Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Yeah, thats my first sprite of this kind, ahaha, that only took 2 minutes though :p i actuall have been making the character (when your walking around) sprite... would you want to see it when its done? its shows all the different movment of walking.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Yeah that would be great Hooker. I would like to see it when it is done. At the moment I am using the Red character for the test out.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Alright, his hat is white and blue to match the game theme :) w red hair ahaha :)

EDIT: what colour do you want to be in his jacket.. its green atm.. but would you want it a diff colour?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Cool can't wait to see it done. Also I will be uploading a cool new userbar.

Here is the new userbar created by me:

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Thats not bad Hooker did you make all of them? Also could your try getting them with a white background, cause I am having trouble testing out the game with them with different color backgrounds.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Yeah here they are:

Sorry to look long..JPEG was the auto save format and it ruined it.. so i had to fix it.

(apparently someone is claiming i stole their sprites? so i took them down just so they will stop complaining)

ill make another person later.. hopefully this person doesn't think im stealing there work :/
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

I love how i didn't? O_O i have sprite on my computer from a program at school holy moley boy! but alright then :/ but i can assure you i didn't. i have a program from my computer graphics course that generates sprites and i have to build them.. if it means that much i wont use them.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

I'm sorry but you're sprite sheet is a blatant copy of mine, compare yours to the original sheet on page 26, 1st post. Look at that then tell me that you're sheet is not a copy with minor edits. Take note of the same walking style, glasses, and hat.

And in the future if you need a reference or base for sprites, use spriters resource not my sprites also, What program do you use?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

uh, i looked i dont think they look alike.. its kind of hard to say you made the most origional sprite you know, i removed it, just to make you happy. so just calm down, its gone - removed.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

At first when I looked at Hooker's sprites they kinda reminded me of superfoof's at first, but then totally forgot about it. You see Hooker superfoof has done a fabulous job with the sprites and I have been using them for the game. So if you feels it is uncomfortable to use them then we will simply not use them, cause he believes that you have used his sprites, but have made changes. If you could make different sprites from scratch that look different from superfoof's sprite then we will use that.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

heres a trainer sprite


Oh and bye the way have you thought of coloring the ice lgendary?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Hi people. I was here to apoligize to superfoof. I was on another website a whhile back, and it showed superfoof's sprite. I asked the website "owner" about the drawing. He said it was his so I said ok. I asked if I could use it and he said yes. I posted it here without looking on the other pages, unaware that it was really superfoof's artwork. Then I was flamedand called a "jerk". I probably deserved it though. However, I come here today to apoligize to superfoof. I am sorry. I'm not asking for forgiveness, but just to be sincere, Dustin
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@SmashUp: Its pretty good, though the size isn't right.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Oh yeah, It's all good. I was just having a bad week, details aren't needed. Ha, looking back I was overacting. My apologies.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@SmashUp: Forgot to answer your other question as well. Garitter is one of our main artists for this project, since he won't be around for a while (due to some problems) he will probably color it once he gets back.

EDIT: Also I am working on the battle system at the moment and it should hopefully be done soon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

Are names needed for anything at the moment?

Just pm me or post the things you need named.

ie pokemon (provide pics)
towns (Main point of town/city)

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

sorry i havent posted in a while need some ideas on what sprites to make maybe a dragon or something (ill make gym badge sprites)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Front Post Updated*

@Hooker: At the moment you can help out with the region name if you have any ideas.

@Night Pokemon Master: We need some gym badge sprites for the game.

I will be working on the regions map and should hopefully get it done soon. I am thinking the region should be called Glacice. If you guys have suggestions about the region name then tell me.