pokemon flint version.

do you think the project is going well?

  • it is great and should carry on!

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • errrr,not too bad...

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • no,the pokemon are horrible and you should quit now

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

oh hiya guys went to my grans house missed. And do u know all them things about that i am quiting and stuff well guess wot it wasn't me! it woz my cousin i left my pass on a piece of paper and he looked at it when he woz round my house and went on it! so here is the curry lolving guy back safe and sound also i hve made a rough copy of kitfire and evo's of him. Charizards friend can u send me that guide on making human sprites.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Can I help? Here is my pokemon:

Bibacopu (mix-bibarel, combee, purugly)

RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

It was for pokemon sprites oli,ah well even better:)
Necro thy we don't use mix's-pure scratch sprites.It is Moonlight cavern where he is because Team nightmare summon him there;but the second time it could be central cave.I'll try a scratch sprite:

What do you think looks cooler?blue one or green Nitray?Blue nitray is more logical,since it is a nitrogen being.


  • nitray.PNG
    1.9 KB · Views: 9
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Quick Draw said:
Gotcha. Make the Top a pixel or two smaller and the bottom 5 pixels smaller?
I got the mouth and pinsir part
nonononono. the mouth can be a pixel or two bigger, but the bottom should be 4 or 5 pixels smaller, but there must be at least one pixel brown colored. then, move the body (rezised) down so you can make room for the pincers.
Necro thy: (same for every new memeber...) I don't decide if someone can enter, it's CF, as he is the leader, tough that I can make temporaly accept anyone that will work at the art department, as I'm the leader for that, so yes you can but CF's got the last word. Anyways I first want at least a rough pic to check someone's abilities, as we want sprites, not mixes.
EDIT: well , again, I've posted at the same time CF did -_- so I couldn't see his post. well you've got his resolve so...
CF: yes, the blue nitray is better, since the green one looks like a grass poke. and it's good news to read that you've made a different one (suggest you to delete the first version).
and I've designed the looks of the gyarados/milotic line, final stage (it'll have a difference between male and female) but I have no idea how the first stage can be. i thought about a fish that has a body that lets it swim fasst, tough it's so stupid that it doesn't know how to use it properly. anyways you didn't say anything about it :(
and for the dogs/fish evo's scans, wait until tomorrow, when my mum won't be at home to say "no!!!!!!!" to anything I do on the computer, except this, tough I only have 40 minutes :'(
EDIT: again, I cna't see your scratch, like doominect's. post it as an attachment (by the way, you should post doominect's scratch too)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Fire Pokémon supporter said:
Quick Draw said:
Gotcha. Make the Top a pixel or two smaller and the bottom 5 pixels smaller?
I got the mouth and pinsir part
nonononono. the mouth can be a pixel or two bigger, but the bottom should be 4 or 5 pixels smaller, but there must be at least one pixel brown colored. then, move the body (rezised) down so you can make room for the pincers.
Necro thy: (same for every new memeber...) I don't decide if someone can enter, it's CF, as he is the leader, tough that I can make temporaly accept anyone that will work at the art department, as I'm the leader for that, so yes you can but CF's got the last word. Anyways I first want at least a rough pic to check someone's abilities, as we want sprites, not mixes.
EDIT: well , again, I've posted at the same time CF did -_- so I couldn't see his post. well you've got his resolve so...
Exactly!You can help,but we need to see you're abilities.Try to sprite lets say,Deefloat,shouldn't be too hard.
Basic shape of a dingy,face at the front,Fins on the side(Shaped like areoplane wings,not very big though),Fin,And a few pins in it.
FPS you could be a rough picture person,though i must say the dragolia was just,WOW!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

oh thanks for that and for coinicidng with me about necro_thy but I can't do roughs-nor sprites, really. I tried waaaay too many times. and that dragoila was a concept. tough I'll edit it with my new technique soon.
CF I was thinking, shinx lord hasn't been working too much, even more this days (and no, I'm not talking about his activeness, I understand that, I mean he doesn't say many things after all, and very few of those things are really useful, plus some things are a bit spammy) we should do something about him, shouldn't we?  I'll leave it to you. also we can make a place where the results of our work are shown, to show all of that work's results, and not the work itself, you know, too look more important (hmmm... no more important isn't the word, it should be "like we really are" because with these post, the work itself (mostly pics) are covered with the new posts)
Also, I was thinking that I need a right-hand concept drawer to help me, mostly with recolouring what my scanner makes darker.
so here are the requirements.
-make drawings by hand, even if they aren't very good (in fact, they shouldn't be WAAAAY too god because I want to be the best here:p no,seriously)
-have a scanner (of course)
-have (and know to use) adobe photoshop (to make my drawings (some) lighter)
-be creative and have imagination for the designs (and here I'll be strict, we need good ideas to make, and descriptions don't work here at all, at least under my control)
we should post this at the first page, along with my "frst make a rough, then I'll see" mini-rule and the "you'll have a link to this, along with a (nice) comment) and anything else you wish to add. also,remember to add quick draw at the list, he's been doing a very nice work here, we should say that too. this project gets each time better, and thanks to the compromised helpers.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I'll join but I will post my IDEAS later ok?

RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I got you FPS
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

if you had fourms, I'd join
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Okay, how about now? (I know that there are no pinsirs, I will add later)


  • Scrapinser.PNG
    1,015 bytes · Views: 6
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

yeah is sure better :) what I forgot to say at first is that the arms are too thin and long (just too long, not waay too long :p) and the legs have three metal bars, not two. with those edits made, it shall be perfect. then it only remains to make it more like an official sprite (alkie, not exactly, but if you can, better then;)) and I know you have such skills. and about that, congratulations, you've been doing a very good job in little time.
and prince of the sea what can you do? where eill you work? art? world desinging?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I was thinkin about mixin old and new so...

could someone make a Mewtwo with a Lucario lookin ears and those things on the back of Lucarios head(the black things.)
I was thinkin about mixin old and new so...

could someone make a Mewtwo with a Lucario lookin ears and those things on the back of Lucarios head(the black things.)

P.S.- could someone make me a Manaphy avatar? and have it 125 x 125?
and A sig with Manaphy using Water Pulse? 400 x 195?
Plz and thank u.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

A few posts ago i said:
We don't have mixes here,pure sprites.I didn't actually write this,but this Isn't a shop!!The pokemon are not fusions either!They are Fan made pokemon, this is a fan game.Phew!Another thing I'll add on the front page.I'll get you something anyway.Man the front post'll be long
Hmmm,I still need votes on the Nitrays though,PLEASE TELL ME PEOPLE.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

oh hi can i join?
i am new here
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

If you read the first post then...Read it And it'll tell you in that post(EDit that post don't make a new one) to say what you want to do and some examples of you're work:)Plus we need spritey people,I can sprite,but we need more people.Alot of my sprites have not been posted yet(Wonders why suddenly).I'll do a deefloat soon.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Prince of the Sea said:
I was thinkin about mixin old and new so...

could someone make a Mewtwo with a Lucario lookin ears and those things on the back of Lucarios head(the black things.)
I was thinkin about mixin old and new so...

could someone make a Mewtwo with a Lucario lookin ears and those things on the back of Lucarios head(the black things.)

P.S.- could someone make me a Manaphy avatar? and have it 125 x 125?
and A sig with Manaphy using Water Pulse? 400 x 195?
Plz and thank u.

first, your idea isn't very good. and most impotant: THIS ISN'T A SHOP
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

AS i have already said FPS.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

uh remember what I said at the PM, sorry.
and stay tuned because I'll post my scans today!!! at last!!!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

yo dudes is there a badger pokemon? NO
Could there b a badger pokemon could it b phsychic.
(Also i am waiting for that pokemon sprite guide charizards friend ty. WHEN I DO MY WIFI SETTINGS IT WONT CONNECT TO MY COMPUTER CAN U TELL ME Y?)
p.s my computer wasn't on does that effect
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

NOOO it dosn't affect.A badger pokemon?A little boring but,hmmmm.