Snow and every thing about it.

On Christmas Day, all of our snow melted and turned into a big slushy, muddy mess. I was walking out to my car that night, and every time I took a step, I felt a sloosh under my feet.

We got a little more snow on Saturday, but that quickly melted the next day.
Our snow melted on Saturday and it as about 50 or 60 degrees outside. Everything melted and it wasn't even a mess. It was all gone. :p I heard it was a new record for winter highs. That was pretty cool, but my parents told me it is not over. Hopefully we will get some more. :)
We got some sleet but no snow, and the funny thing is that it came early December. It almost never snows or sleets in December, if at all. I had a sunny Christmas and it's supposed to be sunny today for New Year's - not a cloud in the sky.

I live in guess where.
Outrage said:
We got some sleet but no snow, and the funny thing is that it came early December. It almost never snows or sleets in December, if at all. I had a sunny Christmas and it's supposed to be sunny today for New Year's - not a cloud in the sky.

I live in guess where.

Hog heaven
In Calgary, we got more snow than we have for the past 8 years, I don't really like snow. Mostly because It is Always here in the winter, and it comes sooner and sooner each and every year!

It started snowing on October 15th and it has snowed every week at least once or twice. It is really quite depressing.
Nice, thats awsome. once fungus grew in a school in my district that I didnt even go to, somehow in the science lab, and we got school off:p
Your school closed because of fungus in another school? That's something you don't hear every day. I hate it when there is a hege snowfall, but it is on the weekend! Can't it wait 'till the middle of the week. Jeez.
I got a snow day today, mostly because of below freezing temperatures...
Me too! I love a snowday espically because I had a test today. Subzero temps rock!
Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo. said:
one time, my school had a power outage and I didn't! it was great, school was closed for 3 days! It was great.

We had 4 days off last year due to an ice storm.....the sad thing was that we had to make up the time and my power was out for almost a week. =(

Even worse, our school district decided to tack on 10 minutes each day in case of another one....(Before the ice storm, the school day lasted from 8:30 to 3:15...and now it lasts from 8:30 to 3:25.)...and extended our year by a whole week. I hate the school district so much...

Anyway, we haven't seen a big snow since December 16th. Though it was only 3 this morning.