pokemon flint version.

do you think the project is going well?

  • it is great and should carry on!

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • errrr,not too bad...

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • no,the pokemon are horrible and you should quit now

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Harris please stop spamming on this thread!!!It is getting hard to well,if you can't post something nice then don't post at all:p!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

do u know what i just thought of a really good thing for the story line (am i aloud to do this charizards friend?) what could happend do u know matthew well he b aken over by team nightmare but then he really likes it so he becomes the leader of team nightmare
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Matthew is the person you play as in the storyline.but that gave me an idea,thanks:)!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

no offense, but thats my idea
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

what's it about?
EDIT: oh and here's a better quality-a bit larger shell-quite a bit shaded version of pyrock


  • pyrock.PNG
    47.6 KB · Views: 3
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

your fathers missing, you go on a journy, as the storyline continues, you fight team Metal and Team Shadow. you go to the 8th gym only time find the gymleader to be your father, also known as the leader of team shadow. you beat him and he now decides he needs to train and leaves you incharge of TS. you make your way to the elite 4 only to be attacked by Team Metal, with a flash of darkness, your surrounded by TS members. they will hold TM off. you beat the elite four to find that your father made his way to become the champion. beat him and find out that TM has sworn a leagence to TS
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

well, we don't have TS or TM, specially because that's your idea (and I mean were not going to steal)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

the idea of getting to lead a Team is mine
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

well, you are purposing that, but TS is like a trademark of yours, even tough, I don't think we use that idea, thanks anyways
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I don't mind if you use the idea of being the leader of a team, and truth be told, I'm be glad to let you, I was just making a statment
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

CF decides, that was my opinion :S
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

then in that case *presses close topic button* oh yah, not a mod :p
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

*self deleted message* this is not game corner so don/t say silly things so from now on, unless I believe it's really important and is talking about the project, I won't answer to you
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

very well, I'll respect that
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

pheww!Anyways here is the storylne.By the way did you like deefloat?

start at maplewind town-Bump into prof on road-prof asks you to see the clerk in yuckindle because he ordered something important-gives you pokemon to guide you there-go to yuckindle-Get smellypackage-take to prof-Gives you pokedex and five pokeballs-exit lab-see team nightmare agent-defeat her-Go through Stonewood forest-Enter stonewood village-defeat scaffins on statues-defeat gym leader-Go through desert route-find cleanlily city-See man in street-go to TN factory-defeat Nightmare head scientist....Thats a little.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

not bad
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

thank you:DIt gets more exciting.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

was that your idea?
and did you see pyrock 2.5?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

guys sorry i havent been active much.. right now i am think of some new pokemon... i wont be posting them though until monday cuz i got to go to my dads house but anyway i think there should be a dark/steel type added to the dex well i gtg get ready for my school dance and my dads so seeya (i also got a pawsome eeveelution avvy)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

OH I've obtained a music for the game I'll find it and post it here sounds really good!!! aww wait the attachment system it's oly for pics no?
well here's the last time I post bladesol (probably) now I've edited the background to be totally white so you an put another background (andyman this one's for you)
I'm going to draw more pokes bye


  • bladesol.bmp
    384.5 KB · Views: 5