Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Not really. If you think about it Mew two can be pretty deadly in the hands of an expert. You just need to know how to use him and he can pack a dangerous punch.:)
Jungletoad said:
I personally think that including Mewtwo is a bad idea, mainly because I can't see how they could make him much different from Lucario.

Just for fun, I'll whip up a moveset:

B - Future Strike - Mewtwo presses his hand on the ground, setting up a sort-of psychic themed landmine that hits a target whenever it steps on it. By holding down B longer, the power of the move increases. The move automatically expires if an enemy doesn't hit it within a certain amount of time.

B Left and Right - Barrier - Mewtwo creates a barrier (think like a light screen/reflect look) that blocks attacks from hitting in that direction. The weakness is that it isn't an instant move and that Mewtwo is still vulnerable to air attacks and attacks from the other side. This could also be used to block projectile and reflect them back, but there's a lot of that type of move in Smash as it is.

B Up - Teleport - Pretty much Mewtwo's recovery from Melee.

B Down - Recover - Mewtwo's % of damage taken slowly goes down. This would have to be balanced somehow, maybe by the fact that it takes a few seconds to start and has a low rate of recovery.

Final Smash - Mega Evolution.

I might be playing devil's advocate here, but it is possible to make a good Mewtwo set (even if this one might not be, I'm not a game designer =P). Any moveset actually in the game would differ from this, as well as being more detailed. I'd actually be fine with a "clone" Mewtwo as well. Keep his Melee moveset or make a new one. Whatever works, really.

Jungletoad said:
Smash Bros 4 needs a new Pokemon character, and I believe that a grass type Pokemon such as Sceptile is a great candidate for the new games. Also, I don't want a Jigglypuff comeback. 5 Pokemon is enough :3

Sceptile could be interesting, but he doesn't seem likely. He is a cool Pokemon, but he hasn't been particularly focused on in the games since Ruby/Sapphire. If they're going to use another grass type instead of Ivysaur, I would prefer something similar (one of the forms of Bulbasaur: Venusaur could have a mega evolution, for example) or something completely out of left field. I know the likelihood of this happening is near zero, but I think something like Ferrothorn would be unexpected and add a different playstyle to the game.
You don't have to change Mewtwo's moveset, as he's really not that similar to Lucario. Plenty of characters in Smash have charge shots, ruling out the need to remove Shadow Ball to differentiate Lucario and Mewtwo. The moves don't even have the same overall mechanics outside of the charge, as Lucario's has damage dependent on its Aura. Mewtwo's neutral B special is even more different due to its recoil and strange way of traveling, causing it to either hit or miss depending on the way it travels. People like to draw the comparison of Lucario ad Mewtwo at the specials, which is poor reasoning since even they operate different.

So does anyone remember back in 2009 when Nintendo teased Smash Brothers fans about possible characters through the Professor Layton twitter account?

In it, Layton mentions being invited to the "Grand Smash Brothers Tournament," where he is forced to face off against "a blue robot boy, a possessed doll, and a tiny boxer," referring to Megaman, Geno, and Little Mac, respectively. Now, most people wrote this off as a practical joke when it first appeared, but two of the characters from that list have been confirmed for the next Smash Brothers game. Maybe we'll see Geno confirmed along with the other two, and if Sakurai has a heart, maybe we'll have the chance to play as the Professor himself.
*Grand Smash Tournament
Honestly, the idea of Layton being in Smash Bros sounds really interesting. I really think it would please many fans, and I know I'd love to see Geno in Smash Bros. But, that's because he's a long lost character. Sadly, if he gets in then there's 6 mario characters, so he's more likely to be an assist trophy.
Jungletoad said:
I personally think that including Mewtwo is a bad idea, mainly because I can't see how they could make him much different from Lucario.

If you've played Project M, you'll know that Mewtwo and Lucario are very different.

xxashxx said:
Not really. If you think about it Mew two can be pretty deadly in the hands of an expert. You just need to know how to use him and he can pack a dangerous punch.:)

This can be said about every character in the game.
What is project M? Mew two and Lucaruo are different Pokemon yes but they have very similar movesets ins the smashbros series XD.:)
Project M is a "hack" of Brawl. You don't have to hack your Wii or anything to play it, but it's designed to modify Brawl to have Melee mechanics (hitstun, wavedashing, L-cancelling, etc.) It's pretty fun even if you aren't into competitive play.

Nintendo announced that they're going to be hosting an invitational Super Smash Bros tournament with "16 highly skilled players." No idea if that means Mew2King and Armada or a group of youtubers that Nintendo thinks are good, but it sounds awesome. It would be nice for Nintendo to give some recognition to the competitive side of smash.

There's also going to be a "smash-fest" during E3 week at Best Buys where you get to try out the game before release.
I have been seeing some videos on YouTube that Mew two and other characters could possibly return. I have not watched the videos myself but if you check the main page the video is right below the video of Katy Perry's Dark Horse video for the British awards. At least it was there yesterday.:)

EDIT: Here is a direct link to the video. I don't know advanced HTML so I cannot supply the video directly without adding the page with the video on it. This video is actually right below Katy Perry's Rock in Rio Brazil video and not her performance at the British awards. The reason I am giving a more precise location is so those can find it if they don't want to use my supplied link.

Anyway here is the link to the exclusive video. Mods please do not delete this. This is my only way of linking to the video directly. Thanks XD.:)

Here is the YouTube video:
Does wiki just not have jiggly puff, captain falcon or Ness confirmed or have they actually been confirmed? Also who else would like Meta Knight and Mewtwo back?
TrainerLoganPoke said:
Does wiki just not have jiggly puff, captain falcon or Ness confirmed or have they actually been confirmed? Also who else would like Meta Knight and Mewtwo back?

Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon and Ness have been in every Smash Bros. iteration to date. Or, in other words, they're a shoe-in. We don't really need any confirmation. This is also why I find it hilarious that some people think Captain Falcon isn't going to make it back in.

Pretty sure Meta Knight is confirmed for return.

Not sure on Mewtwo. I don't see it happening.
SotS said:
TrainerLoganPoke said:
Does wiki just not have jiggly puff, captain falcon or Ness confirmed or have they actually been confirmed? Also who else would like Meta Knight and Mewtwo back?

Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon and Ness have been in every Smash Bros. iteration to date. Or, in other words, they're a shoe-in. We don't really need any confirmation. This is also why I find it hilarious that some people think Captain Falcon isn't going to make it back in.

Pretty sure Meta Knight is confirmed for return.

Not sure on Mewtwo. I don't see it happening.
I already knew they were in all the others I just think we shouldn't assume they will keep the tradition especially since we honestly do not know what sakurai will do. Regardless they probably are in I am just worrying about jiggly. What are your thoughts on him putting the villain from the newest Kirby game in? Also since they (I don't believe) haven't confirmed gannondorf do you think they will replace him with demise?
Guys did you see the video on YouTube? There is a high chance he will be in the game. It is now what is expected XD.:)
It looks like my character prediction has taken a dramatic turn :) With the release of R/S remakes for the 3DS, and with the inclusion of both a fire and water type starter in SSB4 we will probably get Sceptile as a playable character :)

I'm starting a career as a psychic, jeez
If Sceptile is a playable character I'd be super excited. But seeing as we have Greninja and Charizard already, I'm thinking Grovyle might be a possibility. I wouldn't hate on that.
Yeah Ivysaur was used already used and Meganium can't fit in in this version because that would be way to far back. Either Sceptile or Torterra or Serperior would be the grass Pokemon for this version.:)
SotS said:
TrainerLoganPoke said:
Does wiki just not have jiggly puff, captain falcon or Ness confirmed or have they actually been confirmed? Also who else would like Meta Knight and Mewtwo back?

Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon and Ness have been in every Smash Bros. iteration to date. Or, in other words, they're a shoe-in.
Um, no... they are not. Being in all the previous Smash games doesn't guarantee a character will return, especially when Sakurai has toyed with the idea of axing Ness and Jigglypuff before (the former was intended to be replaced by Lucas, the latter apparently just barely made the cut for Brawl). And let's not forget, Sakurai is Sakurai... there's no predicting him; even the seemingly obvious can be wrong.

The only characters I'd personally say are shoe-ins are Captain Falcon, Wario and Game & Watch, and that's entirely because they're the main protagonist of their respective franchises and have no reason not to return (an Earthbound character is sure to return, but whether it'd be Lucas, Ness or both... hard to say).

Jungletoad said:
It looks like my character prediction has taken a dramatic turn :) With the release of R/S remakes for the 3DS, and with the inclusion of both a fire and water type starter in SSB4 we will probably get Sceptile as a playable character :)

I'm starting a career as a psychic, jeez
Does seem probable doesn't it? Adding Sceptile would hype up the R/S remakes and complete the starter type circle very nicely if I do say so myself.

If they added Sceptile and brought back Mewtwo (and axed Jigglypuff--Ivysaur and Squirtle seem gone for sure), I'd have to say the playable Pokemon representation would be quite respectable.

Serperior said:
If Sceptile is a playable character I'd be super excited. But seeing as we have Greninja and Charizard already, I'm thinking Grovyle might be a possibility. I wouldn't hate on that.
As nifty a weapon as Grovyle's head leaf could be, I don't think they'd add two final form starters just to make the final starter a stage one character.
Uh... am I the only guy here who thinks Sceptile would be... completely awful? I get that it completes a starter trio, but it doesn't have much personality and is hardly a gen 3 poster boy. If we were to have an extra Pokemon, I would much prefer something oddball. Hell, a Plusle and Minun pair like the Ice Climbers would be way more interesting.