Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

I come to show you all the latest top secret information the most epic game in the history of the world has to offer. "What might it be?" you ask. I dunno. It could be a little yellow rodent or an incredibly large, super-rare purple Hippopotamus. That is up to you all to figure out...

My money's on the hippopotamus.
Interesting ideas. PMJ is so ahead. :p Anyway, we'll be slowly leaking these secret from time to time in the form of silhouettes. I mean slowly too. Who would want to spoil evrrything by posting silhouettes that look like black boxes? :p
They would give us just as much clue to what they are then what you're giving us :O I just hope its not a purple dinosaur :O
Does HS not like updating his own game anymore??

dmaster out.
I'm just doing this silhouette updates. Heavenly Spoon is busy making the game, so I figured it would be fun to show everyone some hidden secrets. :p
You're such a tricker, KG. I wouldn't believe it would be a Hippo. It's too skinny to be one, and besides, if it's a new pokemon, we already have a Hippo Pokemon, so there would be no use to make another one.

dmaster out.
If it's supposed to b`e mroe revolutionary then why is it the Graphics look like the crappy old ones :O
How many 2D side-scrollers have you seen lately? Hopefully, alot. Graphics are only one of the many spectrums in gaiming. I've tested the test version out and it's fun to play. I can assure you that there will be over a thousand surprises. :]
Are spoons even involved in this because I don't undertand why it's called Pokémon Spoon if there are no spoons involved.
Oh, spoons are involved, so very involved, but spoiling that would spoil a MAYOR part of the storyline, so we're not going to do that.
Would spoil a Mayor point of the game? Is that a typo or one of your sttrange twisted spoilers?
It's a mind trick, you'd be busy trying to figure out what it means, and you'd end up forgetting that you wanted to know what a spoon's part in the storyline is :O

Or it's an error I once typed when talking to KG which I felt like making again, but now in all caps