TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: All Arceus!

Thanks, Spoon! Updated things a bit.

My lack of updates the past few days hasn't been for lack of work...WARNING: HUGE file!
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Symbols.

I feel like George Lucas, but even when I'm "done" with the set, I'll never really be "done." I'm constantly looking for new ways to change/improve, and I was thinking about the symbols. Revisting Diantha's Radiant Chamber, I took a closer look at the symbols used to represent each type. Of the non-TCG types, there's one I dislike outright (Poison), one quite similar to Redux (Ice), some I slightly prefer the Redux symbol (Ground, Rock, Ghost), and others I could see myself switching to (Flying, Bug).

For fun, I decided to see what Pidgey would look like with an updated symbol. It'd be quite a bit of work to update, yes, but it's not like I haven't done it before (Ghost, Ground, Fairy, Dragon, etc.). Thoughts?



I might see what an update Bug-type symbol would look like, too.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Symbols.

I could see that one working, but that'd make it too similar to Fairy, IMO.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Symbols.

Luispipe8 said:
I could see that one working, but that'd make it too similar to Fairy, IMO.
Kind of what I was thinking too, but I figured I'd get your opinions first. Thanks Luis!
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Symbols.

Luispipe8 said:
I could see that one working, but that'd make it too similar to Fairy, IMO.

While that is true, the new symbol looks closer to something TPCI might use.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Mystical...carbuncle...thing.

Thanks to GadgetJax for this sucker...
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Mystical...carbuncle...thing.

CMP said:

Wow, what a cool card! I wish I could get the autograph of the smooth chap that made that one! haha
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Arceus! UPDATE: Mystical...carbuncle...thing. And Unown F!

With Arceus completed, I guess it's time for more forms...
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Pyroar Male and Female!

Lots of Arceus, Unown, and Deoxys, so I figured it was time to move things along, Pokémon-wise. So here's...
...Pyroar, both male and female!
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: NINE new Kalos Pokémon!

As I was waiting for a comment or two (I hate seeing a double or triple post), I edited the original post with these (and a few more), but figured it'd be worth making a post about them now before I forgot...

Unown Z (and friends!):





Sylveon continues the Eeveelution trend of having a Pokémon Power of its hidden ability with a general attack to encompass the general feel of the type.

As always, likes are appreciated, but comments and critiques are even better!
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: NINE new Kalos Pokémon/Unown Z!

Wow, those are awesome cards! Nice job, partner! ;)
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: NINE new Kalos Pokémon/Unown Z!

Very nice! Avalugg is one of my all-time favorite Ice types, and this is no exception.
One thing I noticed is, in Avalugg's ability, you say "Bergmites" when, iirc, all Pokémon names are both singular and plural. You have this correct in the Pokedex description, so I assumed it was an error.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: NINE new Kalos Pokémon/Unown Z!

Luispipe8 said:
Wow, those are awesome cards! Nice job, partner! ;)
Thanks Luis!

Keeper of Night said:
Very nice! Avalugg is one of my all-time favorite Ice types, and this is no exception.
One thing I noticed is, in Avalugg's ability, you say "Bergmites" when, iirc, all Pokémon names are both singular and plural. You have this correct in the Pokedex description, so I assumed it was an error.
Thanks, KoN -- glad I could do Avalugg justice! Oddly enough, that was proper wording in the Neo days (Politoed NDi, for example). I'm assuming it was Wizards making errors in translation, as I remember Pokémon names being singular and plural even when I was small.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: NINE new Kalos Pokémon/Unown Z!

Can we pls see unown ?

Also, that unown z artwork is great!
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Unown ?

Ask and ye shall receive...
The Unown font I have doesn't have the '?' and '!' characters so I had to make them myself. A little thicker than the letters, but since these ones are somewhat different, I figured it was fine.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Unown ?

Nice, it blends in quite well! I also like the artwork, and how you made a 'mysterious' feel for unown [?]. I'm excited to see what you have in store for the [!] one :D
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Unown ? and J!

Thanks, rev3rsor, though the background was a stock cave image -- I just made the Unown and tried to make them work with the background!

Here's another one...
Fun power which is designed for use with cards (and Unown to come) which take advantage of cards in the discard pile.
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Unown ? and J!

Is that the clouds effect I see?
RE: Neo Redux: Now with more Form(e)s! UPDATE: Unown ? and J!

Your eyes do not deceive, Noddeh. Could find what I was looking for in any of my pictures or any stock I could find, so I had to render clouds as a last resort. With the gradient overlay it doesn't look too bad, though.