Hi guys, I'm finally caught up with season four. It's been kind of... I dunno, underwhelming. Bats! was fun, but right now that's the only episode that really stands out to me. I do like that there have a been of nods to past events, like Rainbow Dash's obsession with cider and Pinkie Sense.
Season two took a while to really get going, too, so I'm not too worried. As far as the box goes, we're seven episodes in and heard nothing at all about the keys, so I hope they find one of them soon. I would hate for them to all be found in the last six episodes or less, which makes me wonder just what's in the box. I imagine the finale will reveal what's in it, but unless it's some great, archaic evil, I have no clue as to how it's going to be that special.
inb4 everyone becomes an alicorn