Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

They weren't nothing special. daring don't had a lot of potential as a standalone daring do story, but it lost that when they introduced the main six too.
And flight to the finish was meh. seemed rushed, honestly. And scootaloo's flying problems could have been more developed.

Also, both episodes focused on rainbow. Rainbow's great, but everything has a limit.
I still like the last two episodes more than Castle Mane-ia, as I found that whole episode a huge let down.

Glad to know MLP isn't having a break during Christmas like all other shows.
Castle Mane-ia was an awesome episode IMO, it was just so pleasing to see all of them going in the castke for whatever reason.
IMO best to worst in the current season:

Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 1)
Daring Don't
Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 2)
Flight to the Finish
Castle Mane-ia
Omg I still haven't watched last week's episode and tomorrow's Saturday already. ;-; But I agree, Castle Mane-ia might be my favorite episode of all time!
What? Castle Mane-ia is filled with lame, predictable sub-plots.
The episode is teaching kids to do stupid dares in potentially dangerous places, making a friend do heavy lifting that you're not willing to do and forcing a friend to stay in a place they're scared of staying.
All in all, it's a terrible episode.
Blob55 said:
What? Castle Mane-ia is filled with lame, predictable sub-plots.
The episode is teaching kids to do stupid dares in potentially dangerous places, making a friend do heavy lifting that you're not willing to do and forcing a friend to stay in a place they're scared of staying.
All in all, it's a terrible episode.

And daring don't is teaching kids to hunt down the adresses of their favorite celebrities, follow them, breaking and entering, interrupt them while they work, get into potentially dangerous situations, and to top it off, that when you do that, said celebrity will like you and give you a shout-out in her next work.

We can apply that same logic to any episode of MLP, darling, and with similar results, so... let's move on, shall we?
Flight to the Finish was amusing, probably one of the better of the CMC episodes, acknowledging Scootaloo's inability to fly head on and actually working it out as a group and how it's not important for things. Overall I usually don't enjoy the CMC episodes as much, but this was definitely one of the better ones (though not quite as good as the talent show thing which was just hilarious). I think the most disappointing thing really was that we had 2 Rainbow Dash focused episodes in a row which seems like poor planning (this was more CMC than RD, obviously, but RD still played a large role and was the only one of the mane six to even show up).


On a slightly more different note, has anyone here looked into or played the TCG at all yet? Someone I know on another forum went to a prelease and was pretty impressed, had a good time. I don't really know if it's going to take off at all, but I think I might get some to play with my husband, unless it's kind of total crap, which is why I'd hopefully like to see more opinions on the game.
i bought 2 decks off ebay there not here yet :)

But i heard the game is well build and plays smoothly
Bats! ended up going in a very unexpected direction. I liked it.

also look at this goddamn apple horse

bacon said:
It even has what is arguably my favourite Pinkie moment.

Wait, even better than the ending to swarm of the century?
I must see this at once.

EDIT: okay, she had a lot of moments, but I don't get which one you're referring to.
Hi guys, I'm finally caught up with season four. It's been kind of... I dunno, underwhelming. Bats! was fun, but right now that's the only episode that really stands out to me. I do like that there have a been of nods to past events, like Rainbow Dash's obsession with cider and Pinkie Sense.

Season two took a while to really get going, too, so I'm not too worried. As far as the box goes, we're seven episodes in and heard nothing at all about the keys, so I hope they find one of them soon. I would hate for them to all be found in the last six episodes or less, which makes me wonder just what's in the box. I imagine the finale will reveal what's in it, but unless it's some great, archaic evil, I have no clue as to how it's going to be that special.

inb4 everyone becomes an alicorn
Does anyone know what happened to Spike's Phoenix?

Pretty much everything in this show is a lie.
AJ is boring, Pinkie Pie is annoying, Flutter Shy is too, well, shy, Rainbow Dash is too egotistical and selfish, Rarity is very superficial and Twilight Sparkle has the answers to EVERYTHING when she got used to being a princess.
Why would anyone even be friends with them, let alone each other? People don't like me, so why should anyone like anyone?

Heck, why does anyway even like Discord? He's a backstabbing lier.
Spike let it go. There are pictures of this in Just For Sidekicks.