Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

// Speed - Set for movement (Go) and when you stop (Stop)

speedGo = 2;
speedStop = 0;

// Set the speed of which all animations will follow.

image_speed = .2;

// Controls set animation for walking, and what sprite to set when stopped. 
if (keyboard_check(vk_up))
    y -= speedGo;
if (keyboard_check_released(vk_up))
    y += speedStop;
if (keyboard_check(vk_down))
    y += speedGo;
if (keyboard_check_released(vk_down))
    y += speedStop;
if (keyboard_check(vk_left))
    x -= speedGo;
if (keyboard_check_released(vk_left))
    y += speedStop;
if (keyboard_check(vk_right))
    x += speedGo;
if (keyboard_check_released(vk_right))
    y += speedStop;

That look like it?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Yeah you got it Charizard88. Seems like the forum is deleted by charidude. Oh well at least you found it. With your permission can I add it to the front post, since you made it?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Okay thanks. I updated the front post with the coding at the bottom, under Gym Leader sprites.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

So what do you want me to work on beyond that?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Yes work beyond that. I will help out as well with the programming.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

I mean WHAT do you want me to work on beyond that.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*


There is the sprite for Kuroko, hopefully that is good enough, if you need any improvements please tell me and I will change it.
I am working on Kurogami :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

It needs more detail, and shading. Right now it looks to blobbish. Also, you need to shrink the width down to 80 pixels, it's at 83 right now. All game sprites need to be within 80x80.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@Charizard88: Um you can help with the game play like the towns where the character first lives. You had the small video where the it shows the character walking with snow and some trees. I want to add more onto the first town. That is the first thing. There is also a battle system that we need.

@Jayj4: Not bad, but as Charizard88 had mentioned try making the sprite 80x80 for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

If I get bored of making the town or battle system can I make like game corner games or something fun like that for the game? Just curious. Also make sure you personally have Game Maker 8, i had Game Maker 7 I just noticed luckily the scripts did not change version to version. I can also supply you wish a file so you can use Game Maker 8 Pro, so we can make this thing better than if we had cruddy non-paid for version.

Also have we decided on if we are using custom tiles or premade ones? From like gen 4 or 5?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Okay you can make the games for the game corner and sure you can supply me with a file. :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Going to PM you with the directions, I am also starting the starter town work as of now. Still trying to get the view right. :/
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Glad to get that off my chest, anyway If I caused any stress, or complications, I apoligize. My artwork is everything to me, and i cannot stand it when people ignore and do not give credit where credit is due. Here is my final decision; You can keep the fire starter line, however i would appreciate if you took the egypten line off. I will not be doing any more work for you guys, however i might return in the distant future. I hope this game goes far!

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@toille12345: Are you talking about the Egyptian cat line in sprite form? I hope that you help us out in the distant future. We would like the help from you again. I apologize for not putting your name on the front post earlier on.

@Charizard88: Thanks. I got the PM.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Oh ok, I thought we were doing B/W sprite size (96x96 I think) Ok, I will try shrink it down and add more shading :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Yes, the egyptian cat line, and i think you will see me again
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

Well,hello i am new here-i want to help. so here some Fake sprites for you:

(the orange fish)Priceolla. 100% female.
ability:swift swim-Pricy Heart (new ability-incoming attacks reduced 50% if they are of the same type)
moves:idk XD

(the blue fish)100% male.
Ability:swift swim-Modesty:(new ability-attacks done are 100 accuarate if the enemy is from the same type.
moves:idk yet XD


artworks: (i will post em later-i havent finish them :p)

also a Custom Goldeen sprite:

Hamstuma and Hamstamasta-a fakemon evolution line:
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@ Jayj4: I don't think the sizes changed for B/W for battle dimensions, especially considering they made 3v3 possible.

@ General Public: I have started and made amazing progress into a game corner game. It's been extremely fun. I have yet to scratch out what I need to really give the game a strong feel, as right now I am just using "dummy" sprites to test the mechanics.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated With New Wave of Artwork*

@toille12345: Are you talking about the sprites or the artwork?

@jose12323: Wow those are really cool sprites. You have great spriting abilites, we would love if you could help us make some sprites for the game that you have made from scratch for the game.

@Charizard88: It is nice to see that the Game Corner for the game is turning out to be great. Thanks for helping out.

@ضصق: You can help us out, but with what? The artwork that you have presented us with is already on the front post. Garitter had made it for the game.