SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
^ Oh, yeah, because that would so not be broken...

I really like Kirby's, Cook is an awesome ability and was a great idea for a final smash.
My favourite has to be King Dedede's, I just love Waddle Dees so much, and for a whole bunch of them to pop up and walk around beating up everyone in sight is like dream :)
As for #3, probably Giga Bowser, that thing owns.

Although I've been hearing some negative things about it lately. Apparently it only deals around 35% damage.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Cook or Waddle Dee Army? Either way, we've never seen them being used, so where are people getting these figures from? ;/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


hey did you guys see the new super smash bros brawl commercial yet? there isn't anything new but you do see a new item or two. there are three of these, just thought you guys would like to know since it was added like a day pr two ago. and i think what is new is a down walk.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
Patients is a virtue guys. Monday is not far off now. I can't wait to see the next update. I am sure that it will be good.:)

Hopefully a character addition. ;)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

nice update :d
more melee stages :d:d
brinstar returns! i love the song that plays on it, not to mention the possibility to execute flying meteors on this stage ^^

rainbow ride...i hope the comps aren't as stupid on it as they were in melee...i never lost a single life if i played on that one...

yoshi island, nice stages, with the same stupid hole in the center ^^ hammer time :p

corneria on the great fox ^^
arwings arise, and blast my enemies :d:p
i wonder if you can still trash the main guns in front ...

onette...didn't really like this adventure :p
loved it when playing in multiplayer battles :d i meteor a foe right in front of a car :d:p then they fly straight up, or sideways out :d:p

overall nice stages returning...
hope they'll intro a new char tomorrow though...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check ou the awesome update. More Melee stages are coming back.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You know, I'm not really pleased with the stages that are coming back. I never was a fan of any of them. That hole in the middle of the Yoshi's Island stage has screwed me over SO MANY TIMES. Ugh.

But I am in love with that stage's music. It is so cool. It makes me want to buy a banjo just so I can play it (and the intro to Banjo-Kazooie).
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

What's a Smash Bros. game without Corneria, right? :p I just hope I like Rainbow Ride more this time around. I was never fond of that stage for some reason. :eek:
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh, wow, fox's over-sized spaceship coming back, what a surprise! ... That was sarcasm, BTW.
I never really liked it, it's too big, the backfin is too high, which is quite a pain at times, and it enables you to edge-guard without your opponent even falling off the edge, well, against noobs and coms, you know what I mean... Other than that, those smaller spaceships have it out for me, I swear.

Yoshi's stage, oh, well, it's a fun concept, but they really shouldn't have brought it back...

Onett, OH Onett, how I hated the fact that coms just didn't realise the existence of a moving, 4-wheeled vehicle using an oil-based engine, a vehicle which had the ability to hit you and, sometimes, even kill you. I really didn't like this stage, but I guess it could have been worse.

Brinstar, oh, yeah, another hurtful liquid stage, and waddaya know, from the same series :O
No, really, why?

Rainbow Ride... the only reason I liked this stage was because Jiggly's almighty on it, but it was too easy to beat everyone, so I usually never used it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

-_- That's not fair -_- We wait all that time for an update and they don't give us one -_-
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


I hated that Yoshi's Island stage from Melee. It was soooo annoying and cheap. Plus, you could never see where you were aiming PK Thunder. ;p

Corneria, well, yeah, this one's okay. I actually like playing on this stage with Ness (mainly because the computer Foxes were so dumb and I just go wham wham wham and kill them without even moving).

Onett... Okay. I'm fine with this one.

Brinstar.... the ONLY good thing about this course, is that when the acid rises high, the computers sit on the top part and do nothing, while I snipe them with PK Flash. It'll be PK Ice this time around, though. This is just about the same as that Norfair stage.

Rainbow Ride.... Don't even get me started on that one.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Lol Rainbow Ride

Old stages making a comeback looks good. I really hope this is not all the stages from past Smash Bros. games. Where's Hyrule Castle and Final Destination?? :O I really want those back.

Onnet, I loved that stage. It was cool when a car hit a player off-guard.

Rainbow Ride, Yoshi's Island, and Corneria are all nice but I didn't play on those, as much as some others. I didn't like how the ship in Corneria was shaped, either. Just too jagged for me.

Yet another Metroid stage in the form of Brinstar. I think they thought they had to put this stage in, but they really didn't need to. That brings the total Metroid stage number count to, what, 5? That's crazy.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

euhm, hyrule castle has already returned :p
go check out stages on the site....

personally, i've always liked stages where meteoring was brinstar (flying meteors all the time:p) onette: meteor+car= dead comp^^
corneria: i jump off the highest stage down to the lower where the comps stand waiting for their doom...meteor on 3 at the same time^^^

only tricky thing was yoshi's island, 'cause if you used forward+b with ganon: you're dead...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Cool, an update that nearly everyone hates! :D

I wanna see some SSB stages confirmed. Saffron City, Kongo Jungle, and the old-school Hyrule Castle need to come back.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It look like, yet again, Rainbow Road doesn't have much to it. With those screen pics it looks like nothings chanaged but the graphics which has change on everything.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I would like to see the floating Pokemon level come back I only played it a few times but I liked it but it was a hardcore level anyway.:) EDIT. Multi Man mode is back and it looks better than ever.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I want to see it return too but I doubt they will bring it back. Not many people like it, it appears, but if they bring it backthen they should remake it.