PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Because Smogon banned it. We go by their tiers for the most part. Also just because I think it's stupid doesn't mean that whoever decided we should ban it does.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

This is why I like the games instead. They don't limit what you can do. Thats how you test your true skill. Without anything to hold you bake. And Garchomp isn't on the ban list for Ubers anymore btw.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

This is why I like the games instead. They don't limit what you can do. Thats how you test your true skill. Without anything to hold you bake.
Smogon banned Brightpowder for the same reason they banned Sheer Cold - it makes the game more based on luck instead of skill.

...Last time I checked, which was 10 seconds ago, Garchomp is still uber by Smogon's standards.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

From what I heard from DE smogonon whas going to remove it from Ubers since it can now be checked far more easily.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
From what I heard from DE smogonon whas going to remove it from Ubers since it can now be checked far more easily.

... what? Nothing has changed since it was banned. The only Pokemon who come close to countering is Skarmory and Bronzong, both of which get screwed over by sand veil. Unless I'm totally missing something and there's some secret counter that can live a +2 Earthquake / Dragon Claw, break the substitute, then hit it again for the kill.

Please lay down the facts, links, logs, and quotes from Smogon that prove it's getting unbanned. Someone's word isn't good enough.

I think you're getting confused of them removing it from Ubers during the transition from from fourth to fifth generation. If you're around during early BW, you'd remember that other stuff was unbanned as well, such as Shaymin-S, Darkrai, and Manaphy, but was later banned again just like Garchomp.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
From what I heard from DE smogonon whas going to remove it from Ubers since it can now be checked far more easily.

Unless you're talking about a different DE (I'm thinking of dragonexpert), I really doubt that. The DE I know hates Garchomp in OU with a burning passion. As do most competitive battlers on this forum (including me).
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

The only time I may have said that would've been back when fifth generation was new. Once Garchomp got voted Uber again, I had no disagreement to it.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Nothing has changed to make Garchomp any less of a Stolen demon. Why would we ever consider unbanning it?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I don't see it either, where is the improvement, that is in gen. 5? I would never consider unbanning him, but that is up to the rest of you guys.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I know Garchomp can get mega countered now. With Hydragon's great sp atk one Draco Meteor would possibly KO if not 2HKO. And btw banning BrightPowder due to chance is so freaking pathetic. It's like saying to ban Sand Veil and Snow Cloak which both boost evasion 20% in Sandstorm and Hail. Like 20% isn't luck? Please, spare me the excusses and think it over. Items would not have been made for the games if they were gonna be banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Hydreigon isn't a counter and can't even check it either unless Hydreigon has a Choice Scarf and Garchomp doesn't. Garchomp has 102 Base Speed making it faster than Hydreigon.

And btw banning BrightPowder due to chance is so freaking pathetic.
Competitive play is suppose to have as minimum luck as possible. This is also why Double Team is banned. The player with the most skill should be the victor, not whoever gets luckier due to misses.

It's like saying to ban Sand Veil and Snow Cloak which both boost evasion 20% in Sandstorm and Hail
That is not a fair comparison as some Pokemon only had one abililty yet were not broken or particularly threatening themselves. Also those abilities require the weather for them to work. Bright Powder does not require any additional things.

Items would not have been made for the games if they were gonna be banned.
That is like saying Reshiram, Mewtwo, etc. shouldn't have been made for the games since they are banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

acc items should be unbanned. it's a stupid ban and I suggest we remove it
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

When I say pokemon should be ban I reffer to the Battle Frontier and Battle Subway list. This list includes and it quote: Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Jirachi, Dialga, Palkia, Manaphy, Phione, Darkrai, Giaratina, Shaymin, Resharim, Zekrom, Kyerium and the unreleased event legendary pokemon Keldeo, Meloitta and Genesect and possibly Victini. Those should be the Ubers pokemon not Blazakin, Garchomp, Wobbuffet and Wynaut.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Search this thread to find out why Blaziken and Garchomp are and should be banned. I'm too tired to give a detailed explanation on why. If someone else wants to give the explanation on why they are banned, they are welcome to.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Garchomp shouldn't be banned since it can be beat. I have had a lot of time to test my views on this and with my tests I have found that 6 to 7 times out of 10 Garchomp can be out matched by Hydragon. Blaziken is lame because of Speed Boost. Ninjask has that and he isn't banned. Then again he is to frail. Blaziken can be countered easy by bulky Hazers and by pokemon that can change its ability. Even putting to sleep will ruin its odds of sweeping. Don't think for a second I haven't taken into consideration all the diffrent ways to counter these two.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

If I'm stupid then why is my new Stall team has been able to counter both Blaziken and Garchomp? Besides Garchomp could be taken care of with ease. But Blaziken has to be planned. Even if you could get an edge one mistake makes you fail. I learned that the hard way when I lost my Bulk Up Scrafty to it. But still based on abilities Blaziken could out pace many pokemon it couldn't before. While I do see the threat I honestly would rather face it in OU then Ubers.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
If I'm stupid then why is my new Stall team has been able to counter both Blaziken and Garchomp? Besides Garchomp could be taken care of with ease. But Blaziken has to be planned. Even if you could get an edge one mistake makes you fail. I learned that the hard way when I lost my Bulk Up Scrafty to it. But still based on abilities Blaziken could out pace many pokemon it couldn't before. While I do see the threat I honestly would rather face it in OU then Ubers.

Blaziken and Garchomp stay banned, nuff said. They were banned for a reason and you're just repeating yourself but using different words every time. Drop it. Just because YOU can beat them with a team I believe you centered around beating the two, doesn't mean everyone else can. This isn't YOUR metagame, don't be so selfish. Players aren't going to dedicate a third of their team to stopping blaziken and garchomp, and even then with hax included you may not even get that to work.

Next time, know the metagame before you go off on other people about a metagame you clearly don't understand.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

The Assassin said:
Blaziken and Garchomp stay banned, nuff said. They were banned for a reason and you're just repeating yourself but using different words every time. Drop it. Just because YOU can beat them with a team I believe you centered around beating the two, doesn't mean everyone else can. This isn't YOUR metagame, don't be so selfish. Players aren't going to dedicate a third of their team to stopping blaziken and garchomp, and even then with hax included you may not even get that to work.

Next time, know the metagame before you go off on other people about a metagame you clearly don't understand.
Actually you are completely wrong. You see I built my Stall team to do more then counter those two. I built it to handle any pokemon match up. Blaziken and Garchomp got beaten by hazzards. While not the easiest way to beat them it does prove very effective. Blaziken I would say could be OU but since it has better counters in Ubers I feel it could stay. Garchomps 102 base speed makes it a hard pokemon to counter in OU true but from what I've seen so far I don't believe Latias and Latios are on the Ban list anymore. Those two might prove to be able to check it but I doubt they can counter it.

Garchomp may have been Uber for preformance but how many people didn't want to deal with it? I for one would rather deal with a Garchomp then a Dialga or Arceus. Even still Garchomp speed holds sway in one fact: it can out pace a large portion of no-scarfed pokemon.

While the metagame does prove to be a challenge I find it a waste of time. Time spent creating tiers and so on could be better used trying to find a better way to handle the pokemon. Even team building is becomming to complex. Pokemon in my opinion is ment to be fun not competitive.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
When I say pokemon should be ban I reffer to the Battle Frontier and Battle Subway list. This list includes and it quote: Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Jirachi, Dialga, Palkia, Manaphy, Phione, Darkrai, Giaratina, Shaymin, Resharim, Zekrom, Kyerium and the unreleased event legendary pokemon Keldeo, Meloitta and Genesect and possibly Victini. Those should be the Ubers pokemon not Blazakin, Garchomp, Wobbuffet and Wynaut.

First of all, Wobbuffet and Wynaut aren't banned. -_-

Mew isn't broken. In fact, its currently sitting in UU. Same with Celebi. Jirachi is an annoyance at best, but it isn't close to broken. Phione is incredibly lol worthy, and is sitting down in the bottom of the VG barrel (with Farfetch'd and the like). Shaymin has a small movepool, and it lacks recovery outside of Rest and Leech Seed (and as a subseeder, its outclassed by Whimsicott). Kyurem has solid stats, but no movepool outside of its STABs (not even Earthquake). Victini is in a similar boat, with no real solid movepool, just V Create.

Ubers is a place for the broken Pokemon, not a place for the legendaries to battle.