SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Did you guys hear that a tetris block is a playable character in the staff version of brawl? My friend's dad has the staff version (I'll try to get pictures).
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Do a search on YouTube for Wolf, you'll find him. I ain't seen much of him, but at least we know he's in, and his Landmaster is red...?

What business does Wolf have with the Landmaster, anyway? And can anyone find footage of G&W's Final Smash in action? I wants to see it.

Speaking of odd Final Smashes, you guys seen Luigi's Final Smash? It's... odd. lol

At least he doesn't sound like a sissy.

lol Tetris block I'll believe it when I see it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

tetris block?why would they want to keep that to themselves?i would want to play a tetris block
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Tetris block as a character? I want to see this in Brawl action.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Hot new look action on the Dojo!

Today's update features Ness, and I'm glad that they gave a warning beforehand for people who won't want to be spoiled (although I figure that's near impossible by now).

So, Lucas and Ness are pretty much Pikachu and Pichu from Melee. Attacks look the same, but one scores multiple hits and the other sends foes flying with a power hit.

While I'm glad Ness is back, I'm not sure I'll ever play as him again, and here's why:

"Lucas’s PK Thunder passes through enemies. Ness’s does not."

I have been killed SO MANY TIMES in Melee by having my recovery PK Thunder intercepted... And with Lucas it'll never happen again. w00t

And from the looks of it, Ness's PK Starstorm fails.

I wonder if many others will be given the Pikachu/Pichu treatment. Kid Link and real man Link are already gonna be virtual clones, we can pretty much see that for sure. And kid Link's up B is that silly SEEEEAYAAAAAAAAAHHHHH thing, spin attack, whatever it's called. Ugh.

Deku Leaf would have been cool. Maybe his forward B instead, y'know, like when you use it on the ground and it blows stuff away? Yeah that'd be neat.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

See... I liked Ness' PSI / PK Thunder attack in the very original Super Smash Bros. It would send Ness a fairly long way and send anyone in his path flying pretty far. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, they dumbed it down a lot. First of all, it doesn't go as far, and secondly, it doesn't send opponents flying, making it only really an ideal attack against one character, rather than several characters. Acutally, Ness took a lot of hits from the original Super Smash Bros. His bat attack no longer came out as quickly as it did, making it more difficult to reflect projectiles back at the opponent, his PSI Magnet didn't recover as much damage, and his downward smash was given a significant delay.

I am quite interested in trying all of the "unconventional" fighters, like Pokémon Trainer, Captain Olimar, and ROB. I think ROB has been getting too much hate, and needs to be given a chance to be tested out in the field.

I am not sure who my main character will be this time around. Previously, it was Fox (not adept enough to wave-dash / shine), since he could move quickly both horizontally and vertically. I am interested in trying Sonic out to see how well he compares as a speed player.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

We see evidence of a Final Smash of G&W in one video (it has just pictures in a slideshow like version, running aprox. 7:30. It also reaveals Lucario and Luigi). You see Mr. G&W as a huge Octopuse (still flat), flying through the air, looking like he is about to come down with massive multiple hits.

About the Duku Leaf, it is more possible it will act like Peaches Umbrella. It would be his B-up move and he would get a little bit higher if he used, and would affect the player above him if he uses it. He would then float down to safety (well, if you call telecanetic 10 yearolds ready to blow you to bits with psychic-powered thunder blasts safety).

My brother is so annoying with Ness, since he is alway use PK Thunder to hit me. How it will pass through me so he can hit me for a second time? aye aye aye...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

this is now gonna be a spolier forum now to some people who dont want to see the secret characters.

NESS IS OFFICIALLY BACK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! im so happy! the site is gonna be great now releasing all this data. but youtube is still my friend.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

At least they aren't complete clones now.
But I was expecting more from Ganondorf. Alot more.
ROB is an awesome secret character XD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

~W00TS~ They are finnaly starting to reveal characters :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I can confirm to you that jiggly's A and B moves have not changed at all, except for rest, which I still haven't seen in action.

Jiggly's final smash, for those who are too lazy to look it up, is basically just growing to huge proportions, seems to knock the opponents pretty far when hitting, as well as doing a lot of damage.

Luigi's final smash is just... pathetic. G&W's is weird. Lucario's is pretty decent, actually, he jumps up, and hits everything below him, to then slowly turn his beam a 45 degree angle. Ganon's seems pretty, I donno, logical, yet so different from what I had expected. Falcon's seems decent. R.O.B.'s pathetic. And finally, Marth's uber pwnzorz, it's terrifying...

Oh, and, here's a vid containing them all, don't act like me, don't search for them all separately to then find this one :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

But why did they have to do this on Friday :(....In other news YES! Now we can have a guide on how to unlock all the new characters.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, HS. I managed to see a video with ALL the Final Smashes in it. It was a great video. The octupus one is pretty cool. Jiggly's is the worst; it didn't even K.O., 0_o Luigi, Ganondorf was expected to change into the Beast, R.O.B.'s FS sux, and Lucario's is pretty cool. Marth is guranteed 1HKO; seems like Marth will be banned again, Capt. Falco's pretty cool, Wolf/Fox/Someone else all have the Landmaster which suggests that there are in fact minor clones in this game. Both Link and Young Link have the same FS, Bow/Arrow, Spin/Up attack; pretty lame. The final roster is complete with Wolf in it, there shouldn't be any more characters in the game, therefore Tetris Block is not in.

A whoel new look for the Dojo! came today with the first of the Major Spoilers/Secret Characters/Items/Stages/Music. Ness is back, minor spoilers for those who saw the spoiler sticker video. He really goes in depth on how different Ness and Lucas are, but really, they aren't. I mean, when you compare them is super-fine detail like Sakurai does, yeah, you see differences. There's really no variety in their Thunder and Starstorm and that's pretty dumb, seeing as there's supposed to be no clones. He also goes in depth on the attacks, which he never does when he announces a character.

Supposedly, the game sold 500,000+ copies in Japan. I'm thinking that this will be the must-have title for the Wii this year. :O

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, I'm back.
The instant all of those videos were leaked, I knew I had no chance of resisting them, and now the only thing which I've kept well hidden from myself is the story behind SE. I just hope I'll be able to keep that information unknown until the 9th.

Anyway, it's been quite a while, (about three months or so) but it looks like it's good to be back.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh em gee ChanseyMater eez teh backness :O I wonder who they will release the data on in the Dojo next :O Maybe Mewtwo or my hope is Marth.

~Silver Cheers Because There Are Two Fire Emblem People In Again :O~
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Does anyone else think Luigi had a few too many mushrooms? lol (Refering to the Vid Heavenly Spoon linked)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It appears there is someone called Wolf who is basicly a Metal Fox in the game :/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

^ Wolf is Fox' archenemy, he's YET ANOTHER Fox clone, with YET AGAIN slightly different moves, but, oh well...

Jiggly's FS is indeed sucky, this might mean they actually made her way better, though :p
I think does damage when she drops down, but it still seemed to knock lucario pretty far (he only had 0%, mind you). Oh, well, what do I care, Smash balls will be banned in competitive play anyways, like all other items.

Luigi's Final Smash seems to give its opponents random effects, like Lip's stick, Sleep, and even banana peel. It's by far the smtrangest FS out there.

Best final smashes so far are:
Marth's against more than 1 opponent.
Link's against 1 opponent.