SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

impossible, they haven't put in ganondorf yet, so there would be 2 more newcomers to equal it out!
king dedede's side special is hilarious, makes me think about peache's down special (you know, bombs, mr saturns, swords and the stitchfaced vegetable?) i wonder what the effect will be from the waddle doos and the gordos :p:p

imagine a battle between 2 peaches and 2 king dededes.... or 4 kings or any other combination of those two....nothing but item chucking :p:p lol
hmm, speaking of peache's down special...will she still be able to pull up anything she could in ssbm? then that mean mr saturn returns too....i hated that thing, i think she'll pull up waddle dees now :p:p they seem something like the sturns...

now we can get bonuses like: waddle ringer etc :p:p instead of saturn ringer :d and waddle siblings instead of saturn siblings:p:p lol

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

King Dedede's special moves have been announced. They seem somewhat.....crippled.

He is well known for many things, one of which being his ability to jump very high (and, in some games, float, but I guess they didn't want him to have that in this one). At first glance, it looks like you just jump straight up, and come straight down, but if you look at the pictures, the background, etc., you can see that he comes down in a different place. That's good, at least you have some control.

I hate the fact that he's vulnerable when he lands, though. :/

His Waddle Dee throw is hilarious! It reminds me of Peach's side Smash attack on Melee, you know, the one where she either pulls out a golf club, tennis racket, or a frying pan? Gordo is invincible on the games, so I wonder how he'll do in Brawl...?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Gordo = stitchface?

Dedede actually looks pretty cool to me. They haven't really produced any bulky characters with decent long range projectiles, so I think his Forward+B can definitely help out his attack strategy. His Up+B also seems to leave the same little stars from Yoshi's Down+B, so he may not be totally unprotected during his landing animation. Also the ability to cancel his Up+B makes him think there may be a possible mindgame you could do with him by using the move and immediately cancelling, causing your oppenent to think you're going to Up+B. We'll have the see how the physics of the landing animation work out for that one though.

Also his Down+B looks pretty crazy. The ability to walk around and keep at charged seems cool, and maybe he can charge it/keep it charged while in the air.

Strangely enough, within the last two minutes of typing this, Dedede has probably become my most intriguing newcomer due to the many possible strategies he could end up having.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I didn't post on King Dedede as a challenger yet, but I might as well post his moves along with him. When I first saw the Warning, I was suprised to not see someone else, but anyone besides King Dedede?! When I saw that another one of Kirby's enemies made it into the game, I thought that that was too many Kirby characters for this Super Smash Game..until I saw his awesome attacks.

King Dedede's attacks are some of the most unique that I've seen a character use in this game so far, especially his Waddle Dee Toss. His first move is his super jump which can easily dodge some attacks and he can go really far to evade moves. When he comes down he lands hard but so far his only weakness will be that he will be vulnerable after he does said attack. His cancel move can block out some attacks but he will probably still be susceptible to other attacks he can't cancel.

King Dedede's second move, his Waddle Dee Toss, is one of the most unique attack in his arsenal and also one of the most coolest. King Dedede can throw Waddle Dees/Waddle Doo/Gordos and slam opponent's with them, by throwing them. They then waddle afterward and it hasn't been clearly announced that other people can use him, but we can safely assume that he will be able to use them again and again.

King Dedede's third and final move announced so far, is his Jet Hammer. The Jet Hammer can be chared to multiply the damage of the hammer or it can be used right away but it will be weaker. Some obvious weak points of this is you can't evade damage,(shield) while charging it up and be careful to not charge it too long or you will lose some damage instead. King Dedede is an obvious unique individual to be announced for Super Smash Bros. Brawl so far, and it actually suprised a lot of people. I personally can't wait to play with him and start chucking those Waddle Dees with his Waddle Dee Toss attack.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The anime sure had an effect on Kirby's popularity in Japan, going from 1 character in the previous SSBs, to at least 3 in this one. As much as I wanted a playable waddle dee :)F), I'm really pleased with everything about Dedede. I can't wait to throw a bunch of waddles at my opponent. Although I doubt it'll be my main character, I'll play it a lot just for the fun of it. I hope they enable him to fly, as he does this in the games anyways. And, if they're really basing it on the games (it has the design from the games anyways), his neutral B move should be sucking (or, well, flying).

Dedede didn't come as a surprise, I guess, since it was like THE character to join the game. After ganon, mewtwo and bowser in SSBM, kirby could just no longer be left out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

King Dedede's Special moves look pretty good and Powerful too. I may play him if I ever get a Wii but I don't think it will happen for quite awhile though.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check this out!!!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmmm, i get more and more the feeling, most characters will have a "backup" character with them, either as playable character or as's either they come in duo (lucas and ness; donkey and diddy kong....) or they come in trios (mario, peach and bowser; zelda, link and ganon...)
following this i have reason to believe that: falcon will be joining again (samurai goroh is an AT, and falcon has crossed paths with him many times)...someone of the metal gear solid games will come too (maybe as AT), tails or knuckels may be an AT or PC...(kirby, metaknight and king dedede is another example of a trio)

ok i can't take this too far, but i think the most popular games will get either in three or two of their chars...if i am correct, then there could be 1 more Pokémon underway...maybe lucario, maybe mewtwo...or neither, if they remain at only 2 Pokémon, as they also have Pokémon trainer using 3 more, and ofcourse the pokéballs releasing Pokémon constantly...

back to king D's moves :p
i wonder if the gordo will be like stitchface :p
would be hilarious though:p:p peach vs king D: keep throwing stuff until some1 is lucky enough to throw a special one :p:p lol, do that in 1-life survival melee, with dmg ratio on 2.0 :d:d

his special up move seems to be a move very useful when brawling with 4 characters...not really a move to use when going 1v1...
on the contrary, his special down move is a sweet move to use when going 1v1...but it can pack heavy dmg in 1v1v1v1 too...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

or the introduction of ganondorf :p
or both, they have done that before:p but i don't think they'll do that again :p:p

and it would seems i'll be right with the duo and trio thing if krystal indeed joins the brawl :p:p
lol then we would even expect falco to drop by again:p

about the duo thing: ike has an AT also coming from fire emblem if i'm not mistaken :p
forgot her name though:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I would like to his final smash too. Maybe in a few minutes it will be there or sometime this week.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I really want Lucario or Mewtwo as A playable character in this game! Lucario more because that would be so cool to play as one of my favorite pokemon in SSBB and verse other people online!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

AMAZING!! this game just gets better and better!

Oh and don't ignore me please check this out:
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah we havent so far. But if you keep posting it we might.

EDIT: I just checked the sight and there's A new update! Now you can create your own stage!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

wow..... First wifi then stage creator wahts next character customize?!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh, wow. This game now has a 17/10, instead of my previous rating of 15/10.

I absolutely LOVED the stage creator on Mario vs. DK 2. I created super-hard stages that even the best of the best of the best couldn't beat (much less myself). I would spend hours upon hours creating super-extreme-hard stages, so this is definitely one of my favorite updates. Ah....Just imagine: Fighting on a stage created by yourself. :D

And, cool, I seriously doubt that they'll have character customization, but at this point, who knows what they'll do. :/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Hm, it seems as if you can choose stage hazards in the stage builders. Personally I hope they include a platform that allows you to warp to the another platform of the same kind. They could definitely make the ability to make warp panels available, and you could make some really crazy stages. (It's not like anyone is going to be using these custom stages for tournament play anyway)

I hope they don't put a minimum/maximum limit of items you can place on a level. I want to make some huge/pitifully tiny stages just for fun.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm stage creation :p
sounds like fun, i hope it's possible to recreate stages like brinstar with the lava, combined with andross in the back spitting things at you :p
lol, you die more by the stage then by the actual fighting:p:p

or a giga stage like hyrule temple, that you can completely tear apart by certain moves:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Obviously, you can choose the size of your stage. On MvsDK2, all that you had to do to increase the size of the stage was drag a piece of the stage to the edge of the limit (limit in Brawl is probably going to be a stage the size of Temple and New Pork City). And, yes, there will be a limit to the items, BUT, the limit will be pretty hard to surpass, unless your level is just very complicated.

I'm going to spend hours creating awesome levels, just like on MvsDK2.

EDIT: King Dedede DOES have the ability to float. Look at him in the pictures for the stage designing update: he's floating. Cool, the first fat, slow, flying charater! :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I hope that the state builder is better than the one in Diddy Kong Racing DS. That was a disappointment.