Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Besides the official video showing some final smashes, no. It doesn't show Mega Man's or Villager's..
Calling it. Megamans final smash will be like this.

A servbot comes, and cancels out the players movements for this smash.

Megaman X comes, uses a fully charged up buster shot on Q.

Then, Zero uses a Z saber on you

Then, Megaman.EXE comes, uses a chip/Program advance to mess you up

Then comes along Leo (Star force) and fires a beam from Omega-xis

THEN, Protoman and Megaman double team up and end the attack.

The villager I am curious about.
>does whatever a volnutt does

Gets canceled. =[
The video does not show Mega Man but the description from the newsletter from Nintendo says he will be in tne 4th game XD.:)
xxashxx said:
The video does not show Mega Man but the description from the newsletter from Nintendo says he will be in tne 4th game XD.:)

Yes it does. There's 2 videos that show him. His E3 reveal, and the official move check one where they showcase a few moves.
Ah I thought I saw him in the Nintebdo video. What is the other video? Post it when you can because I can't view it on my 3DS XD. 3DS's don't support flash or video so I have to watch it the next time I am on the computer XD.:)
FloodBadge said:
xxashxx said:
The video does not show Mega Man but the description from the newsletter from Nintendo says he will be in tne 4th game XD.:)

Yes it does. There's 2 videos that show him. His E3 reveal, and the official move check one where they showcase a few moves.

I didn't see the showcasing of moves, just the E3 intro. Sauce please.
FloodBadge said:
bagoly14 said:
WTF is dis garbage.

Dude, geez, calm down. It's just a joke since there's not much info for the game besides what was released. Geez, btw, nice job calling it garbage. What if someone on this thread made it? Would you just say "IDGAF it's still garbage"?

Yes I would. It's just an opinion and I meant it in a light hearted way, not a GTFO kind of way haha ;)
bagoly14 said:
FloodBadge said:
Dude, geez, calm down. It's just a joke since there's not much info for the game besides what was released. Geez, btw, nice job calling it garbage. What if someone on this thread made it? Would you just say "IDGAF it's still garbage"?

Yes I would. It's just an opinion and I meant it in a light hearted way, not a GTFO kind of way haha ;)

Never said it was in a GTFO way, but you basically just said you don't care if someone in the thread made it and they said, you'd still tell them you think it's complete garbage. They could have spent weeks working on it and that could have been the first response. That wouldn't be to nice, would it?
Getting off topic. If you have issues with each other take it to profiles or through PM don't handle it here on the thread and clog it up with bantering.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program gents....

Is it just me or is the white pikmin saying "come at me bro" haha

Looks like Olimar might have a chance to be Wii U exclusive...
If they do that, where there are some characters exclusive to one version (completely or default exclusively), I'd kinda like that