SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, remember. He got beaten by his own strength. Not Fox's. All Fox did was, cowerdly, hid behind his annoying sheild.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol, that was the funny part :p
fox used his speedy technique (forgot it's name for a sec...) to resque diddy, and then puts on reflector to counter a hyper beam (or hydro pump, or whatever it was) back to rayquaza:p

hmm, i'm wondering if rayquaza will also be a pokéball Pokémon...or will he be only an adventure mode i hope he will be both^^

and fox crashing is we saw in the movie where peach and kirby start their adventure mode, an arwing was battling the subspace emmisary ship, and got shot down...

hmm, i wonder what the start for sonic will be :p eggman or robotnic joining forces with the subspace emmisary?:p i imagine his start will be something like: sonic standing on their plane
with tails steering, and it gets shot down by the SE ship too :p
or something like that:p:p

hmm, and the "villains" in ssbb?like bowser, ganondorf etc? they actually are evil...would you go through adventure like some1 working for the SE, and they betraying you, so you end up fighting them? or would you encounter bosses like mario or link if playing as bowser or ganondorf...?

or would they team up with the good guys to help save the planet? after all, they only wanted to rule the earth, not destroy it....
i have the feeling i forgot a villain...

ow yes, what would wario he good or evil...he was evil, that's for sure...but in recent games he was the hero...well, more like treasure hunter...but still doing hero stuff:p

well, we can only wait:p


edit: don't forget that fox's reflector can be evade by using non-shooting stuff, like a claw, a fist or stuff like that...
and raquaza blew up his ship totally, so he probably wanted revenge :p
and fox wasn't a coward, 'cause he resqued diddy:p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The fact that Rayquaza is in a movie makes me think that it might be an adventure mode boss. But, it is also likely that it will appear in a PokeBall. Hopefully this will be a big week for Pokemon updates. I'm still holding my breathe for them to release Lucario. It would be strange is if they made Rayquaza a playable character. That would just be strange. O__o
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i'd rather rayquaza be a boss. Cool video. Lucario for character...but Zero would still be cooler :p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Rayquaza will never be a playable character.

And, this is A. W. E. S. O. M. E.



But yeah. When Ray was battling Deoxys in the Seventh movie, it shot, like, 70 billion Hyper Beams, and got slamed by all sorts of attacks, like, 70 billion times, and still was able to fight. GET UP RAY!

Rayquaza was never defeated. Just thrown into the water. GET UP RAY!

Imagine, Dr. Eggman, Bowser, The Ancient Minister Guy, Ganondorf, King Dedede, and, (NEWCOMER) Princess Shroob all teamed up against the good guys. Lol.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

cant wait till tomarrows update (hope its good :D)

lucario PC.... yes rayquaza

anyone like my banner?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bubba235 said:
Well, remember. He got beaten by his own strength. Not Fox's. All Fox did was, cowerdly, hid behind his annoying sheild.

thats why I think fox is for noobs
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Kevin Garrett said:
The fact that Rayquaza is in a movie makes me think that it might be an adventure mode boss. But, it is also likely that it will appear in a PokeBall. Hopefully this will be a big week for Pokemon updates. I'm still holding my breathe for them to release Lucario. It would be strange is if they made Rayquaza a playable character. That would just be strange. O__o

Rayquaza will be a Pokeball most likely because Groundon and Kyogre both are Pokeball Pokemon and also so is Deoxys. Chances of Rayquaza being a Pokeball item are very high since the other legendaries are already. I don't think Rayquaza will be a boss in adventure mode. Those who just got this months issue of Nintendo Power should have gotten some of the bosses for Adventure mode. I don't remember them all but I think Ridley is one of them.:)EDIT. The beam Sword, Fire flower and the Party ball make a return to the game. Updated 12:10 AM.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

wow alot of items revealed i guess they got tired of showing 1 item for each update
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

first of all: FOX IS NOT A NOOB CHAR!! he is freakin difficult to play with...comboing with him is more difficult then it seems, his reflector can be avoided easily, and you barely get back to the stage when knocked away 'cause he falls so freaking fast...try going up against a ganon with fox, the result will always be that ganon wins, unless it's a noob vs a pro...

since when is king dedede evil? :p lol i thought he was one of the good guys :p
well, i never played the games, so i don't know anything about kirbygame-characters...

what is more likely to happen of my previous suggestions? good and evil teaming up against SE; ganon and co being pawns of SE and getting bosses like mario and co..(i think that one is least likely); or ganon and co is pawn of SE at first, but they are betrayed by SE and turn against SE? (i give the first and te last a 50-50 chance)

cool, items return!! partyball is back! i see blast battles in the future :d:d (blast battle: only use items that have explosive power (and pokéballs) e.g.: warp stars, bob-ombs, mines and that new thingy that has a giga explosion) ofcourse, no reflecting allowed when playing as fox...unless you use the powershield trick that comps in ssbm sometimes use...

and lucario as a PC? it is possible, if my theory is correct that popular games get 2 or 3 characters in ssbb, then lucario can be the third one (we would have Pokémon trainer, pikachu and lucario then) so it is possible...however: there are a lot of Pokémon in the game already, so maybe they will let it pass...i wouldn't have anything against it though...i can see him using aura sphere:p
ray will never be a PC, it's just to weird...


curious, before i edited this post, it said: last post made by chanseymaster...but i don't see his post :s:s
did you delete it, or was there a mistake?:p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I'm gonna have some fun with these posts.

Zoidburg said:
thats why I think fox is for noobs
Quite possibly one of the most wrong statements about Melee. I don't personally like Fox, he's actually one of the two characters I refuse to play, but one of the most pro characters nonetheless. First of all, look at the all the pros that play him. I'd say that's evidence enough that he's not a not a noob character. Also, he comes with an amazing number of advanced techs: Short Hop Laser, the Shiner/Infinite Shiner (An L-Cancelled down air into a jump-cancelled Down+B. On certain areas, if the player is skilled enough it can be combo'd infinitely), the multishine, the shinespike (of course), waveshining, and quite possibly others I've forgotten. All of these advanced technical moves can take quite a while to learn, and take even longer to be used effectively in a professional evironment.

psycho_trainer said:
first of all: FOX IS NOT A NOOB CHAR!! he is freakin difficult to play with...comboing with him is more difficult then it seems, his reflector can be avoided easily, and you barely get back to the stage when knocked away 'cause he falls so freaking fast...try going up against a ganon with fox, the result will always be that ganon wins, unless it's a noob vs a pro...

Although I agree that Fox isn't a noob character, I also need to disagree with this post. His reflector may be avoided easily if the person playing Fox is bad; A very good Fox as mastered the shine to the point where it's very difficult to dodge. By combining the ability to jump cancel the shine or wavedash out of the shine, it becomes easier to both get it to hit initially, or escape when you miss and head right into another one. When Fox gets knocked off the stage, it's fairly easy to get back. His Up+B is not only very long ranged, but the flames that surround him will also out-prioritize some edgeguarding moves. When recovering horizontally, his Forward+B is also very effective in distance, and in many cases more difficult to edgeguard. The statement that I disagree with most is the Fox VS. Ganon statement. If the two players are of equal skill level, the Fox will win more often. Sure, it's easy for a Ganon to techchase a Fox with his down air, but versus ganon it's incredibly simple to Short Hop Laser spam and pull of shines. Ganon's Up+B is also easily punishable with more shines, making recovering very difficult.

Heck, you just might as well watch this video of a Fox VS. Ganon match. (Sure, this is just an extreme example to prove my point, but it shows not only Fox's ability to work wonders with the shine versus Ganon, but also shows some amazing recovering ability with Meteor cancelling to the Up+B. Just watch it, it's a legendary match)

Wow. I haven't typed that much in a while. Whatever, I can't have the idea going around that Fox is a noob character, :p

EDIT: Sorry about the multi-post, I've been having some strange computer problems.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
since when is king dedede evil? :p lol i thought he was one of the good guys :p
well, i never played the games, so i don't know anything about kirbygame-characters...

Since, like, forever. Well, he's more of a dumb, "i wundur wut tis big firy bom-lik butun iz. lets push it an se whut hap-- KA-BOOM!"

Anyways, not much of an update today, allthough the Beam Sword's new function seems nice.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Fox using his reflector isn't cowardly. What's he supposed to do, take the hit? Yeah. That's clearly the better option.

Beam Sword reaches farther and farther every game...

What's that clock thing that came out of the Party Ball? Hm...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Fox using his reflector isn't cowardly. What's he supposed to do, take the hit? Yeah. That's clearly the better option.

Beam Sword reaches farther and farther every game...

What's that clock thing that came out of the Party Ball? Hm...

What clock thing? I did not see a clock there? I think it is a bomb though if it is a clock.:) EDIT 10:55 PM. I just saw the clock but I will bet it is a bomb of some sort.:) EDIT. 12AM. Grey Fox is an assist trophy that goes with Snake from the Metal Gear game.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

oh man i love grey fox cant wait to use the item!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Something tells me that clock basically just speeds you up... or slows everyone else down or something.

Beam sword reaching further seems nice, and the blue color isn't too bad either (Purple owned, though, but this just looks more star-warsy), I think I'm going to have to play with items on more often :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, ok first i gotta react to chanseymasters video...
question: is this a video made on a gamecube or on the pc? on the pc, i can do those tricks too...but i wanna see that done on a is impossible to continue spam the shine to the point where you actually knock a char out of the ring like fox did with ganon like 4 just don't recover fast enough on the GC...
i've seen the shine trick used in a fox video where some1 finished adventure on very hard with 8 minutes...or 9, i forgot...he even shinespammed giga bowser, who is normally not affected greatly by the stun period of the i think it's impossible to shine like that...however: i can do every trick in the book with ganon (that's why he is my main) i can wavedash, do a wavedash-grapple, or even wavedash-attack and combo from that point on until you're dead...took me freakin long to learn...

second, it's true what you said about recovering, but: as you could see, a up+b can be countered by a meteor of ganondorf (and i actually have a better one then what the player used in the vid, just use his down+b in midair, and if position right, you knock the fox right back down, but due to his fire fox, you would get better versus other chars :p) and the forward+b of fox can be studied upon to know the exact moment to counter it, and believe me, it's possible...if ganon does his down+b while standing, the fox would get a very heavy hit....even when he's using the me, i've tried that with friends...

some1 playing sheik actually countered my forward+b with a simple hit...just 1 hit, you know: the fast, simple, a-button hit of sheik...and a little while later, some1 playing ganon performed the same thing with a down+a while standing, to counter my forward+b with fox, and prevent me hanging of the edge....grrr
i do agree he can recover quite far...but not as far as ganon (if you got knocked off-stage and rather high with him: u can use down+b, and jump again and again to come back...mostly, it is enough to jump, use the down+b, jump again and use his up+b...i can get back from the very point where you are barely dead, but still live....if you would fly an inch further, you're dead...)

2 updates: 1 about gameplay (grabbing and throwing, everybody knew how to do that i think)
the other shows a new AT...can't say much about this one, 'cause i never saw the dude (haven't played MGS much :p)
but it seems like there are going to be lots of sword-characters :d:d:p both PC and AT...:d

btw: wasn't that clock actually the mine from ssbm? you know that thingy that comps always walk over like it's not there:p the proximitiy mine? or did i look that wrong:p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Lemme break this down a bit:
psycho_trainer said:
hmm, ok first i gotta react to chanseymasters video...
question: is this a video made on a gamecube or on the pc?
First and foremost, the video is not on PC. The Fox is a professional from California known as Zelgadis, and one of the (if not, the most) famous Fox's ever. All of that is purely his skill to manipulate the shine. Shine cancelling, waveshining, and a few other advanced techniques are what won that battle for Zelgadis.
psycho_trainer said:
it is impossible to continue spam the shine to the point where you actually knock a char out of the ring like fox did with ganon like 4 just don't recover fast enough on the GC...
Wrong again. It is very possible to "spam the shine" like that due to the advanced tech of the waveshine. By jump cancelling the shine and aerial dodging forward + the direction you just hit your oppenent, you can hit them, immediately cancel the shine and end up right back in front of them during their lag period. (Of course this technique can only be used on characters with a very high traction, those of which include Ganon, Peach, and Link) The waveshine is VERY possible, I'm very capable of doing it myself.
psycho_trainer said:
second, it's true what you said about recovering, but: as you could see, a up+b can be countered by a meteor of ganondorf (and i actually have a better one then what the player used in the vid, just use his down+b in midair, and if position right, you knock the fox right back down
Yes, the Up+B can be countered by the down air, but as you've seen in the video, meteor cancelling or wall tech jumping combined with very good directional influence can allow you to survive even the most powerful attacks when attempting to recover. It's all about timing, skill, prediction, and in few cases, luck.
And yes, the Ganondorf purple train spike isn't meteor cancellable, but it is very obvious to see it coming, and leaves Ganon with a lot of lag frames afterword. In otherwords, it's easier to just attempt multiple down airs, hoping they can't cancel them all.
psycho_trainer said:
if ganon does his down+b while standing, the fox would get a very heavy hit....even when he's using the me, i've tried that with friends...
The classic, "I did it with my friends" quote. Take note of the fact that just because you did it with your friends in no way certifies it as a legitimate statement, because there's no way to certify how good your friends are. Sure, Ganondorf's Down+B can provide a lot of damage and knockback, but it's very easy to dodge, may it be by sidestepping, roll dodging, shielding, jumping, etc. The speed, windup lag, and ending lag make it an easy attack to dodge and then punish. Your statement is like saying, "If Roy charges his B move all the way, the oppenent will get a very heavy hit". Of course, that's common knowledge, but the move barely has any worth if it can't be used succesfully at many different times. The Ganon Down+B definitely has a lot of use as an attack, but your best strategy is to spam the SHFFL down air and techchase them. It'll build up damage much faster and much more effectively.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmmm, i must say i am very impressed by the manner of handling of fox...but, that's why fox isn't my main, i can't control him like that...

as i come again, the down+b of ganon in midair is way better then the down air of ganon in terms of knockback and edgeguardcapabilities...i also said that, if the move is positioned right, and executed perfectly (i have trained myself on that like crazy) it always hits a recovering opponent (unless they dodge in midair, but then they would fall to certain doom), and it always knocks em down so hard that they either die instantly (by falling in the blackness of the bottom of the screen) or go to low and can't get back up...ofcourse, the opponent must have around 30%, otherwise the knockback won't work...or won't work good enough...

can i ask you to quote me fully when you want to react to something i have said?
psycho_trainer said:
if ganon does his down+b while standing, the fox would get a very heavy hit....even when he's using the me, i've tried that with friends...
ChanseyMaster said:
The classic, "I did it with my friends" quote. Take note of the fact that just because you did it with your friends in no way certifies it as a legitimate statement, because there's no way to certify how good your friends are. Sure, Ganondorf's Down+B can provide a lot of damage and knockback, but it's very easy to dodge, may it be by sidestepping, roll dodging, shielding, jumping, etc. The speed, windup lag, and ending lag make it an easy attack to dodge and then punish. Your statement is like saying, "If Roy charges his B move all the way, the oppenent will get a very heavy hit". Of course, that's common knowledge, but the move barely has any worth if it can't be used succesfully at many different times. The Ganon Down+B definitely has a lot of use as an attack, but your best strategy is to spam the SHFFL down air and techchase them. It'll build up damage much faster and much more effectively.


you actually took only a small part of my message... ofcourse the down+b is easy to avoid, i know that...but a fox can't avoid it if he is recovering, using the forward+b move, can he? the moment the fox goes "ping" and "disappears" he can't do squad to avoid my down+b. and i guarantee, it will hit the fox, and probably hard enough so he won't come back in that same life...
the friend i've tried it with controls fox good enough to kick 3/4 of the players in europe, and i control ganon good enough to kick 3/4 if i say, "i tested it with my friend", you can rest assured we tried every way to counter down+b while standing, when i tried edgeguarding a fox using forward+b to is impossible to avoid, EXCEPT by truly positioning fox right in front of the edge and then using his forward+b to grab the edge...ofcourse, then it's just a matter of waiting when he comes back up to the stage...

enough of this...chanseymaster, next time you quote a piece of my text, quote the full text regarding the subject, and not only the "i've tried it with my friends" made me look like noob, "cause it seemed like i just described the down+b move in a regular battle, while the whole subject was how i countered a fox that was recovering using it's forward+b....


edit:2 questions regarding the vid...did he use the gc-controller like we all know it? 'cause after reading this, i've been trying to do that trick (i can wavedash etc with fox, so that part is no prob) but it's freakin difficult constantly pressing the buttons that like, are there special controllers that allow uber-fast button-pressing? or is that dude really such a gamefreak? ( yh ,i'm not really following what's happening around the world regarding pro players, so sue me...) 2nd question: what is the skill level of the dude playing with ganon? compared to the one with fox is he: equal, a bit lower, or waay lower level. i didn't see him doing anything special, and a player that can play ganaon a bit decent at least uses wavedash to avoid fox's attacks, or uses wavegrappling against it....i know i do versus sheiks...and ofcourse versus my friend that uses fox...XD

on-topic edit: i looked again to the picture of the items reveiled...i dunno what it is (i thought it was the proximity mne, but it doesn't really look like it) but since it says: items from previous installments, it makes me think it has to be something from earlier versions of ssb...
i never played the first ssb, so maybe there's an item in it that could be that clock-thingy?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

For the record, I wasn't quoting a small piece of your text to make you appear as a noob, I was quoting the part of the text that was relevant to my argument.

And yes, Zelgadis uses a regular controller when performing his waveshines, as do I, and same with the many Fox players that can use it. It's very possible, but equally very difficult.

Finally, about the subject regarded Ganondorf edgeguarding Fox, yes the Down+B on the ledge can work as a good means of edgeguarding, but the down air meteor is a much better plan of attack when edgeguarding a Fox, or most any opponent.
