SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

well, i have to agree i find the down+a more easy to execute...but to my opinion, it is less certain to actually knock a foe down for good....well, versus npc's anyways :p..because although i can excute the move perfectly, i don't often try it versus humans...cause IF i miss (nobody is perfect), the consequences are big, very indeed, i use the meteor in that case...

regarding the quoting...i never said you did that on purpose, but i think a little piece more was still relevant to your argument, but in the same time made clear what my point was too...

and it seems we have a misunderstanding about the down+b move...i myself, counter a fox using forward+b with a STANDING down+b, while against a fox that uses it's up and be, i can choose between an aerial down+b, or a meteor...(and if he comes diagonally to the scene, i'll use the down+b, if he comes vertically back to the scene, i'll use the' all depending on the situation for which one i use...)

try the trick i just said with ganon, you'll see it's not easy timing the aerial down+b, but if you do it right and it connects, the opponent will never get back to the stage...

btw, you can use the advanced techniques with fox, but you almost never use it? hox the heck could you have ever practice them?
btw, which is the 2nd char you hardly use? i am very curious now:p
personally, i have never used pichu...'cause it's almost a clone of pika...and if i had to pick a second char i never would be dr. mario...although i'm lying a bit 'cause i have used him, on very rare occasions but still...


ps: i never meant my previous message as an insult or anything, i just wanted to point out that there was more to the quoted text that also was related, but that you didn't use....
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I would argue that Fox is the fastest character in Melee. Captain Falcon can run the fastest, but Fox moves very fast not only when running, but jumping as well, making it difficult for players to track his movements. Fox's Upwards Smash comes out in an instant, and KOs at low percentages.

I am interested in seeing if Fox is the same way in SSBB. I read that Sonic was going to with the similar type of speed that Fox has in SSBM. I like using Fox because he is fast. I don't have the reflexes and the coordination to be able to do any of the fast maneuvers, like fall-canceling, wavedashing, and waveshining, though.

Meta-Knight looks pretty fast, at least with the attacks. I am interested in seeing how both he and Sonic play, and how Fox plays in SSBB. Hopefully, there won't be as many loopholes in the physics as SSBM, as I do not seem to be able to pick up the ability to exploit them even semi-regularly.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Fox's laser is extremely fast too and once it is up to speed it is very hard to avoid. Fox will probably have the same speed and I hope he will have his rocket boost but once used you are stunned until you hit something solid or die.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well... I am sad to say that today's update has killed any remaining possibility that Ness is still in SSBB. Not only did Masahiro Sakurai mention that Ness was in the Super Smash Bros series up until now, Lucas has a nearly identical set of specials that Ness had, only Lucas' moveset is even closer to that of Paula's PSI powers in EarthBound.

At this point, I can only hope for a consolation prize as far as Mother series characters go. Although it seems unlikely at this point, it would be great if Jeff from EarthBound was able to make it in. Paula's chances are probably out completely, due to the similarity of powers that Lucas has. The only other character from the EarthBound series that could make it is Poo. He would be an interesting choice for a character also.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

DocRobot_K-176 said:
Well... I am sad to say that today's update has killed any remaining possibility that Ness is still in SSBB. Not only did Masahiro Sakurai mention that Ness was in the Super Smash Bros series up until now, Lucas has a nearly identical set of specials that Ness had, only Lucas' moveset is even closer to that of Paula's PSI powers in EarthBound.

At this point, I can only hope for a consolation prize as far as Mother series characters go. Although it seems unlikely at this point, it would be great if Jeff from EarthBound was able to make it in. Paula's chances are probably out completely, due to the similarity of powers that Lucas has. The only other character from the EarthBound series that could make it is Poo. He would be an interesting choice for a character also.

So Ness is out of the roster? I hope not because it would not be right if Ness is removed from the Smash pool.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

this does not mean ness is out of it completely. pichu in SSBM had almost exactly the same moves as pikachu.

so did falco and fox

and link and young link
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

There won't be any clones in Brawl. Lucas just stole every single one of Ness's attacks. He's got nothing left. Unless Ness all of a sudden becomes the best karate master in the world, I think it's safe to say he's out.

I think Lucas is more obscure than Ness is. At least Ness had English-release games. :[
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Great. For a second I thought they had a chance to make Lucas a good character. PK Freeze looks like a PK Flash that...juts freezes them? (Like PK Flash was even useful when it dealt massive damage) They kept the Down+B that has refused to be a good move in any game. Also, they've kept one of the most easy to edgeguard Up+B's in the game. Wondrous.

DocRobot_K-176 said:
I am interested in seeing if Fox is the same way in SSBB. I read that Sonic was going to with the similar type of speed that Fox has in SSBM. I like using Fox because he is fast. I don't have the reflexes and the coordination to be able to do any of the fast maneuvers, like fall-canceling, wavedashing, and waveshining, though.
Yeah, everyone who has played the demo has said that Fox has been massively nerferd. Much slower, much floatier, little range on the laser, much weaker moves, a harder to execute shine, and many other nerfs. Fox looks very middle tier now.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yes, i was wondering if one will be able to pull of wavedashes in brawl...they probably took out the possibilities to do that, or they made it even harder to perform then in melee...

i must say i agree to the fact that ness probably won't be joining in again...actually, i'm grateful for that...stupid jojo :p
i do agree with chanseymaster here that his moveset is the same (except for the freezing thing) and that it is totally not impressive...the only players who are gonna use lucas will be ness-players i think :p i'm not even going to bother trying him out :p
well maybe once for his freeze-technique:p and his pk fire looks better too, although you probably can't rack up a 99+ combo with it:p

btw: did they really nerf fox that bad?...well, many players will go to sonic as the next high-speed character then probably...well, i think he'll be :p

i'm still wondering where ganon or capt.falcon are...ok they were almost clones of each other, so i suspect only 1 returning (prob ganon)...are they afraid to introduce ganon? is he that evil?:p:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

In response to psycho_trainer, yes, WaveDashing has been removed. Air dodging in this game is completely different, instead of allowing you to choose a direction and moving in that direction, you just keep the same inertia you had and move in that direction, becoming invincible for a few frames. This makes it impossible to jump into a diagonally down and forward airdodge, so WaveDashing is out. At least in this game the airdodge doesn't count as an Up+B, so you can do anything after it. (Except another airdodge I'd assume) Even without WaveDashing, I'm sure there are going to be many more things people end up figuring out that lead to very quick professional gameplay.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ness will be an assist trophie...? Well he has to make it at least on the trophies or stickers.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i guess you're right, chanseymaster...but maybe it's not a bad idea to have wavedashing etc oyu have to show you're worth by actually being good with a char, instead of being good at doing some stupid technique...hanyd, but stupid...

it was fun while it lasted though :d:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Poor poor Ness....

Oh well, that just gives me more of a reason to tell one of the creators of SSBB to put in Princess Shroob, and tell them how much of a perfect character she'd make (along with my ideas for a Super Paper Mario stage.... Oh, and a Luigi's Mansion for the Wii (OH HOW AWESOMELY INTERACTIVE THAT WOULD BEEE!!!!!!))


Anyways, I like the updated PK Fire, as, when you throw it in the air, it goes straight, NOT DOWN. Freezing people without a Freezie will be very fun (although still useless in a competitive battle. Meh.). His up-smash attack looks awesome.

Lol, the rope snake.

Come on, Princess Shroob, COME ON!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That is too bad that Ness is gone. He was a great character in the first 2 games. However I am glad that Latias/Latios made it though because I never even thought they would make it to the Pokeball item.:) EDIT. New stage but you guys probably have seen it and I just saw it for the first time. Norfair is back and it is an awesome level. Kraid had his fun in the last game now it is time for Ridley.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, reminds me of the first samus stage :p metroid zebes brinstar :d:d
something acid-like came rising there too :p but the tidalwaves are new, and so is the safespot:p (i didn't even see that in the vids....i did see the zone before it was announced though)

but where did you get the info about latios/latias?

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I was wondering. If mario's bdown move in FLUDD then how come I have seen him do the fireball, spin, kape and coin thing?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

what? that are his standard special moves...
they have been like this in ssbm, and why should they change it? they worked well....

what the heck do you mean with FLUDD??? :s:s

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It's an A move now, IIRC
F.L.U.D.D. is the water-shooting thingy from Super Mario Sunshine.

Well, personally I prefer Lucas over Ness, but that's just weird little old me :p

R.I.P., Ness, although I hated you when having to beat Samus, Kirby, Fox, Captain Falcon and that BLOODY FALCO, we've had our good times, Rest in peace, buddy, rest in peace.

Oh, I hated that level in corruptions, but whatever, it seems pretty cool, and it's just one more way too weird stage. Seriously, on some of these stages it seems like you won't need to battle at all anymore, just do whatever the stage wants you to do... (not that I dislike this, though)
The stage looks like the previous brinstar stages, but this time... IT'S LAVA :O The old Brinstar stages looked nicer, though. This one's it too simple, it's just a bunch of platforms.

Wavedashing should have never been in there in the 1st place, so I'm glad it's out :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Gamefreak734 said:
I was wondering. If mario's bdown move in FLUDD then how come I have seen him do the fireball, spin, kape and coin thing?

The Mario Tornado (old down B) is either Mario's nair (A in the air) or his dair (down + A in the air). The cape is still side B, and the coin punch is still up B.