Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@Shaymin6.6: Wow that is really cool. I have been having trouble making the fire Pokeball, but you did a great job on it. I will add it to the front post soon.

@Unseen Psyco Poke-Fan: nice start on the ice fakemon, though I think that more details should be added a bit. Though it is a nice start.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Those Pokeball's look painfull to hold and would probably burn or rip my bag.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Yeah some of the affects behind the Pokeball won't be visible when holding the Pokeball, probably the effect will take place when the Pokemon comes out of the Pokeball. As well as the other Pokeballs.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

I think the Female with goggles should be the Flying Gym -- she looks like an adventurer ahaha, maybe name her something like..

Flyona (Fiona) or She can be a fire type gym, Margo.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Flyona or Fiona would be a great name for the gym leader and she seems to fit the flying type theme. Thanks for the name and the suggestion.

EDIT:Updated the front post with the new gym leader name
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

May I use some of your pokeballs you made for your game for my forums?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Sure EPM, you can.

I am planning to work on the programming more. I want to get some things completed and will probably make a planner of when I want to complete some things and what I have to do. Again if you want to help to program then please let me know.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

the first gym shouldn't be normal, there's no challenge!

Sorry if this is too much, just though I'd help with some ideas

Have you thought of a team name for the equivalent of 'Team Rocket'?
- Team Arctic
- Team Frigid
& They use ICE/DARK Pokemon

And what about your rival/bestfriend?

Gym Order Recommendation:

1. Rock (Keep The Pattern Going) - The Mountain Badge (Follis - Fossil re arranged)
2. Water - The Dew Badge (Cascada)
3. Poison - The (UNNAMED) Badge (Shady)
4. Grass - The Bloom Badge (Bloss)
5. Psychic - The Mind Badge (Selena)
6. Flying - The Gust Badge (Flyona)
7. Ice - The Glacier Badge (Twins as Leaders in Frigid Peak?)
8. Electric - The Bolt Badge (Heilos)

I can make the badges if you like, just pm me, i can knock them down in no time!

Elite 4

1. Bug - Elite Four Sting
2. Fire - Elite Four Magston
3. Ghost - Elite Four Ezmeralda
4. Dragon - Elite Four Roxy

Towns & Forests/Caves Names:

Tokaw (Home Town & Eighth Gym Leader) (Cave is closed at the moment due to rock slides)
Romulon City
Surtun Town
Aldonto Town
Frigid Peak (On a Snowy Mountain) (ICE BADGE)
Twintle Town (A Town that is built on 2 islands next to each other connected by a bridge)
Sinder Town
Tarabia Port
Loupen Town
Kings City (Capital)

Elbanty Forest
Shonew Forest
Tokaw Cave
Lost Cavern (Legendary)
Victory Road (As Usual)
The Celestial Ruins

Just some idea, i was reading this stuff, got bored an came back with these idea haha hope you don't mind :p

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@Hooker: Wow your ideas are great and will probably use them. There are some things that probably don't sound too well like the illness badge. I will update your list and add some things for the game. Again thanks for helping out I will add your name on the jobs list.

EDIT: Also EPM if you use the Pokeballs be sure to give credit to the Pokemon Ice Version Staff.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

I have been working on the game all morning and have finished adding the buildings on the starter town. I am still creating the events still and still have to add the characters in still. I tried to game out to see how it is and right now it is working out great.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@Ice Arceus: Thanks, I just thought I would help out, sorry If it was too much! Is there anything else you want me to try doing? Maybe make Sprite of the character for game when your walking?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Can you help make the sprite for the game or the back sprites of the current sprites we have? If it is possible for you.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Yeah sure, what ones do you want me to work on, the characters? Boy & Girl? or are you having one character?
EDIT: What are the dementions? Pixel wise?

I'm downloading Photoshop now. Easier than pain and i know how to use photoshop better, lmao :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Boy and a girl. I sent you a PM with the dimensions.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

ill get on it when photoshop decides to work properly :/
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*


At the moment I am working on setting the Pokegear. I am also working on getting the dual screen to work, but it needs some pictures before it works.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

and I though of some names;
(One with no names on the front page)

Dreameow : http://i1037.photobucket.com/albums/a456/Kr-Oh/Evilcat.png
Burnecko: http://i52.tinypic.com/nls6ch.png

I made a sprite for a 'Greaser Trainer' ahahah :)


yes / no ?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

The sprite looks pretty good, is this your first trainer sprite that you have made? Also thanks for the names of the other two Pokemon I will update the front post soon with the names.