SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I love the Final Smash attacks because most can deal a lot of damage and if used at close range you can be sure to KO the foes off stage.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ike's Final Smash looks awsome :) I'm still awaiting the return of Marth.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

^keep waiting...marth was broken.if some1 else from FE comes, then it will be a new one...

anyways, about the musics: angel island theme from sonic: that was actually on the sega series: sonic the hedgehog 3...THAT is where you encounter knuckles for the first time, and i do believe there is an angel island zone in that game...not sure though....

well, i like all the musics, so i don't really have to choose a better i find em all funny or great:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

pyscho_trainer said:
anyways, about the musics: angel island theme from sonic: that was actually on the sega series: sonic the hedgehog 3...THAT is where you encounter knuckles for the first time, and i do believe there is an angel island zone in that game...not sure though....

Ah, you are correct. I am incorrect. I was thinking Sonic Advance, not the original Sonic the Hedgehog. Lol, I was right, they are easy to get confused; I confused myself. :S
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I just listened to the song for Sonic. I don't know what some people are so fascinated about. It's honestly not that great...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I never played Animal Crossing before. Is it any good? What's the whole point of it, anyway? I just assumed it was something like Harvest Moon and said lol to that crapfest.

And Silver, just because you don't like a song doesn't mean you can rag on the people that do.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I'm just wondering what people are intrigued about >_>, It seems the same as all the others. >_> And I wasn't ragging (I don't even think thats a word) on them. I just don't understand.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

rag2 /ræg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rag] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, ragged, rag·ging, noun Informal.
–verb (used with object)
1. to scold.
2. to subject to a teasing, esp. in an intense or prolonged way (often fol. by on): Some of the boys were ragging on him about his haircut.
3. British. to torment with jokes; play crude practical jokes on.
4. British. an act of ragging.
[Origin: 1790–1800; orig. uncert.]


And you don't have to understand why people like something. They just do. If they wanna like it that's their business. ;/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I never played Animal Crossing before. Is it any good? What's the whole point of it, anyway? I just assumed it was something like Harvest Moon and said lol to that crapfest.

And Silver, just because you don't like a song doesn't mean you can rag on the people that do.

Gamezone said:
DescriptionCross over to a world that thrives 24-7 on GCN. The ambitious Animal Crossing allows players to interact with a virtual village of animals who are doing something different every minute of every day. With Animal Crossing's 24-hour clock, the game's unique events can be in synch with real time -- as day turns to night in the real world, the sun will also begin to set in the game. Seasons will change and special events will occur in real time, too. The dynamic setup will have players coming back every day to carry out their daily routines, build relationships with villagers, celebrate special days, collect furnishings for their homes and just live life in an innovative experience that's a world of its own.

In by no means is Animal Crossing a 'crapfest'. It's the most unique game to come on a Nintendo system, IMO. You can never assume, and don't call games you intentionally assume to be like another game a 'crapfest'. Hope I cleared up your inquiries.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, PMJ, the first Animal Crossing (for the GCN) was really not all that great. The towns were huge, yes, but there was not that much to do, and talking to the townsfolk was as boring as mud, as all they said was "Go deliver this", or "This is how you use a Shovel/Axe/Fishing Rod/Bug Net". Those were the only things they said. Catching fish was a little jerky and it never felt right. Catching bugs was fun, though.

Now, Animal Crossing: Wild World is actually quite fun. Although you have a smaller town (which sometimes is better), you have so many more things to do. The holidays that were included in the first one were taken out (Christmas, Halloween, Fourth-o-July, Thanksgiving, etc.), which was a downer for me, but they added little made-up holidays (Bright Nights, Acorn Festival, Fireworks Shows, etc.) as well as universally celebrated things (such as New Years Eve/Day and Birthdays (even though they had birthdays in the first one)). Your house could get tons bigger in Wild World, and Tom Nook's store can expand one level greater, opening up two floors and a hair salon. Designing clothes was made much more fun with more templates, colors, etc. One of my favorite features is that YOU CAN TAKE OFF THAT HIDEOUS HAT THAT YOU WERE STUCK WITH ON THE FIRST ONE! My absolute favorite feature, though, is that the townsfolk actually talk to you like you would be talking to someone in real life. They gossip (lol), give you hints, tell you of their experiences, ask you questions (ranging from extremely random to personal), and just talk in general. Some other things that improved from the last one are the fact that there are so many more bugs and fish to catch, K.K. has more songs to play, and, occasionally, some of the big people in town (i.e. Tom Nook, Pelly, Phyllis, Blathers, etc.) will have problems you can listen to (most of the time they're really juicy and related to their mysterious past or mysterious present. You can hit Ballons and other assorted things (UFOs, Pete, lol) out of the sky with your slingshot. There are several other things you can do in it, but I don't have time for all of that right now.

Animal Crossing: Wild World is one of those games that is for some people but not for others. A lot of the time, it's so much more fun if you add a little.... imagination to it. ;p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

So... can you beat it or anything? ;/

Or is it like the Sims where you just keep on playing and BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You can customize your Town any way you want. It's not a "I beat this game in 5 hours!!" kind of game, PMJ.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That doesn't really answer my question. Does the game even have an end? Is it possible to beat at all? Or do you just keep going on and on and just pimp out your town, self, whatever and just live as the coolest person in the universe (like The Sims)?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh. It's kind of like Zelda/Pokemon because there's multiple sidequests, but there's really no Story to begin with.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
rag2 /ræg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rag] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, ragged, rag·ging, noun Informal.
–verb (used with object)
1. to scold.
2. to subject to a teasing, esp. in an intense or prolonged way (often fol. by on): Some of the boys were ragging on him about his haircut.
3. British. to torment with jokes; play crude practical jokes on.
4. British. an act of ragging.
[Origin: 1790–1800; orig. uncert.]


And you don't have to understand why people like something. They just do. If they wanna like it that's their business. ;/

Yet another case of some taking something way to seriously >_> I also haven't played Animal Crossing so I'm not gonna have much knowledge of it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Do you mean showing you proof that rag is a word in the sense I used it, or getting on your case for asking how people could possibly like something you think isn't that great?

If it's the former, I wasn't trying to be super serious about anything. You doubted a word I used was real, so I just showed you proof that it is. Learn something every day, you know?

If it's the latter, well, stuff like what you said can lead to flame wars, so I'm just nipping that in the bud and making sure that doesn't happen. Just doing my job.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

PMJ, there's no real story to it. It's a "life" game. It doesn't have an end. It runs in real-life time. You don't "beat" it, but the first big goal of life on that game is to pay off your house mortage (because you moved out of your house with mum to live by yourself for the first time). And believe me, paying off that mortage takes quite a while.... Much longer than, like, 10 hours. While you pay it off, you get special store bonuses, expansions to your house, etc.

That answer your question?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

okay, to answer to the the request: explain how marth was broken:

first: his down+b move had a waaay to long duration of countering...i mean by this: you can do that move like 5 seconds before you get hit, and he still comparison to roy's counter, which had to be timed precisely on the moment when you got hit, that is just too easy to use....and there are loads of players who constantly use marth for his countermove, and are counterhappy...i hate those kind of people, although it is possible to see it coming once you know em...

second: marth is a very easy char to use, because of his agility, and because it is the tip of it's blade that hurts can go smashing around like crazy, and, with a little luck, you'll hit the opponent just barely, which actually hurts the most...i find that a little bit awkward...

third: this goes for multiple characters ofcourse, but roy and marth were utter champions in it: just stand there, and smash...even before the opponent has any chance of returning...while with other chars, you have to do an air move or something special to edgeguard decently, roy and marth just stand there, waiting till you come close enough...

fourth: marth could come back from pretty far, sfor being a using his side+b it is possible to return from a big distance, while roy (the closest in being a clone to marth) falls way faster to his doom....

all in all, marth was noobish...even a beginner can dish out massive damage just by using
c-stick smashes (which tend to launch you pretty far if hit by the tip, even at very low percentages)

regarding the sonic theme and angel island: as i said before, i don't know for sure if there is an angel island in sonic 3 on the sega master system...if there is, then i am correct..if there isn't, then the song probably comes from sonic this point, i'm not certain...
i do know for sure however that knuckles first appeared in sonic 3 on sega... i still hate the part where he jumps on a button and makes you fall into water...i hated going through that zone...:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
regarding the sonic theme and angel island: as i said before, i don't know for sure if there is an angel island in sonic 3 on the sega master system...if there is, then i am correct..if there isn't, then the song probably comes from sonic this point, i'm not certain...
i do know for sure however that knuckles first appeared in sonic 3 on sega... i still hate the part where he jumps on a button and makes you fall into water...i hated going through that zone...:p

You are right. The music on the Dojo is a remix from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, on the Sega Genesis (I think it's Genesis, anyways). Nothing from the Sonic Advance series. That was my mistake, sorry for the confusion. :S