponies no pony else wanted?
Someone mentioned that Bulk Biceps is actually a very skilled flier. He made it into the Wonderbolts Academy, and it's true. He did. He is actually really good at flying, which means he only sucked for this episode. And since it chronologically takes place after Wonderbolts Academy, it just makes this episode way more meh.

I guess I was more upset with Derpy not talking or being referred to by name because of how she was last portrayed. But I guess it's still cool to see her back. Whether as an easter egg or a scripted appearance, it'll be good to see her again.
Didn't he only suck at hovering, wing-ups and going through the hoops?
He can't do wing-ups because his body is too big and his wings are too small and he sucks at going through the hoops, because they're made for normal sized ponies.
Right. But what I'm saying is that he should have been able to get off the ground with no problem at all. Watch Wonderbolts Academy: At 10:51, Bulk Biceps not only takes off smoothly, but keeps up with his partner and has no problems whatsoever with flight.