OLD: The Fake Card Resources and Help Thread

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RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

I DON'T GET IT. What font/ size do I use for HG/SS pokémon? the font guide is really vague, its charming and all with it being on the blank but it hardly has any info. Can someone PLEASE just tell me something like "if you're using cascade's HG/SS blanks, the pokémon's name should be __ pt. in ______ font and have __ spacing, here's the ratio for how long the Pokémon's names is_________" stuff like that? cuz just typing "name" is just as helpful as it would be if I just looked at a real card.

Yeah... just download it as a PSD. With that, you can edit the name to whatever you want, the attacks, the text, stick in some blanks, stuff like that. And the fonts are already there for the certain text. It's all done for you ;D
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

PSD would be nice if I'm allowed it please :D Also if you don't mind (and I understand if you do) would I be able to have a play with your blank blank please CMP? I'll add your post to the first page too :D

UPDATE: I've started working on font positions and the like, would you mind having a look at it CMP? http://flamingclaw.deviantart.com/art/BETA-Neo-Redux-Template-166189164
Thanks buddy :p
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Of course you can play with the blank blank...as soon as I'm done with it! Hahah. I had made one, but it was the size of Nick's old blanks. I can certainly send that one to you so you can test out backgrounds and whatnot before I finish the Redux size.

Symbolsheet: http://uploadpsd.com/file/105029.psd
Blank blank: http://uploadpsd.com/file/105014.psd

RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Nice :D I'm likin' the stuff so far, and I had a little play with the blank [link] and it came out alright :D
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Looks awesome, FC! Don't worry about crediting me for blanks that are heavily edited like that -- you did most of the work, anyway!!!

As you can see, more and more blanks are being released. I plan on getting all the basics out first before the stage 1 and 2 blanks. If anyone has suggestions (colors, patterns, ideas, ANYTHING), don't hesitate to let me know!
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

CMP said:
Looks awesome, FC! Don't worry about crediting me for blanks that are heavily edited like that -- you did most of the work, anyway!!!

As you can see, more and more blanks are being released. I plan on getting all the basics out first before the stage 1 and 2 blanks. If anyone has suggestions (colors, patterns, ideas, ANYTHING), don't hesitate to let me know!

I just make a pointof never mentioning my own work, and I credited you because I wouldn't have been able to do it without your work :p I love the Cosmic blank, do I smell a Cresselia coming on?
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Flame Claw said:
I just make a pointof never mentioning my own work, and I credited you because I wouldn't have been able to do it without your work :p I love the Cosmic blank, do I smell a Cresselia coming on?

Yes, sir! And a Deoxys, Jirachi, Lunatone, Solrock, Clefairy line, Beldum line etc. There's a few Pokémon I plan on retconning into the custom types -- what I'll do is make 2 versions (one their original type, one the new type).
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Nice :D I've already done a Cresselia and the others I can't wait for :D
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Dearest Pokébeach, does anyone know how I can find the font "GillSansMT bold" for the HP bit?

Also, whats up with the brown around the weakness and such when you get it from the font guide or the symbols thing and how do I fix it? Is there a way I can just get the font and type it?

RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

The font is actually Gill Sans not Gill Sans MT. DL at http://flame95.wordpress.com/2009/10/31/fake-card-fonts/

As for the second point, I'm sorry but I don't have a clue what you're on about.
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

thanks man. I just fixed the brown anyways so it doesn't matter.
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

Im going to use these. THERE EPIC WIN ;D
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!) + HGSS Font Guide & resources

^what stuff is epic win? :p

Anyway, I have a brand new background pack for you guys: http://flamingclaw.deviantart.com/art/BG-Pack-2-167118031

Some of the stuff there should be perfect for fakes :D
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!)

Ehhh, when I try to go to pokemon zeo, it gives me a warning message saying theres like OVER 9K! 3 viruses there.
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!)

It does that sometimes. You'll just have to wait until it goes back, or use a different browser. It doesn't seem to have given my system any problems, but I will have to ask around to find a reason.
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!)

Flame Claw said:
It does that sometimes. You'll just have to wait until it goes back, or use a different browser. It doesn't seem to have given my system any problems, but I will have to ask around to find a reason.

Well, just to stop viruses I aint using that site
RE: Fake Card Resources (Includes font download!)

I downloaded the font package on the front page, and then downloaded the DP font guide by Fangking here: http://pokemonacanthite.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2876&page=1

Unfortunately none of the fonts work at all. Some of them I'm able to manually update, but with others, there isn't an exact equivalent in the font package.

Is there a problem with with way I installed it, or did the fonts he used when making it have slightly different naming conventions (for example, it seems that "GillSans" is written without spacing)? Is there any way for someone to update that guide to be compliant with the font package posted here?
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