Pokemon Ice Version

I really like the mug shot. :)

I am working on the programming at the moment and will post a picture soon of the battle system.
Thanks Ice Arceus! It needs some modifying however. Bloss and TerraFrost Person Lady look too much alike. I will only change the mouth probably, but I don't know. By the way, I will be gone this weekend. I'm going with my dad :) I hope you don't mind.
Kind Regards,
I don't mind at all.

Earlier on I was planning on adding a screenshot of the battle system, but now I am planning on just adding it tomorrow. It will most likely be posted tomorrow and I will try to get the scene title done as well (which might take some time to complete).
Thank you! I can't wait till' screenshots! Bon voyage' to me, and aurevios to you; I bid adeiu! Monsuier, commont alle' vou? How bout' you? LOL Just a rhyme.... I will be back Sunday evening!
Still working on the programming.... I have been getting some good ideas for the next few towns and hope that they turn out great.

Screenshot is located at the bottom, and just shows the layout of the battle system. Huge credit goes to Pokemon Essentials.
Whoa alot has been going on :)

Sorry, I had a Lady Gaga concert last week and a bunch of family stuff!

Need anything that can be easily done... done?
For the game I am thinking of having two types of rocks that belong to the two legendary Pokemon, but can't really think of a good name for those rocks.
I really do like the Permafrost stone. I will need one more rock name though, symbolizing Earth.
Rectrice and Trectrock I suppose ;). Thanks for using them. How about the more oriented names for them. Such as, Ice orb and Earth Orb LOL. Simple, yet effective. Earth Orb is found in Icotropyc City after beating the 8th Gym Leader (HINT HINT). The Ice Orb is found in the Glacial Rift, a new place where Rectrice is summoned, after obtaining the Earth Orb. Then, after Rectrice is called forth, the Earth Orb explodes with power, and Trectrock comes out. A battle erupts. Here's a script for the scene.
TerraFrost Boss: Yes! The time has finally come! I have the Permafrost Power! I just need the EARTH ORB and ICE ORBS to awaken the Legendary POKeMON!
Player Trainer: Stop!
TerraFrost Boss: Ah, it it you once more. Behold!
*He knocks you out of the way, and steals the orbs.*
TerraFrost Boss: *Laughs* Haha. Fool! You thought that you could beat me? Annoying child....Now, Behold the power of RECTRICE and TRECTROCK!
*He awakens both Pokemon*
*You battle the TerraFrost Boss, and beat him*
TerraFrost Boss: No.....This.....can't.....be.....
*Rectrice and Trectrock unleash a great power that makes the TerraFrost Boss disappear*
Hope you like it :)
Well I don't exactly have a orb item/tile. But if someone could possibly make a sprite version of the orbs that could be helpful.

I still can't get the battle system to work, due to constant errors. I will keep on trying though, to get it to work.
More gameplay screenshots will be posted soon.
I am going to try to transfer the sprites into the database today, I just hope they turn out good during the battle scenes.
yeah what i did was, i went on thesaurus.com and typed in "ice" on the search bar and i got names for that so maybe you could do that if you ever need names

i'll try making trainer sprites and maybe an orb also just wondering is the prof a boy or a girl because either way i could make a sprite and if by accident i make the wrong gender prof. could we possibly make the assistant prof., if not, that's okay

I might have to delay this off until the weekend though cause of my stupid exams...
Sorry that I haven't been more active. The best I've had a chance to do for a while is check the thread, but only think about the stats. I will make two areas of stats:
1. Visual: Create a 6-dot box of stats. If the pokemon has lots of speed, 6 dots. For little speed, 1 or 2 dots. (I will create an example.)
2. Actual Numbers: This one I will need to research a bit to find out how the dots convert. (aka play black & white, catch a pokemon at low level, then evolved, etc. to see how the stats carry over.)

Also, to we have someone working on TMs?
And, I will experiment with Word to see if you can make a table.

This is based off the Black & White guide book.
P.S. Scraggy's beast. Sigilyph's good, too.
I maded Orb sprites:

Say are they too small.
@Gr8Ampharos: Sure, assistant professors are needed anyway in the game.

@MotorRotom: At the moment I am not too worried about the working TMs. I will probably hold that off until the game is half-way finished.

@Shaymin6.6: Wow those look great, but are too small.