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RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I can trade you a GameStop gift card with about $10 on it, a Magnezone SF [M], and 2x Roseanne's for something. The Roseanne's are pending, so I may not be able to trade them. Would you trade something for them?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Okay, what do you want for them?

Also, you must be sure how much it has on it so you don't scam me...not that you would...at least I hope not.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

How about those, and some throw-ins for RegigigasX?

EDIT: I'm also going to call in tomorrow to check how much money is on it, and I'll give you the number so you can call to verify.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I will give u my LA Uxie ,RH SF Bronzong and Holo MT Azelf for your
Dusknoir Lv.X my cards are in perfect condition i aspect out of urs.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Mach: Umm...the Regigigas X's are pending....except the tin, I will let you know how that turns out.

MD93: Funny, 2 rares, which I have more than one of, and a pretty bad holo for one of the most played LV X's....No.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I have, off your wants,

1 Luxury Ball SF
2 Dragonite LA
1 RH Magnezone Metal
1 Tyranitar SF

I like,

2 Rare Candy (You said you have two in my thread.)
2 Claydol JPN (Won't get even CLOSE to these. :p )
Money if any of these you'd be willing to buy. ;)

Oh, and what do you mean about the art thing? Is it on the computer, like banners? Or for real, like a real picture?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Interested in:
Uxie Lv. X (maybe)
3 Pokeblower +
1 Mismagius SF
1 Pokedrawer +

1 Luxury Ball
LA Mispirit

Drop me a pm if you are interested in making a deal.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I need:
Infernape MD
Infernape SF
Uxie Lv.X
I have:
1 Dragonite
1 Magnezone SF
2 Stark Mountain
2 Infernape MD
1 Torterra MD
1 Torterra DP
1 Rayquaza LA
2 Roserade SF
1 Tyranitar MT (In your collection wants)

LMK if we can work something out, I'll hold-on to my Heatran Lv.X for now.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Hey, I have:
1 Garchomp LV X
2 Garchomp MT
3 Dragonite LA (!!!!!)
1 Magnezone LV X JPN
1 Rayquaza LA

I need your:
Uxie Lv. X JPN
Dusknoir Lv. X
2 Sableye SF
2 Magnezone SF {E}
1 Tyranitar SF
1 Bronzong SF
2 Salamence SF
1 'stinky' Phione MD
1 Lickilicky SW

If you're making an offer for Garchomps which are currently your insanely high want you must offer either Dusknoir Lv. X + some rares OR Uxie Lv. X + all the rares... LMK. :)
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

i have rosane, LA pixies, and shadowless base sets. I need dusk and mespirit X.

Will you make me a banner
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

hey can i request a banner here or do i have to go somewhere else becoz my pm system wont let me pm wiseman if i can here is my wanted requirments:

id like one of these 'bananer' you say you have in siggy '/'

here is wut i want:

palkia G Lv.X!!!!!!1111
Oddish (a shiny 1 they look awsum!)
darkrai (most powerfull pokemon ever!)



if im not allowd to pst this here just let me know and i will delete it thanks!
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Sots: I mean I can do drawing (not on the computer). I can draw computer as well, but I only trade for the drawings by hand, not like on the computer, those are by request.

How much for Luxury ball?

-MM-: Hmmm...my list is not updated yet. I have no Uxie X anymore, but! I cannot trade infernapes because half of my wants are for an infernape deck....:p

Yata: Hmm...I need that! I have questions:

-Have shaymin X IFDS by any chance?
-Will you trade it if you do?
-Do you buy?
-If so how much can you pay?



2 Magnezone SF {E}
1 Tyranitar SF
1 Bronzong SF
1 Lickilicky SW


Garchomp X


Julia Cool: I like the roseanne and LA pixies most, and I can trade Mesprit X easiest...make an offer :)


Lucario: Try to PM me again. Work on spelling :)

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Bump 1. I need Garchomp X!
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

How about all of the cards I mentioned for $7, and 2 Rare Candy? Or I can just do $10. ;)

LMK. :)
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!


Garchomp MT


JPN Claydol

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I have these from your wants.
1 Luxury Ball
2 Infernape MD (I have 5 of them, 1 is RH)
1 Torterra MD
1 Torterra DP (RH)
1 Rayquaza LA (RH)

I need...(assuming they're english)
1 Gastrodon West Sea
1 Sableye SF

LMK if we can work something out.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I have these from your wants:

1 Luxury Ball
1 torterra DP
1 Torterra MD
1 Garchomp
1 Heatran fire LA
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Garchomp LV X
1 Roseanne
2 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Do you remember our trade? Please PM.

I am intrested in your:
Dusknoir LV X
Mesprit LV X
Uxie LV X
Regigigas LV X pack

I have:
shadowless cards
2 Stark Mountain
1 Torterra MD
Tyranitar ex d

Please offer(by PM).
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

No thanks Sots...:(

Panda: Are you serious? Would you trade your $20 for my $7? I didn't think so. What I mean is, you need to learn the values of the cards. I would do Clay for Garchomp X.

PF4000: The cards (sabeleye + Gastrodon), for your Luxury ball and Torterra MD? LMK!

IF: CML for something you want! :p

Chanman: Deal! PM me for details.

Magma: Sorry. I am getting most of those and as for the shadowless cards....I only trade legal for legal.
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