Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Safari slithered into his teams room. He decided to take a nap before the mission.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Somnus couldn't believe his eyes when a crate of Persim-Punch made it's way up the bases stores hangar! "I'll never be thirsty again!" He thought to himself. He also wondered where they would be going on their group mission. He also wondered if Comander Neon would bring along some Chips and Dips for the journey there.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1


Been busy did i miss anything major (clues etc?)


Gaius got up from his isanely long sleep, and decided to see what people were talking about. He looked aroudn to see who was still awake
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Victor saw Gaius approaching

RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1


"I think it's afternoon actually, I slept SOO long"


so nothing? lol
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: nope just the announcement that next will be another guild mission later today
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

We will be heading the the Lake of Insight!
Since I've got to leave for a dinner soon (I'm involved in a ton of things so I'm trying to keep the rpg running meanwhile I'm doing other stuff for example I'm gonna bend some of the days because I'm gonna be gone half of Saturday and half of Sunday) I'm gonna go ahead and post that we've already gotten packed and we're there (sorry if it seems like a bit of a jump)

As commander Neon announced the mission over the newly installed intercom system all of the pokemon boarded the jet-gliders (fully covered, fan powered hang-gliders) that took the entire guild to the dock nearby the Lake of Insight in little more than minutes. When they arrived, fully covered in snow gear, they looked outside to view a vast frozen lake, a mountain in its center a snow-covered temple from many ages ago. The beautiful ice is astounding and just makes you want to go ice skating
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: what are we looking for here?

IC: arriving at the lake it was totally frozen over. catutie wondered if the ice was think enough to stand on and what there purpose of coming here was. he was sure all of that would be revealed soon
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Out: a place with ice? *smiles*

Chill starts running over the frozen lake looking for something he can Pick Up.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

watching chill run over the ice made him worry that he might fall in so he yelled "WATCH OUT IT MIGHT BREAK". chill froze and nothing happened so catutie decided to go out on the ice also
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

OOC: Right. Back from work. Where are we and whats going on?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

We're at the Lake of Insight looking for a Onyx flute.


158.7 pounds to be exact.(looked up on bulbapedia)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

realizing that he wasnt a light poocheyena he broke through the ice. a pair of vines came in and pulled him out, it was somnus. "dont go out there you will fall in" he scolded him. catutie shivered as he went to go make a fire to get warm.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Somnus runs along the frozen lake. Stops. But carrys on sliding into the middle of a snow drift to the far east of the lake. *Thunk* A small box makes as he hits it. Somnus decides to open the box, in it he finds [....DUN DUN DUN, EPM!!]
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

*Victor flys over the Ice, and promptly lands on the Larvitars shoulder*

"I'm cold!"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Somnus still waiting to find out what is in his box waves at Victor! "HI VICTOR! COME SEE WHAT I FOUND IN THIS BOX" Somnus shouts!
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

Gaius flies over the lake, looking for the object


on a naruto shippuden binge lol.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F.: Game Start! Week 1

"But..But.." Somnus states, his teeth chattering...
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