swine flu

I'm not worried about getting the virus. Nobody I know has recently come from Mexico, and only around 6 or 7 people have the swine-flu in the county I live (Canada)

Dictator Dauntless said:
How am I going to die? I already died from SARS and bird flu!

So your saying that you already died, yet your still alive? I'm not falling for it...
heh, right when this swine flu got all over the news, I just happened to get a cold. I went to the doctors to see if I had swine flu and they said I tested positive at first but it was a misread and I really don't have it. :p not to be racist or belittle anybody, but, it's almost guaranteed that this won't spread thanks to U.S's advance technology and massive supply of medications. I said that just incase I happened to offend someone somehow for some reason. xP
Oh, I heard about it. Someone told me as of yesterday that there has been a case of it in 5 US states but still, I don't know too much about it. I defenitely don't want to get it but if I just be careful (and follow Shining Raikou's sig guide), I should be fine. Still, I don't know how serious it is, but I want to be careful so I don't get it and find out it's life-threatening. I think several people in Mexico died from it, but it could be because some of them were older and did not recieve proper medical attention which would really be too bad if that was the case. There probably is a reason for it and it might not be as severe here.

- Luigi
raichupika33 said:
Fridge said:
Darm Marc, saying 'Oh we're ok in england it is in scotland' is a useless attitude. Scotland in right next to England, Matey.

You all have useless attitudes towards this. How is saying: 'Oh I'm safe so Its okay' fair or for that matter correct?

Scientissts are, as we type, developing a cure. Just hang itght a bit longer.

How do we have useless attitudes? There is very little chance we are going to die. It is the least of my worries, as Heavenly Spoon said you are overreacting. We get this all the time. Like with the Bird Flu it was in France. The distance between France and Britain, 22 miles. It was in our country and we didn't die. I am sure not much more people will die if we have to wait a little bit longer.

As I am still following that. For people who live in the UK there is very little chance we will die. Hospitals will help us and cure us.
raichupika33 said:
raichupika33 said:
Fridge said:
Darm Marc, saying 'Oh we're ok in england it is in scotland' is a useless attitude. Scotland in right next to England, Matey.

You all have useless attitudes towards this. How is saying: 'Oh I'm safe so Its okay' fair or for that matter correct?

Scientissts are, as we type, developing a cure. Just hang itght a bit longer.

How do we have useless attitudes? There is very little chance we are going to die. It is the least of my worries, as Heavenly Spoon said you are overreacting. We get this all the time. Like with the Bird Flu it was in France. The distance between France and Britain, 22 miles. It was in our country and we didn't die. I am sure not much more people will die if we have to wait a little bit longer.

As I am still following that. For people who live in the UK there is very little chance we will die. Hospitals will help us and cure us.

There isn't a cure for people yet..Only pigs like it matters :/
Medaforcer said:
d master342 said:
Mexico hurts us more than helps us. Drug Cartels are a huge issue still. I don't care about the disease there is all I'm saying. It originated THERE not here after all.

dmaster out.

It's most likely our fault for the industrialization of farming. Just like all the chemicals harming us from China are our fault for throwing them there.

We keep all these animals in tight small areas and force feed them loads of antibiotics. The diseases and all that which survive this treatment are thus the strongest of the rest and spread easily in the close quarters environment of the farm. Thus, we have created PERFECT brooding grounds for diseases to evolve and build up until they can infect humans. Thus we develope things like bird flu and swine flu.

It's so fun!

I'd like to point out that the pig that started all of this was on a farm only half owned by the US. It was in Mexico territory, so they had more of the cause. We probably did something stupid there though, but nobody really cares about that.

dmaster out.
Oh, I c, the "Gripe Porcina". It is not bad, what it has is that it can spread to easy. But it lasts little time.
Suppose that this is just something easy to cure? Your all overeacting and most definatly panicing. I live in Kansas...one of the states that had the Swine Flu and acctually I live around the county that was home to it, Dickinson County. Now this is not scaring me in the least as the people who had it have the symptoms covered up with some meds. and it is not going to spread aslong as those people take there meds. Now how hard does this sound...IT ISN'T A BIG DEAL. :)
I've found out that the people in Scotland who have it are getting better and they are not showing any symptoms at all, so it might not be as deadly as you think!