SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Sothe would be the most likely to qualify of the Fire Emblem characters because he is one of the stars in Radiant Dawn.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Marth was in the last game and he was popular, so he has just an equal chance of being in.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They have to bring back 1 or the 2, I mean, it's not because they're both clones of each other that both should be left out...

Anyhow, unless she's seriously weakened or not in the game (very unlikely, shut up), I'll probably keep on maining jiggly, but I'll probably also use D3 (waddles :F), Zelda and metaknight. But since we probably only know the starting roster, I can conclude nothing, and of course I'll give every character a go.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I can't wait to use Lucas, his moves are sooo cool:)

Too bad I have to wait until Summer to him because I live in Europe:(
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Actually, that news has been disconfirmed the day after that article had been posted. Nintendo of Europe has no idea when SSBB will hit the shelves here.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Actually, that news has been disconfirmed the day after that article had been posted. Nintendo of Europe has no idea when SSBB will hit the shelves here.

Hopefully not long after the american release. Fingers crossed.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

do you think you'll be able to bet against other people when you are a spectator to win coins.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It would be awsome if they could make it Wi Fi but that probably (by "probably" I mean there is no possibilty) won't happen.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey do you think smash will have a site with top players and stuff like that just like what guitar hero 3 did. and what will happen to the smash website when the game is released?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Spectator mode is done solely through Wi-Fi. All you can do is bet coins on who you think the winner will be. I think that's fairer than betting that someone will lose, in case your buddy ends up in that certain brawl and you can just max out coins against him and have him kill himself 80 times to guarantee that loss.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, you have to have more than 1 person to have a spectator. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I will try Pikachu and see how fast he moves. Depending on his speed for quick attack then I may have to use another character that is my speed.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ok, been out for some time, i apologise for that....
second: it's a bit late but still: merry christmas, and best wishes for 2008!

third: i'll be using ganon (he MUST be in it!) sonic and probably peach (i love her stitchface;)
ofcourse, i'll try everybody too...i will try wario, but i'll doubt it'll be a char for me...
and last but not least: fox will once again be my second main char! i'll practice with him until i have the same level of skill with him as i have now...hmmm....sonic and fox will probably share 2nd place...

and i just NEW it couldn't be true that everybody but europe would get it in february....i expect it at least to be here by march...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
I have a feeling this thread will get slightly dead, with no more new info. to talk about being in the game.

Well aparenntly you we're right...6 more days we have to wait for another stupid update >_>
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Deal with it.

Here's a small topic for discussion: Of the music that's been showcased so far, which do you like best, and why?

Me, I like most all of them. There are a couple I can't really appreciate like the Metroid one or the Metal Gear Solid one.

Also, has anyone played Mother 3 and heard what New Pork City is supposed to sound like? That's another sound I can't really appreciate a remix of. Having never played Mother 3, I had no clue who or what Porky was until I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it turns out that it's actually Pokey from EarthBound. Wonder why he's called Porky. Maybe we're the ones who messed up translating EarthBound and his name really should have been Porky? Eh.

One of my favorite pieces is X: Tunnel Scene. Of course, having only come from a JP-only Game Boy game, of course I've never even heard of it, but when I heard it, I was thinking, wow what a cool beat. All of a sudden today I was curious how it sounded in the actual game, so I dug a little in YouTube and found it. Listen to the original music here:

And Brawl's remix of it:

Pretty cool, I think.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I really like the Kirby music. I have fond memories playing Kirby and the game just takes me back when.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Meta knights revenge is awesome, The pokemon one... How can you battle in that music? Its good, but I could never Imagine battling in that, and the evolution bit doesn't fit, and there were so many more choices :/.

Yoshi's Island is good, but Meta Knights revenge is fast and cool, so I preffer that one.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i havent posted in awhile here.... well anyway the dragoon looks sick and i luv the new ways to collect trophys me and my bro rule at shooting video games like the trophy thing. So we will probobly get alot of trophys.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I like the live and learn theme for sonic the hedgehog. :D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Like you, PMJ, I like all of them... except for Metroid: Boss Battle Music; Star Fox: Space Armada; and Metal Gear Solid: MGS4 Love Theme. Those I just don't really seem to.... get into them all that much.

Now.... Here are my favorites:

Yoshi's Story: Ending

Talk about awesome. Pure Yoshi wonderment there. Everything is sooooo Yoshi. And yeah, what Sakurai said was right. It is just about enough to make you cry at the end with Yoshi's voice. Hmm.... Yoshi's Story was a fun game. =D

Pokemon: Pokemon Stadium/Evolution

I always enjoy hearing the new Gym music arrangements in the different versions of the Pokemon games, and this is no exception. It's great. The evolution bit at the end is very well put together with the rest of the song, IMO. Oh, and, whoever said that they couldn't imagine battling in this music.... Well, there are going to be a lot of songs that you don't battle in. Some of them are there for enjoyment. He never said that any of the songs (aside from Smashville and Battleship Halberd, but those are the only ones, I think) are for stages, so don't fret yet.

Animal Crossing: Go K.K. Rider!

I was wondering how in the world they would implement an Animal Crossing song into a fighting stage. I figured it'd probably be a K.K. song. Looks like they did a great job designing it! I love how he stuck in K.K.'s voice there in the end. K.K.'s singing makes all Animal Crossing songs better. =D

X: Tunnel Scene

I had never heard of this "X" game, so I was intrigued when I saw this. I liked it; it's so... original like. It must've been a good game... maybe. And, it's not too flashy and big.

Ice Climber

This one's wonderful. The random radio transmission things add a great touch to it. It really gives you the wild ride down the mountain feel. When you get down to the bottom, it gets different, slower, more majestic. =D

Mother: Porky's Theme

Oh come ON! This one's amazing! It's like a child's playground fun song with an evil pigs-take-over-j00-all song blended together in an awesome arrangement. Like I said when it was first announced, it really gives the whole pigs-coming-to-destroy-you-all feel. ;f

Sonic the Hedgehog: Angel Island Zone

This one is really good. It's jazzy, Super Monkey Bally, and old school Sonicy all at the same time. Although, Angel Island Zone (hear me) IS NOT from Sonic Advance 3, like the update says. That's Chaos Angel Zone. Angel Island Zone is from Sonic Advance. Lol, they're easy to get confused.

Those are all my favorites. The WarioWare: Ashley's Theme makes me rofl. The Donkey Kong tune is nice, and they added some music from Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 in it.

And that's all I have to say about the music so far.