SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master31192385910329567 said:
EDIT: Don't add extra numbers on my name w/o permisson first.:( My name is not d master31192385910329567, at least get the "342" part right, jeez. :F


Hmmm... I'm glad they've put the old Pokemon in and all, but seriously, what were they thinking with keeping them in their Melee graphics (and yes, those ARE Melee graphics)? I guess they were trying to keep it like the Assist Trophies, but still. ;s

Everyone, LOOK AT TOGEPI! First look at how awesome it is. Then, LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND. It's a new stage! I can't find any place where that screenshot would fit in any of the other stages, so yeah. It looks like a Final Destination stage! =D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Woah, Hold on just one minute. We can never assume it's a new stage, first of all, and second of all, it might not even be a FD stage. I think la-la-land is really getting to you 'Shroob. I was serious when I put that EDIT in there, as well. Next time please put "d master34292385910329567" :F

The returning characters are pretty cool, as is the special items that the specific legendaries drop. I got Mew about 20 times, for about as long as I've had the game. Yes, I don't play that often, esp. with PokeBalls. Hopefully, this means I can get a ton of items. They all have the same abilities as well, which is pretty suckish. I need my new character fix!! These boring updates are driving me crazy!!!!

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Okay, okay, I won't quote it with 31192385910329567 anymore, I'll quote it with 34292385910329567. ;p

And, look at the background in the Togepi picture. Try to match it up with the backgrounds of all the stages that have been announced so far. It doesn't match with any of them.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow, alot of the old Pokemon that are in Pokeballs are back!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i think it's star fox level when it's in the atmosphere.. yeah i think i'm right
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LofaKing said:
i can't believe it was suppose to be yesterday when the game would be released. we would of all been so happy but than they decided to change it. one upside is that i can buy it off release, because my mom won't let me buy stuff in december beacause of X-mas. if only they could of released it in January. nice update with the old pokemon but where is Raikou? and i doubt blastoise, Venasure (sorry i can't remember how to spell it) and Charzard will (as a pokeball) will be in the game but maybe different starters. remember how weird blastoise sounded in the N64 version of smash. but anyways of release think to the brighter side it could have been released later!

Charizard will be playable through Pokemon Trainer and so will Ivysaur and Squirtle. They are not showing all the Pokemon. Raikou will probably be in the game too. I don't see why Mewtwo won't make it because to me he as an awesome Pokemon in Melee. I love his spark foot Tail Whip Shadow ball and his Teleport was pretty cool for avoiding attacks and getting back on stage. I also like his Psychic attack. I think it was by pressing A but it did a lot of damage and I have not played it for awhile so I can't remember which button it was for Psychic.:)EDIT. 12 AM It is a battle for the Smash ball. Seriously. You have to beat it like you would sandbag in the home run contest until the shield around it is busted then it can be used but if you get hit before you can unleash your attack your character may fumble and drop it so use it if you get it.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Thank god for this update. They finally confirmed that the Smash Ball exists in the item switch, and can be turned off for matches. The debate of whether it was going to be available in the item switch or not went on for a long time at SmashBoards forums, so finally all the arguing can be put to rest.

I guess this means professional matches probably won't use Final Smashes. I guess I'll use them when the game first comes out, and then learn to play without them.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


you can turn off smash balls, and seeing how it's in item select, you can also go all-out with a smash-ball-fest, imagine...
Smash balls might be fun, but let's face it, they're far beyond broken, and some of them seem to require no playing skills at all. I'll probably turn them off a lot...

Also, think about it: Smash ball: on // other items: off // items: Many --> Will Boxes appear without items (bombs) like when you turned items on but made no items appear in Melee? Because that would be pretty annoying is you want a smash-ball-fest, seeing how smash balls don't seem to come out of boxes.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Smash Ball Update. It seems like you need to pummel it, and pretty much use it quick, because you don't want to drop it. I wonder if the next person who takes it, will be able to do a Final Smash.. You can also opt to not have it at all during the matches. I really want to try seeing everyone's FS and see which ones I like the most. (I have an idea already! :]) I'm pretty sure the boxes won't have anything in them, the Smash Balls won't just come regularly every 10 seconds will they??

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i'll probably play with the smash balls on a lot just for fun...but i'll learn how to play without them.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Smash Balls will always be one for me a alongside the Pokeball the Hammer and the Beam Sword.:) EDIT 12:12 AM. Check out King Dedede's Final Smash. It is weird but looks awesome.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Cutest final smash ever :F

I just love the waddley waddleness that is Waddle Dee, I might just be forced to start playing with Dedede (if Jiggly's not in...)... Too bad Waddle Dee can't be a playable character, though :(
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Attucally, now that you metion it, I can see it. I'll try and make a moveset. |D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

King Dedede's Final Smash is the most unique FS I've seen in a while. Go my minons, do my bidding! lol After all, he is a King...

Okay my next bit of info. might be potential spoilers, so don't read if you want to be slightly spoiled.

*Spoiler Warning* <<<< (I've always wanted to say that :p)

Here's a potential list of the playable characters that got leaked on prima or something. Give credit to ""


Donkey Kong
Ice Climbers
Captain Falcon
Young Link (Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass Themed)
Mr. Game and Watch


Zero Suit Samus
Pokémon Trainer
Diddy Kong
Meta Knight
King Dedede
K. Rool
Animal Crossing Villager

Again, this is a potential list, but most of it actually makes sense, when you think about it. Eat your hearts out people, Megaman's coming and he's got a blaster full of lead. :p

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
King Dedede's Final Smash is the most unique FS I've seen in a while. Go my minons, do my bidding! lol After all, he is a King...

Okay my next bit of info. might be potential spoilers, so don't read if you want to be slightly spoiled.

*Spoiler Warning* <<<< (I've always wanted to say that :p)

Here's a potential list of the playable characters that got leaked on prima or something. Give credit to ""


Donkey Kong
Ice Climbers
Captain Falcon
Young Link (Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass Themed)
Mr. Game and Watch


Zero Suit Samus
Pokémon Trainer
Diddy Kong
Meta Knight
King Dedede
K. Rool
Animal Crossing Villager

Again, this is a potential list, but most of it actually makes sense, when you think about it. Eat your hearts out people, Megaman's coming and he's got a blaster full of lead. :p

dmaster out.

Hi im new here and I wanted to make my first post here. And about your list d masster, its just hard for me to believe it. It looks more of A fan based list than anything to me. The only way I will believe it is if the next two newcomers that are released, (if there are that many) and the next two old comers ae released, are on this list. And I do know that you didnt make it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh I definitely didn't make it, that's for sure. >...>

It is pretty non-believable; I just posted it because it's SSBB news, albeit pretty fake.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
Oh I definitely didn't make it, that's for sure. >...>

It is pretty non-believable; I just posted it because it's SSBB news, albeit pretty fake.

dmaster out.

Yeah. The only necomers I like is the Animal Crossing viliger (man that would be so awsome) and Megaman. The rest I havent heard of. Except for Krystal.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Interesting list... what would the Animal Crossing Villigar do... Swing the ax... Catch people in a net and throw them... long ranged fishing rod progectile like weapon...(As you can see I like ... :p)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Twig said:
Interesting list... what would the Animal Crossing Villigar do... Swing the ax... Catch people in a net and throw them... long ranged fishing rod progectile like weapon...(As you can see I like ... :p)

Lol lol lol. That would be so cool.