Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Rank: Raging Houndoom (PDC rated me that)

RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

dragon9 said:
You have not won the war. Your team equally did not contact us, Shadow Ice was never replaced, so yeah. Lets take this into PM to discuss.

Riskbreakers never even responded to my PM...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Oyeah. I was ranked up to RH ages ago Shadow.

We did get a replacement for shadow ice *PMJfan sighs*

It's shadow. And i'm the next sub if someone else can't battle..
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

The "argument" between Icritia and Gamecal is very educational for all of us here...
More of this discussion good....

Keep up
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

I found everyone!

Hey guys, I don't know how many of you still remember me. I was gone for a while... Pretty busy with learning how to EV train. But recently, I thought of a good team and I created it. Can someone test battle me?

Oh yeah! And I have another question. Is it possible for me to Speed EV a Golem? I'm just wondering.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Ill test you silverwolf, pm me with your FC.

Yeah, this discussion is very nice. I now know the art of Damage Calculations so i can increase my point about sunflora more in the future ;).

SilverWolf. Easily 6-0d *sigh* Had a Porygon, Monferno, Tentacruel, Scyther, Golem and Drifblim. I doubt they were EVd, and their moves and probably natures were horrific.

I would post GG but.... meh.

Due to the fact this was just lols, I Rank SilverWolf Shining Vulpix.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Nice fight! Haha... Wow. The Lucario just threw me off big time. I can't believe I didn't have a pokemon that could counter it. Well, thanks for testing me. Now I know how to fix my team!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Yes this is chessey but SW can you battle?I'm not sick well i'm better so i can battle again!So Silver Wolf what do you say?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

PDC, he doesnt even have Evds. You would flatten him 6 maybe 5 - 0.

I suggest you ask us for help on what a team is, what certain pokemon do, what the best pokemon to have are. Or just look up on the internet and get knowledgable with the game before you start battling here.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

SW pm me and i could help you with your team please.I'm pretty good at team building.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Ok. Yeah, I used to be better on Diamond... It broke. stupid dogs. But I'm thinking up a better team right now, so bear with me. Any good sites you'd recommend?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

PDC im better than you :3.

Smogon is your main site. It has SO MANY different things on it its unreal.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Midwest pokemon Fourms.PM me please and i'll give you the link.I'm a Battle Expert there.I'm also part of the battle acdamey.Please Pm me.

Dude (PMJ) i beat you alot now.You used to be way way way way betterv than me but now iv'e gotton better and you know it.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

LOL. WTF? No. Smogon. He wants to learn what pokemon battling is, to understand STealth Rock and stuff. he doesnt need people telling him what pokes to have in his party, when he wont understand them himself, ok? He needs someone seriuos who knows what they are doing (COUGHCOUGHMECOUGHCOUGH) to help him along with the concept of battling, switching, counters and so many other things.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

You guys! Stop fighting!

You all know Im better then all of you. :p

Silverwolf is Shining Vulpix? Ok.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Oh?So a ten Year Old can't Teach can He?*Waits for someone to back me up with this*
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Yes shadow and i am still Rh *PMJfan runs in circles*

SilverWolf, i will be glad to help. If you have MSN, pm it to me and i can help you with battling in general. You alone should decide the pokemon you want, within reason, of course.

Hopefully in the future you can move up a few ranks as you grow a bigger understanding.

PDC, not completely. You can go so far, but you need to have alot of knowledge. Punctuation is nice to have also <_<.

And PDC, you have gotten better, but before i was crap. I have gone up a big stage now and am a renound battler on Purplesurge CLans, and chat-rooms.

My team is completely different, and i still have orgasms over sunflora everynight :D.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

Nope, no MSN. Sorry! :p

But I'm looking around Smogon, and it seems pretty helpful. Thanks!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

I don't right neat.I 6-0 DragonExpert before Twice.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. Won the War with TA unless they respond...

No you don't write* neat. Wanna battle then to see how better you have gotten since your old team with salamence etc.?
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