PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Prankster Torment+Protect+Recover+Night Shade/Seismic Toss/Dark attack would be extremely annoying to face.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

What about Taunt/Sucker Punch varieties?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Sableye's defense's and attack both suck. Taunt and Sucker Punch are interesting, but won't be incredibly effective.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Sucker punch is a wasted slot. Sableye has four moveslot syndrome as it is.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Sableye will be annoying, but I think it'll be really manageable. Increased priority on Will-o-Wisp and recovery will be annoying for physical attackers lacking Guts, as well as walls without Natural Cure (Gastrodon, Ferrothorn, Forretress and Skarmory come to mind). Sableye has been buffed by Prankster, but nowhere near the point of banning.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

With no real counters since it has no weakness Sabeleye can be a real pest to deal with.

*Edit* Also from what I have heard about Thunderus it has power to cripple any team. Life Orb combined with Nasty Plot and Prankster equals total havoc. Can I request a vote to have him tested and banned based on results?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Sableye does have counters. It has such pitiful bulk that any offensive Poke that lands a hit on it (excluding burned physical attackers) will pretty much one-shot it. And there is suspect testing going on right now at smogon for Thundurus and other threats...
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Sabeleye is so dang frail. One powerful move like EQ or Stone Edge could kill it. What about Raikou? I mean with two Gen 4 event moves it can be a real problem. I mean Aura Sphere and Weather Ball can be problems since Weather Balls type changes based on the weather.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

For Raikou to use those moves, Raikou must have a Rash nature, the one released from the event. This hampers his effectiveness, allowing him to be out-sped by Timid Thunderbro. If Thundy gets banned, however, Raikou's usage would possibly increase as a rain-boosted sweeper.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Idk. Last time I was one PO I built a team with Raikou gave it those two moves and a timid nature and it never said it wasn't allowed to use them because of restrictions, but I agree that Raikou would be used more if Thundurus is banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
With no real counters since it has no weakness Sabeleye can be a real pest to deal with.
AlphaNinja said:
Sabeleye is so dang frail. One powerful move like EQ or Stone Edge could kill it.
That was a nice 180 you did there...
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Did anyone hear that they banned Thundurus on PO? Porii Sames from the PokeGym told me it, and he's on a governing body (Some site either PO or Smogon, I think Smogon) that... well, he's one of the suspect voters. Will this impact the metagame a lot?

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Pokemon Online has banned Thundurus. However, Pokemon Online also has made some rather controversial decisions (Not banning Drizzle + Swift Swim, and not banning Blaziken). Because of this, few competitive players really care what the admins on the Pokemon Online server do. Its Smogon's say that matters to all the competitive players.

If Thundurus does get banned, I kind of doubt that it will affect the metagame much. Gastrodon might lose a bit of usage, as it was one of the few Thundurus counters. But it will easily make it up because of how easily it walls standard Drizzle teams.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Alright, that went well...

Do Drizzle teams have any way of reliably beating Gastrodon besides Ferrothorn's Power Whip? I was thinking Bronzong could do it with Grass Knot.

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Bronzong's Special Attack is really low, and its got better things to do. Its one of the few Pokemon that can simultaneously check Excadrill and Landorus using Gyro Ball (to break Balloons), Earthquake (for Excadrill) and HP Ice (for Landorus). Stealth Rock fits the last spot well, as Bronzong is bulky enough to come in many times in a game to set it up.

Drizzle teams can run HP Grass on their Offensive Politoeds and Rotom-Ws, which easily puts an end to the Slugs life. A Thundurus or Tornadus with Grass Knot also works. Its more viable on Tornadus, because Thundurus really likes having perfect 3 move coverage, while Tornadus just has Hurricane. Because it invests so heavily in its Special Defense, Gastrodon can quickly be taken down by powerful physical attackers that lack a weakness to Scald, Earth Power and Ice Beam. And if all else fails, Toxic ruins it chances at walling.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Timid 252 SpAtk Thundurus +2 LO Grass Knot vs 252 HP 252 SpDef Gastrodon: 126.8% - 149.3%
Focus Blast from the same: 63.4% - 74.6%

Gastrodon's Scald manages only 49.5% - 58.8% on standard Thundurus in the rain, so if you are a gambling man you can try to hit Focus Blast twice for a guaranteed 2hko. That said, you will be down to almost no HP (you're dead if you came into SR), so Grass Knot is a surefire way to nuke him.

Keep in mind that running Grass Knot means you lose the ability to hit dragons super effectively, but a +2 Thunder[bolt] will do a number to them.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

So, CB Scizor and Toxic is good enough for Gastrodon? What that bit on Thundurus was, I don't have any idea.

Also, my Tornadus was caught Modest. Is that workable?

...That's all. After I get answers there, we have to move this to competitive movesets and metagame...

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

So are we going to ban Excadrill and Thundurus to go along with Smogon? Or are they going to remain on our server?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

While I agree with the Thundurus ban completely (there was no counter to it in the entire metagame, and its high speed meant there weren't even that many good revenge killers for it) I don't think we should ban Excadrill, in my opinion it has more than enough counters. Skarmory, Bronzong, Gliscor, Rotom-W, physically defensive bulky waters, and Ferrothorn if it lacks Brick Break, can all take hits from Excadrill and damage it heavily/scare it out (well, Skarmory can only Whirlwind it out, but Excadrill's ground, fighting, water, and fire weaknesses as well as only average defenses mean it can't switch in to that many Pokemon) so it doesn't seem like it needs a ban. Having it in the metagame also prevents rain from being quite as dominant, because now sandstorm has nothing going for it and will die.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Can somebody give me a good reason why Excadrill was banned other than a bunch of people QQing over and over again until it was finally banned? It gets stopped cold by everything Dark Void said in addition to opposing weather. Sure things like Blaziken, Garchomp, and Thundurus have checks, but they had not true counter, while Excadrill has plenty.