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RE: Rumors & Speculation

Also, since those posts got muted, here's a transcript of the rumors we were talking about earlier:

I work for a magazine in the UK and got sent an email a couple of weeks ago with apparent Pokemon X & Y 'facts'. The writer says they are from a European marketing team (did not mention which one).
I don't really think they are true, however a couple of things were right. Posting on here to see whether any had been already confirmed as true or fakes.

I'll post the few kinda 'confirmed' ones, they way they were written is not concrete which is why I doubted the rest are completely true, but at least maybe they are fun rumours to share.
- Two tv spots will be launched prior to release each with a new pokemon briefly shown to gain hype. A new normal-type unevolved pokemon (the grey one in the new uk trailer?) and a new poison-type pokemon with no evolutionary line.
- Three new evolutions of Gen VI pokemon will be released on the official facebook page prior to launch. (Doublade just released I guess?)
- The new Starter evolutions will be released. But no final evolutions until the week leading to the 12th October. (Well true so far)
- Mewtwo will have two forms, one for each game version. The second will not be announced until later on for fans to get used to the idea of mega evolutions. (This is one of the main things that made me post)

And the rest:
- Rhyhorn will be first pokemon you get to ride in-game. You cannot ride Rhydon. The pokemon you ride in-game are not available for battles. (Guessing this means they act like the bike?)
- Main professor in the game will be female, with male professor (I'm guessing Sycamore?) as main plot driver.
- Pokemon from all previous generations will be able to be caught in-game, making it easier to complete pokedex without having to trade or use pokemon bank service. Re-emergance of 'Gotta Catch 'Em All" to regain Gen 1 fanbase.
- Harder to catch specific pokemon as more will be available in each route. Percentage of each pokemon appearing is lower.
- All starter pokemon will get mega evolutions and one from each generation will be obtainable throughout the game as part of male professor's research.
- Not all legendaries are getting mega evolutions. There is no mega evolution for Mew, Cresselia and Genesect. They are confirmed to not have any.
- No Gen VI pokemon will get mega evolutions. KITANA NOTE: later on the OP realized that they made a mistake and said Gen V instead of Gen VI (as was previously confirmed). I have corrected this mistake myself

And this was apparently to help me?...
- The European names of new pokemon are not sent to the marketing team until 3 days prior to announce, to reduce leaks. This means any names currently 'leaked' are fake unless revealed within the week.

So according to these rumors, we should probably be getting at least 2 more official reveals via facebook in the coming weeks. If that does happen, the likelihood of these being real will go up substantially.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Well, probably we'll get Helioptile's evo and Bunnelby's evo then (on the facebook page).

There! There's a mention of a female professor, i expect if this is true, this professor will be the one who give us the starters then? The name Patrice from the earlier rumor, and the screenshot of female legs and shoes alongside the three starters, these two point lead me to think there are 2 professor. Probably Sycamore will be the one who research Mega Evo.

More MegaEvo and more pokemon from earlier gen in the game? Yes please! That way i can really hope for a MegaMilotic :p
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Kitana Coldfire said:
Also, since those posts got muted, here's a transcript of the rumors we were talking about earlier:

I work for a magazine in the UK and got sent an email a couple of weeks ago with apparent Pokemon X & Y 'facts'. The writer says they are from a European marketing team (did not mention which one).
I don't really think they are true, however a couple of things were right. Posting on here to see whether any had been already confirmed as true or fakes.

I'll post the few kinda 'confirmed' ones, they way they were written is not concrete which is why I doubted the rest are completely true, but at least maybe they are fun rumours to share.
- Two tv spots will be launched prior to release each with a new pokemon briefly shown to gain hype. A new normal-type unevolved pokemon (the grey one in the new uk trailer?) and a new poison-type pokemon with no evolutionary line.
- Three new evolutions of Gen VI pokemon will be released on the official facebook page prior to launch. (Doublade just released I guess?)
- The new Starter evolutions will be released. But no final evolutions until the week leading to the 12th October. (Well true so far)
- Mewtwo will have two forms, one for each game version. The second will not be announced until later on for fans to get used to the idea of mega evolutions. (This is one of the main things that made me post)

And the rest:
- Rhyhorn will be first pokemon you get to ride in-game. You cannot ride Rhydon. The pokemon you ride in-game are not available for battles. (Guessing this means they act like the bike?)
- Main professor in the game will be female, with male professor (I'm guessing Sycamore?) as main plot driver.
- Pokemon from all previous generations will be able to be caught in-game, making it easier to complete pokedex without having to trade or use pokemon bank service. Re-emergance of 'Gotta Catch 'Em All" to regain Gen 1 fanbase.
- Harder to catch specific pokemon as more will be available in each route. Percentage of each pokemon appearing is lower.
- All starter pokemon will get mega evolutions and one from each generation will be obtainable throughout the game as part of male professor's research.
- Not all legendaries are getting mega evolutions. There is no mega evolution for Mew, Cresselia and Genesect. They are confirmed to not have any.
- No Gen VI pokemon will get mega evolutions. KITANA NOTE: later on the OP realized that they made a mistake and said Gen V instead of Gen VI (as was previously confirmed). I have corrected this mistake myself

And this was apparently to help me?...
- The European names of new pokemon are not sent to the marketing team until 3 days prior to announce, to reduce leaks. This means any names currently 'leaked' are fake unless revealed within the week.

So according to these rumors, we should probably be getting at least 2 more official reveals via facebook in the coming weeks. If that does happen, the likelihood of these being real will go up substantially.

Also, the reemergence of Gotta Catch 'Em All and Ryhorn being rideable are confirmed.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Kitana Coldfire said:
Also, since those posts got muted, here's a transcript of the rumors we were talking about earlier:

I work for a magazine in the UK and got sent an email a couple of weeks ago with apparent Pokemon X & Y 'facts'. The writer says they are from a European marketing team (did not mention which one).
I don't really think they are true, however a couple of things were right. Posting on here to see whether any had been already confirmed as true or fakes.

I'll post the few kinda 'confirmed' ones, they way they were written is not concrete which is why I doubted the rest are completely true, but at least maybe they are fun rumours to share.
- Two tv spots will be launched prior to release each with a new pokemon briefly shown to gain hype. A new normal-type unevolved pokemon (the grey one in the new uk trailer?) and a new poison-type pokemon with no evolutionary line.
- Three new evolutions of Gen VI pokemon will be released on the official facebook page prior to launch. (Doublade just released I guess?)
- The new Starter evolutions will be released. But no final evolutions until the week leading to the 12th October. (Well true so far)
- Mewtwo will have two forms, one for each game version. The second will not be announced until later on for fans to get used to the idea of mega evolutions. (This is one of the main things that made me post)

And the rest:
- Rhyhorn will be first pokemon you get to ride in-game. You cannot ride Rhydon. The pokemon you ride in-game are not available for battles. (Guessing this means they act like the bike?)
- Main professor in the game will be female, with male professor (I'm guessing Sycamore?) as main plot driver.
- Pokemon from all previous generations will be able to be caught in-game, making it easier to complete pokedex without having to trade or use pokemon bank service. Re-emergance of 'Gotta Catch 'Em All" to regain Gen 1 fanbase.
- Harder to catch specific pokemon as more will be available in each route. Percentage of each pokemon appearing is lower.
- All starter pokemon will get mega evolutions and one from each generation will be obtainable throughout the game as part of male professor's research.
- Not all legendaries are getting mega evolutions. There is no mega evolution for Mew, Cresselia and Genesect. They are confirmed to not have any.
- No Gen VI pokemon will get mega evolutions. KITANA NOTE: later on the OP realized that they made a mistake and said Gen V instead of Gen VI (as was previously confirmed). I have corrected this mistake myself

And this was apparently to help me?...
- The European names of new pokemon are not sent to the marketing team until 3 days prior to announce, to reduce leaks. This means any names currently 'leaked' are fake unless revealed within the week.

So according to these rumors, we should probably be getting at least 2 more official reveals via facebook in the coming weeks. If that does happen, the likelihood of these being real will go up substantially.

Also, since X and Y was released I've had this odd premonition (dream of something that will happen in the future, common for kids and teens to occasionally have) of some green and pink and red thing, and i had it 3 times. Once a few days prior to X and Y, the second when the new Mewtwo form was revealed, and one last one a while ago while I was napping. This time, however, I immediately woke up and drew what i saw, and this is what came out:
I dont know if this is 100% true, but every time before when i've had a dream like that, i get it all right except fine details (people's faces, voice, sometimes name), so...
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Ririka said:
Well, probably we'll get Helioptile's evo and Bunnelby's evo then (on the facebook page).

There! There's a mention of a female professor, i expect if this is true, this professor will be the one who give us the starters then? The name Patrice from the earlier rumor, and the screenshot of female legs and shoes alongside the three starters, these two point lead me to think there are 2 professor. Probably Sycamore will be the one who research Mega Evo.

More MegaEvo and more pokemon from earlier gen in the game? Yes please! That way i can really hope for a MegaMilotic :p

Seeing as Patrice is a unisex name, I have a feeling that we may be looking at the second female professor being named Patrice Sequoia.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

FloodBadge said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
Also, since those posts got muted, here's a transcript of the rumors we were talking about earlier:

So according to these rumors, we should probably be getting at least 2 more official reveals via facebook in the coming weeks. If that does happen, the likelihood of these being real will go up substantially.

Also, since X and Y was released I've had this odd premonition (dream of something that will happen in the future, common for kids and teens to occasionally have) of some green and pink and red thing, and i had it 3 times. Once a few days prior to X and Y, the second when the new Mewtwo form was revealed, and one last one a while ago while I was napping. This time, however, I immediately woke up and drew what i saw, and this is what came out:
I dont know if this is 100% true, but every time before when i've had a dream like that, i get it all right except fine details (people's faces, voice, sometimes name), so...

Seems like a Mega Meganium! For being just a dream/vision it's very detailed!
RE: Rumors & Speculation

TheRoyalXerneas said:
FloodBadge said:
Also, since X and Y was released I've had this odd premonition (dream of something that will happen in the future, common for kids and teens to occasionally have) of some green and pink and red thing, and i had it 3 times. Once a few days prior to X and Y, the second when the new Mewtwo form was revealed, and one last one a while ago while I was napping. This time, however, I immediately woke up and drew what i saw, and this is what came out:
I dont know if this is 100% true, but every time before when i've had a dream like that, i get it all right except fine details (people's faces, voice, sometimes name), so...

Seems like a Mega Meganium! For being just a dream/vision it's very detailed!

I may have gotten something off, but I drew it as soon as I had the dream and woke myself up.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

The problem with that Meganium, is it's obv female with that eyeshadow, but most Meganium are male.

All Pokémon? wouldn't that mean there's going to be no RSE re-make? Or 3rd version/squeal? While they're at it, they might as well put all regions in there.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

And munna is clearly female with those eyelashes. Oh wait, my Duke isn't a girl though!
RE: Rumors & Speculation

FloodBadge said:
And munna is clearly female with those eyelashes. Oh wait, my Duke isn't a girl though!

Eyelashes don't always mean female. Just look at Flower (from Bambi) and Spongebob.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
The problem with that Meganium, is it's obv female with that eyeshadow, but most Meganium are male.

All Pokémon? wouldn't that mean there's going to be no RSE re-make? Or 3rd version/squeal? While they're at it, they might as well put all regions in there.

They've made it quite obvious that they're targeting older/previous players this time around, so having all the Pokemon available would help get Gen I players back in the series. After all, most won't have all the previous games, and thus won't have the same advantage or knowledge as people who've been keeping up all these years.

And how in the world would putting all the Pokemon in X and Y lead you to the conclusion that there will be no R/S/E remake? Many players dropped Pokemon during or before Gen III because the technology change cut them off from all their old Pokes. Now with Pokemon Bank ensuring that they can take their teams with them into future titles, it would make R/S/E remakes the perfect opportunity for them to give the Hoenn region another chance.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

To me it seems more like there's no point in making a re-make, because you can 1. Easily (ha) transfer your 3rd gen mon to the Bank and 2. All Pokémon will be in XY.
IF on the other hand they made most 3rd gen mon hard to find, one-time only or post-game, GF could get away with making a re-make.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
FloodBadge said:
And munna is clearly female with those eyelashes. Oh wait, my Duke isn't a girl though!

Eyelashes don't always mean female. Just look at Flower (from Bambi) and Spongebob.

But you said the Meg was female for having the eye marks, so saying feminine patterns doesn't make it female while saying that Meg eye marking thing... Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

To me it seems more like there's no point in making a re-make, because you can 1. Easily (ha) transfer your 3rd gen mon to the Bank and 2. All Pokémon will be in XY.
IF on the other hand they made most 3rd gen mon hard to find, one-time only or post-game, GF could get away with making a re-make.

There's always a point on re-making if it involve upgraded graphics/mechanics with new additional gimmicks.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

That's true in its own way, but having everything in the game to a degree makes the world more realistic. They've already confirmed that there will be more pokemon on a route to increase variety, so some pokemon (regardless of generation) will likely be hard to find.

Additionally, if they had some pokemon as version exclusives akin to their respective generations (for example, Vulpix, Ledyba, Lotad, Seviper, Glameow, and Rufflet being available in X, while Growlithe, Mankey, Seedot, Zangoose, Stunky, and Vullaby being available in Y) it would still preserve the trading aspect and intrigue of the previous generations.

Of course, many more pokemon could be version exclusives, and when Z comes around some of the version exclusives could be added in to that game, while some pokemon would be removed completely; Like Weedle, Mareep, and Surskit being found in both versions of their debut generation games, but unavailable to catch in their third versions.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Ririka said:
Well, probably we'll get Helioptile's evo and Bunnelby's evo then (on the facebook page).

There! There's a mention of a female professor, i expect if this is true, this professor will be the one who give us the starters then? The name Patrice from the earlier rumor, and the screenshot of female legs and shoes alongside the three starters, these two point lead me to think there are 2 professor. Probably Sycamore will be the one who research Mega Evo.

More MegaEvo and more pokemon from earlier gen in the game? Yes please! That way i can really hope for a MegaMilotic :p

I believe patrice is officcially sycamore's name, and it's public knowledge you get your starter from tierno, like 1000 sources have said so (don't know where does he gets them, but I'd bet it's from sycamore), Since he gives you the kanto starters, that rumor about all previous starters being available might have something to it, he gives you the local starter, it doesn't megaevolve, he gives you kanto's, megaevolves, gives you johto's, megaevolves, and so on.
Although I think that particular rumor is false; the kalos starters are a staple, and the kanto ones have the double purpose of showcasing mega evos and reel in older players, so the other starters are pretty much irrelevant. Besides,then you would have 6 fixed pokemon (all starters) in any game, plus, any overworld encounter legendary, and any pokemon you are given as a gift (like the elemental monkey, lapras, eevee, eggs, etc). That's just too many pokemon you didn't catch yourself.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

professorlight said:
I believe patrice is officcially sycamore's name, and it's public knowledge you get your starter from tierno, like 1000 sources have said so (don't know where does he gets them, but I'd bet it's from sycamore), Since he gives you the kanto starters, that rumor about all previous starters being available might have something to it, he gives you the local starter, it doesn't megaevolve, he gives you kanto's, megaevolves, gives you johto's, megaevolves, and so on.

Professor Sycamore's first name has already been confirmed to be Augustine.

Patrice could, however, be the first name of the mysterious Professor Sequoia who's been mentioned in a few articles.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

FloodBadge said:
Blob55 said:
Eyelashes don't always mean female. Just look at Flower (from Bambi) and Spongebob.

But you said the Meg was female for having the eye marks, so saying feminine patterns doesn't make it female while saying that Meg eye marking thing... Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Having Pink eye shadow to me is way for girlier than having eyelashes, after all, we all have eyelashes, but not everyone chooses to wear eye shadow.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
FloodBadge said:
But you said the Meg was female for having the eye marks, so saying feminine patterns doesn't make it female while saying that Meg eye marking thing... Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Having Pink eye shadow to me is way for girlier than having eyelashes, after all, we all have eyelashes, but not everyone chooses to wear eye shadow.

Allow me to end this silliness about pink eye shadow making a Pokemon female. The Gothita line can be MALE!!! That is all!!!
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
FloodBadge said:
But you said the Meg was female for having the eye marks, so saying feminine patterns doesn't make it female while saying that Meg eye marking thing... Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Having Pink eye shadow to me is way for girlier than having eyelashes, after all, we all have eyelashes, but not everyone chooses to wear eye shadow.

Having a moustache is manly and a choice, but Alakazam and Kricketune...
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