PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Borutorosu isn't Tornadus at all. It's the other genie, Thundurus.
As for Jirachi's status in VGC? Any event-exclusive legendary is banned in such events (but they don't use the same tier system as we do).

Just popping in.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Please stay on topic guys. It is about the ban list; not the japanese names of the Pokemon.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Incase you were wodering about the Jirachi,YES,I meant VGC,since that's the only competitive VG I do other than league.(If you consider league competitive.)
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Why is it that Drought and Sand Stream are under "suspect" but Drizzle isn't? Can one of you explain this to me? Sorry if this is a nub question.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Alriiiiight. Means I finally get to use my Rain Team. ;)
Also, just curious, is PokeBeach ever going to do it's own suspect testing, or are we just going to run by Smogon standards? I'm not complaining or anything, I am just wanting to know. Thanks is advance.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Why is it that Swift Swim+Drizzle on the same team is banned,but Clorophyl+Drought on the same team isn't?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

SS + Drizzle was extremly broken. However, CH + Drought isn't as broken. So it was not banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Basically, there are many, many good Swift Swim abusers. Kingdra, Ludicolo, Goresbyss, Kabutops, they're all good and viable. Whereas Chlorophyll... well, really the only Chlorophyll user with the stats, typing, and movepool to back it up is Venusaur.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Also, pretty much all Swift Swimmers are Water type, so Water type attacks get a double boost from STAB and Rain, whereas most Chlorophyll users are grass types and therefore do not get the double boost.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

PO will not allow me to use Kingdra in UU, despite Kingdra being UU by Smogon tiers. The Pokerealm mods said it was because we went by PB tiers instead of Smogon, but we don't have a UU banlist...
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Smeargle [Moody], Burmy [Overcoat], and Eevee [Anticipation] should probably be added in the released DW section, since I didn't see them in there.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I think Excadrill should get banned. It's simply too good for OU. I know people may say it doesn't fare well in Ubers, but it still shouldn't be OU.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

patrick329 said:
I think Excadrill should get banned. It's simply too good for OU. I know people may say it doesn't fare well in Ubers, but it still shouldn't be OU.

Okay, just like to point out that a Pokemon's usability in Ubers in no way affects a Pokemon's ban. The Uber ban list is not created to be fair and playable, it's made to make the OU tier fair and playable. If you care to take a look at Ubers, nobody uses Deoxys-N because it's completely outclassed by Deoxys-A in every way, shape, and forme (c wut i did thar).

Before I continue my post, I'd like you to bring a more better explanation of why it should be banned. You have no point behind your post other than it not fairing well in Ubers, a point I might add that I just proved wrong.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I see why people would want to ban Excadrill. On paper, the ability to get up to +2/+2 in one turn with immunity to two forms of status seems broken. But here are a few things to consider:
Excadrill's movepool boils down to QuakeSlide + bad coverage. It can choose X-Scissor to hit Virizion and Bronzong, or Return to hit Gliscor. It is usually outright walled by something.
Most decently bulky Pokemon can take on Excadrill if it doesn't have the SD boost up. Bulky waters, in particular, can take a hit and threaten with Surf or Scald.
Excadrill is pretty weak to priority, especially in the form of Mach Punch, Vacuum Wave, or Aqua Jet. It also doesn't take STAB Ice Shards from the likes of Mamoswine and Weavile (lol) especially well.
In short, Excadrill is a great Pokemon, and it is obviously one of the best sweepers of all time. However, it has its counters, most of which are pretty common in OU, so I don't think it's broken. I think that's probably why it hasn't been banned in any of Smogon's suspect rounds so far. Of course, I'm not the best battler on the site, so I'd like to hear the opinions of some more experienced players, but I think the common consensus is that Excadrill can be contained.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

People seem to forget that Excadrill has 88 Speed which is really, really atrocious considering he's meant to be a sweeper. Lose the sandstorm and he becomes a lot less threatening.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I think Bright Powder should be like Drizzle. Only banned when used in combination with an evasion boosting ability like Sand Veil and Snow Cloak. That item alone doesn't prove much of a problem.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

BrightPowder is a stupid item, and anything with Sand Veil or Snow Cloak is going to have better item choices in every possible instance.