PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Yeah to piggy back on that it says Shadow Tag is banned yet Wynut and Wobbafet aren't?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

if Shadow Tag is banned, Wobuffet and Wynaut are banned because they use the ability Shadow Tag.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

They aren't listed because its unnecessary, the ability is banned thus they are too. Move on.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Take note that all Pokemon who have Shadow Tag also have another ability (Wobbuffet has Telepathy; Chandelure has Flash Fire and Flame Body; and Gothitelle has Frisk.) I assume that Shadow Tag is banned because all Pokemon who receive it get another ability. That's just my two cents.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

^Not sure about that as blaze blaziken is still banned, so yeah I think if a pokemon has a banned ability then its banned altogether. Like PMJ said, a pokemon's ability is integral to that pokemon; you can't just ban an uber pokemon specific moves to make it OU again.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I'm a little new to the whole competitive battling thing, so this may sound a little noobish, but why is Latios banned but Latias isn't? Is there something specific about him that makes it ban worthy? I was just curious ^^;;
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Why why why do we not just follow smogon's banlist? I trust the staff here to make decisions, but if I want to test a team on the PB server, I'd prefer to be able to use the banlist everyone else does. Unless I've missed something, neither Latios or Wobbuffet is banned on smogon. We don't have a community large enough here to make our own banlist.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

@WinterChevalier, Latios and Latias have a difference in their base stats: Latios has a higher special attack and latias has a higher special defence. This means Latios is a far more powerful sweeper than latias and so has been banned. However there is still debate about whether latias should be banned too, nothing is yet conclusive :)
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I disagree with the global Shadow Tag ban. Wobby is not even OU, while Goth and Chandelure are not yet available through dream world. There is no reason to ban it unless people can argue that Wobby is strongly uncompetitive, like the Moody ability.

If PB is to have its own banlist (which I do support), I'd prefer people to do things the proper way and start from scratch. Many of these bans are unsupported and questionable, such as Manaphy (when Drizzle is also banned) and Latios.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Since the Eeveelutions are now obtainable, are any of them going to be banned from OU? Espeon was the main one I wasn't sure on as the others aren't that great.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

They never will be good enough to get banned. They are just really to fragile. Espeon dies fast and in no way is broken in any way.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Just because something gets a DW Ability doesn't mean it gets auto banned. If you ban Espeon, you might as well ban Xatu while your at it, but both really can't take hits. Honestly, who would ban Quick Feet Jolteon? You're already fast enough. And do you see Umbreon with Inner Focus on nearly every team and dominating the metagame? No.

Honestly, the only thing Magic Guard is, would be annoying. You can easily kill it with Pursuit-T-Tar, Scizor, or much anything else. Heck, its even frailer than Latios. There is no way you can't easily dispose of it, even without T-Tar, Scizor, or something else like that.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Red Striker said:
Is there a reason you had to go off and bann Blaziken?!It's a starter for crying out loud!Do you really think Nintendo would uber a starter?I also noticed the fact that you bann Ninetails and Groudon,boath of which can have the ability Drought.You didn't,however,bann Vulpix,which can also have that ability.Do you expect us to raise a Vulpix and not evolve it?!
You don't just ban one ability on a Pokemon. Speed Boost and Swords Dance basically makes it nearly impossible to stop. You would use Protect right away which will get you the +1 Speed. If you get a chance to Swords Dance, Hi Jump Kick and Flare Blitz can OHKO nearly anything in the game.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Red Striker said:
Is there a reason you had to go off and bann Blaziken?!It's a starter for crying out loud!Do you really think Nintendo would uber a starter?I also noticed the fact that you bann Ninetails and Groudon,boath of which can have the ability Drought.You didn't,however,bann Vulpix,which can also have that ability.Do you expect us to raise a Vulpix and not evolve it?!

Bro, that grammar is tight yo.

Blaziken is banned because it received Speed Boost through Dream World. With access to that and Swords Dance, it can be nearly impossible to stop. With the moves Flare Blitz and Hi Jump Kick, it can OHKO nearly every Pokemon in the game after a single Swords Dance. The only Pokemon who could survive Flare Blitz and Hi Jump Kick at full health were Slowbro and Jellicent, both of which were wrecked by a Stone Edge. If Blaziken ever got in three Speed Boosts, it's pretty much good game unless you have a CB Azumarril under your belt. Blaziken overcentralized the metagame and made the game unfair.

Dude, Ninetales isn't even banned. I think you should get some glasses.

hahaha, before you go and post stuff like this, at least know what you're talking about. Now you gone and got everyone laughing at your post. How sad. :[
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

The joke is on you TheDarkLucario.I don't see a post from me anywhere.(Exept for this one and the one two posts below this one.)
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List


You simply can't accept the fact that your wrong, can you?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

It was a small error,okay.Nothing to laugh about,after all,we're only human.(If we were all perfect,we would all be gods.)
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Hyperbeem said:
Since we don't really have a real banning process, I request that we allow Latios on our server until it gets a simple ban by suspect voters.

It's not allowed on the PB server? I guess no one ever noticed, since no one uses it on their teams, heh. But yes, that needs to get fixed.