TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

Amazing artwork on Marcargo, ... Guikao's I presume ... yep.
Could you please link me to his dA account or whatever? I want to see his art some more. I have never seen Marcargo :/

Also, the baby question ...
My idea is to keep Riolu as a Basic Pokemon. Togepi can be a baby seeing it had another evolution handed out in the 4th generation.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

I say, both baby. Babies ROCK \m/
Love Magcargo's artwork.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

They should be as they are officially, only babies if introduced in a later gen. These are some good cards CMPer, I love the Kyogre!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

I love this thread, about the baby Pokemon thing i think you should keep them basic and if you changed the Pokemon to baby it would cause some confusion...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

Nah, keep them as Babies! Be true to the VG, the original. Don't just copy what the TCG crudely made a representation of.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Hamburger-head and a flaming slug.

Two cards right new, one updated!

Misdreavus' art courtesy of our own Nekoban Ryo! Thanks bud.

As for the baby question, I think I'm going to make both of them babies. All of you brought up valid points, but I think as far as the set is concerned, I'd like to remain as faithful to the video games as possible.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Ghosts!

Misdreavus' artwork's awesome.

Also, the Magcargo dex text is incorrect; that's Combusken's FRLG dex information, not Magcargo's.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Ghosts!

Whoops, thanks for that one, ShineVini. I just edited the Combusken card for Magcargo and forgot to change the 'dex info.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Ghosts!


You gave chi one, so why not?

Lol, cool ghosts. I like Duskull a lot, not sure why.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Ghosts!

I've missed a lot, then. These are just as good as usual. I cannot wait for more etcetera etcetera etcetera.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Ghosts!

Thanks everybody!

Been a really long time since I posted any new legendaries (Kyogre was an update -- doesn't count!), so...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

i can see an azelf/shiftry RR combo right now rofl. great cards
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

Great ones CMP.

- Uxie :-
I don't know much about the Neo Era bro, but I find 1 line's official card grammar a bit awkward. That is, the part where you say "If tails, choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon's attacks." I somehow find it very awkward to place a 's to a Pokemon. Wouldn't it be much better worded as "If tails, choose 1 attack of your opponent's Active Pokemon"?
Great work other than that.

- Mesprit :-
Loving the concept. Especially Astral Projection.

- Azelf :-
Nice concept on the Poke-Power Lose Drive. Yet again, correct me if I'm wrong for I don't have much idea of Neo Era but ... shouldn't Willful Courage be worded as "If Azelf has 2 or more damage counters on it, this attacks base damage is 40 instead of 20"?

Well not much for critique but at least a try brother. At least a try.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

- Azelf :-
Nice concept on the Poke-Power Lose Drive. Yet again, correct me if I'm wrong for I don't have much idea of Neo Era but ... shouldn't Willful Courage be worded as "If Azelf has 2 or more damage counters on it, this attacks base damage is 40 instead of 20"?
If it has 20 OR LESS hp.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

I love all these new ones (especially the Lake Guardians), though Misdreavus could have better artwork. Me no lieks. =P

I'm glad you like it, though (I noticed someone else back there liked it, too - Thanks ShineVini). I'm honored to have my work in your set.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

Thanks, guys!

@catutie -- I haven't played the TCG since Neo, so I don't know much about current cards. Any combos I make would be completely by chance!

@HoS -- in Uxie's power, there was no such card that did exactly the same thing, but the Neo era did in fact use "Pokémon's" in such cards as Genesis Wooper's Amnesia ("Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon’s attacks"). And I based Azelf's attack on Genesis Heracross' power ("If Heracross’s remaining HP are 20 or less, you may make its Megahorn attack’s base damage 120 instead of 60."). If there are cards that do similar things with different wording, I haven't seen it. :p I do appreciate the critique, though!

@Aki -- I know artists are never as happy with their work (I often feel the same way), but you're still too hard on yourself! :p I love the art, and you definitely needed to have your work shown off in the set.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio!

That Uxie is boss. Why do all these Uxie have to be so good?
Then again, the Azelf's pretty good too...
I really love these cards. I cannot express that enough.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio! Darkness and Metal!

Thanks, Scizorlicious!


Added an updated Pikachu (now with Baisc w/ Evobox blank!) and Marill.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux! UPDATE: Lake trio! Darkness and Metal! Chu and Blu!

Loving that Sableye.
Kinda unfocused to give critique now bro, I'll have some later.